My cats really know how to behave. I wasn't sure whether it is me, who trained them well, but credits to them for having this good behavior since they were little. They ate and poop at the designated place, and didn't mess with things in my house (ok, except for vases and flowers...and plastic bags and ok, stop!)
When Cici still with Kiki, they slept side by side. Thank god they can get along with each other, even I didn't approve when Cici taught Kiki some street-cat-moves (Cici was a street cat while Kiki is a home cat).

When I was single, I used to bring them back to my hometown, afraid that pet shop couldn't take care of them like I how I did. First 20 minutes, they meow-ed from back to the front seat. Scared the hell out of me that they were going to jump out of the car and die. But that was only between cat owner-cat drama. After getting calmer, Kiki acted being a super cool cat by sitting on the dashboard, while Kiki sat on the car mat.

When night came and they can't see anything on the road, both started to feel sleepy and guess what, they sat side by side on the passenger's seat, watching me driving. ( nice.)

After a month without Cici, Kiki started to feel lonely and whenever he was in the car, he will find his own comfort zone, which was on our lap (and he didn't bother to get up at all).

But he travels no more. Whenever we aren't home, he now stay alone, 5 days at most, provided with enough food and water in his room. He gets full access to the whole house and the most that he couldn't be bothered to ignore is the one and only vase with flowers on dining table. That's it.
Nowadays, the most unbelievable thing that I am proud of Kiki is, he will NEVER sit on the couch WITHOUT his "kain batik". You know, he likes to sit in between of us, and hubby doesn't like that furry box-cat leaves his fur on the couch. So what Kiki will do, he stares at us, then looks on the couch, if there is none "kain batik" there, he will meows asking us to, please, put it on. If I have to take that "kain batik" from the other couch, I will ask him to stay and wait there till I come back, and believe me, he will do so. Unbelievable? Believe it. A cat with dog's attitude! (But I know he can't beat Mojo, Nanzo's cat, that can pick up a ball and wait for Nanzo to throw it again...huh???!!!)

your cats r so cuttteeee!!
hahahaha he is! and he tot that he is human...zzzz...
Ya Allah bijak sungguh!! I teringat u bawak balik kiki naik myvi u balik tepen...kecik je dia time tu hahahah...
Gambar meow duk kt passenger seat sangat comel..cute miut je..
Gambar bawah pun baru la tuh..ehem ehem..
tu la, u were there gak kan...siap benti kat rnr...kecik lagi masa tu, skang dah gemuk!
haah diorang bleh lepak berdua camtu...lawak sungguh. if u nak tau, dua2 pun nak duk atas lap i masa drive tau...tak nak kalah hahaha!
haah, test camera baru, tu la gambar first!
atok aqilah suke kucing, jd aku pun same.. kalo kena gaya mmng manja meow ni kalah belaian isteri/suami (ha?!)
Na tu pulak, asal kan binatang berbulu lompat meja laaaa!! meow? arnab? semuaaaa...
u pun yek... umah i ada 3 kucing, adek i nye. one of it is a pure princess diva. makan kene berteman, tak leh makan ngan adek beradik dia, kalau tak clean litter box tak pegi and she doesnt litte outside only in the box... ish! byk kerenah dia. today my colleague baru jek ckp suruh i upload gambo kucing, anak dia nak tgk dlm fb
babe, aku xleh imagine ko drive ngan diaorg from kl-tepen! aku penah sekali bwk Mojo balik umah mak aku yg sekangkang kera tu, dlm kereta tantrum giler! sampai umah mak aku jadik tembel... balik PUJ trus demam! hahahahaha
But Mojo sgt bijak, tu aku admit! Dia tu pun confused ingat dia manusia kot...
And yes...Mojo pun suka nyelit kt sofa nak duduk between aku ngan Nan! hahahahaha
chomeyynyerr.. miaoow
deb, tau tak, dia suka ngendap aku mandi...aku tatau nape...patu berebut bilik mandi tu satu hal la kan, aku jalan, dia lagi lari meluru masuk! ko ajar la dia duk atas lapik, takde la kotor sofa putihmu itew :)
lily, kiki pun sama, takkan berak kat lit box if dah penuh, makanan masuk angin pun tanak! belasah kang!
cawan, na tu memang...hahaha!
Fuiyooohh!! Pandainyer! So cute gambar duduk atas lap sambil hugging.
Mmg Kiki sangat friendly....suka!!!
My cat Sara hanya boleh smack-down Flipper jer. :-|
hahaha smack-down!
aku sgt2 impress dgn kucing ko...aku suka kucing yg dgr kata paham je apa kita ckp..
kat umah aku (kg), ada gak kucing, tp kucing dtg. mmg kitaorg tak penah bagi mmg tiap kali nak masuk kitaorg ckp "syuppp"..dan smpai skrg dorg duduk je kat muka pintu..tak penah masuk..hahaha..kdg2 kesian gak aku tgk tp takut gak bagi muka nanti dia masuk.
tp moss tu mmg tak dgr dia jarang gila meow...jarang gile. aku kdg2 pikir gak..dia ni bisu ke ape..huhu..
hahahaha kalo dia tak dengar kata, aku amik je botol spray air iron baju tu, dia dah lari kahkahkah!
dia ni tak PENAH keluar rumah (ada dua tiga kali la terlepas lari) dan tak pernah makan benda lain selain cat food. so ko hulur apa pun dpn batang idung dia, dia buat dek jer. so senang la, everytime makan, dia tak penah nak kaco.
so far, aku puas hati dgn dia sbb dia tak PENAH berak or kencing merata. mesti dalam litter box dia. cuma dia ni sangat curious...apa saje barang baru, dia akan pegi cium and explore.
kucing kg mmg camtu...diorang sedar diri sedar ruang :D
sedihnya baca part bila cici dah tak de. Mesti sayu je kiki rasa kan..siannya kiki..
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