There you go. Another bunch of books that we bought during our second visit to The Biggest Book Sale In The World.
The Hulton Getty Pictures Collections by Nicholas Yap.
- The reason why I bought the whole collection was due to the simplicity of the content. As a left brain user, images with captions do stimulate my thinking. Aku malas baca sebenarnya, tengok gambar memang aku suka :D
- It's in three languages, English, Japanese and Chinese.
Travel Around China and 100 Most Infamous Criminals.
- Travel books were still the same books that I saw during the first visit. No Italy, no Japan, no NZ, no Australia, no no nothing. So we just grabbed this book that covers China, solely.
- RM12 per book.
- RM12 per book.
- Ah, another criminal stories. (The dark side of me.) Likely the same with the True Crime that I bought earlier, but this has no paper cuttings. Why would I get two similar books? Coz it has one of the MOST evil lady in the world, Elizabeth Bathory. (Go figure.)
-RM15 per book. Tinggal satu jer rasanya...
-RM15 per book. Tinggal satu jer rasanya...
Programming books.
- Don't ask me, I know nothing. These two are my hubby's. Geek! Hahaha!
saya p semalam.giler rambang mata dibuatnya.kalau boleh semua nak beli :D
salam biqque,
ini off topic dari entry ko ni,ckucin nak tanya masa ko pergi ke South Korea tu masa bulan berapa yek?? boleh kasi exact date tak?
zilla, rambang sampai pening sbb sambil keliling meja, sambil tgk tajuk hahaha!
ckucin, aku pegi 4-8 nov...ada apaan sih?
ha lagiiii... tengah tuggu turn i plak nk pegi esok nih huhuuhuhuh
really murah ek book sale tu??
perghh dasat arr rege nya..
haih pergi lagi ke? ala kecewa la kalo die x tambah2 buku travel.
aku harap weekend ni ade la stok2 LP baru die ;etak.. haha
na, u gi bile? laki aku cam ajak lagi sekali jer hahaha!
ako, murah la certain buku...tapi kalo atlas tebal harga asal 320 bleh jadi 60, sape tanak sambar kan...
shud i go? hahaha...sebagai penggemar gmbr2 dan jugak duit-duit...aku tak pegi kot. tp teringin nak ade koleksi mcm gmbr first tu. konon2 mcm ulat buku, tp sbnrnya hampeh. hahaha
bdk2, sama la kitaaaaaaaaaa *tunjuk jari telunjuk kat ko, aku, ko, aku*
kalo ko nak merasa sonok parking keta, naik tram, ramai2 pilih buku yg ko sendri tatau nak ke tak, lepak2 tepi kotak sambil pilih2, rasa ekon free, ha sila2 :D
gile terasa mcm ulat buku wannabe kot masa aku beli collections tu hahahaha! tapi mmg, aku suka tgk gambar...if beli mags pun camtu...
time tu pokok2 dah byk tukar kaler tak?? sbb tgh fikir date utk gi S.Korea next year. nak gi time autumn tu yg tanya pada yg dah pergi.. hehehehe..
yup, masa tu mmg dah colorful abis...but my fren pegi lepas2 tu dlm beberapa minggu kot, daun sume dah runtuh gonjeng jer pokok2 nyer...
masa tu... bila sampai kat travel section, terus teringat ko. ahahhaa...
ha dah pegi dah pagi tadi. Rembat buku rick steves tu, dengan frommers. Buku Aqilah dan Cawan pun ada la beberapa buah hehehe..
LP memang takde.
LP takde yek? T___T
mcm tau2 jek rakyat msia skrg tgh giler LP...kih kih kih..
aku pun bknlah seorg ulat buku, tp ulat klu time travel tinggalkan kompiter baru terasa betul2 travel.
aku rasa nak ripit korea tak lengkap sgt trip aku kali ni..ada yg lobang2 nak kena cover balik ni tunggu season lain la
sume buku bab2 war..
kalo ade paper war, konmpem A+ hihi
fatt, ripit? bila? tak sabar nak baca cite ko nih! :D
kemang, tu la nyer...hahaha!
na, beli jugak! hahaha! yg penting buku tu bukan nak dibawak lagi power ye dak?
liz, hahaha!
murah giler kan! Harap2 taun depan ada lagi.
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