Every year, we (Sistas) will organize our yearly Sistas Potluck. But this year, Elly, Skin, Fara, and Enda didn't join us. Dib, the expecting mother, offered her house as the venue. (Next year, kita serang umah baru Skin ok?)
These were the foods for the night.
Dib made two super delicious chickens that can keep Kenny Rogers away from us. I mean, OMG, sedap nak mampos! The marinade was PERFECT!
These were the foods for the night.

Dib made two super delicious chickens that can keep Kenny Rogers away from us. I mean, OMG, sedap nak mampos! The marinade was PERFECT!

Deb ordered two large Pizza. Answered to my hubby's long lost request. Hahaha! And Nanzo, Deb's hubby has created new drink, a mixture of orange Twister and strawberry Mirinda. Yummeh!
omg! those bread & butter pudding is my favourite!!! yummeh! hahaha
mmg yummeh! kalo nak, nanti raya i order, u dtg rumah ok? :D
haiii geramnye akuuu... tahun nih sapa nk gogonize RAYA Gathering??? tahun dpn kompom aku! tp Debi la masak heheh
if ada rejeki, tgk la nanti aku buat open house kecil-kecilan :D
haha..kalo dijemput apa salahnya. muahaha... ^_^
aku selalu baca blog minah nih. mana tau ade info psl tmpt ko nk pegi
Mintak² raya biq gorgonize la open house. Spt biasa tak sabar part cabutan bertuah. Hahaha..
Skin, ha kompem ye next year umah ko. masak aku tarak hal.. beressss...
insyaAllahhhhhhhhhhh! i pun harap2 sgt dapat buat :)
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