We hardly went to Param (Pasar Ramadhan) coz most of the food tak sedap! Unless, Param at our hometown. Sumpah best! 3 days out of 17 days of Ramadhan, kitorang makan kat luar.
The first time we went for break fast was Kenny Rogers at IOI Mall. II chose Kenny Rogers coz I really like the quarter chicken and its side dishes. Yummy! It was quite late when we reached there, so we were served with free drink first before we got our meal.

The second time we went for break fast was Nandos at Sogo. It was raining super heavy and we couldn't go back home. So we decided to walk in to any resto and we opted for Nandos since hubby wanted to try the chicken, while I, ordered the chicken Kebab. (The only time I had Nandos was in Gold Coast...and I kind off hated it. Hahaha!) Guess what? Look at my lappy wallpaper :D It's been there for quite sometime you know! I mean...years! The only picture that can replace him is his own picture...with different style of pose lah, hahaha!

The third time we went for break fast was with Sekupang Travel Team (Chawana), without the rest of the team members. We chose Pizza San Fran at Wangsa Maju and this was the third time we went there. The reason being? It is cheap and tasty! At first, I thought of ordering lamb shank. Without looking at the price, I ordered for baked lamb, saute mushroom, and nachos. Tau tak brapa harga baked lamb tu??? RM55! While lamb shank is just RM12.90!

This coming weekend, we might be attending our annual Sista's Potluck...and I'm gonna bring bread pudding :)

new hair style ker?
erkk jap jap u dah potong pendek ker?
ke tu gambar lama..?
comei jer muka u rambut pendek...
kenape semua nak post entry pasal makanan time pose nih??
tergugat sikit iman, nasib baik x rembat nasik bawak masuk bilik :p
ako, itu wig! :D i nak potong sayang, so i beli la satu kihkih! dulu mmg rambut i pendek, sejak kawin baru simpan panjang...tgk la header baru :D ITU WIG JUGAKKKKK! HAHAHA!
kemang, tak tahan tgk blog lain buat pasal makanan, i PAKSA diri buat jugak kahkahkah!
sbtu nih aku xtau nk beli ape. nk masak mungkin tidak lah.. huwaas sedihnye xlalu makannnn
lama tak makan nando's
last sehari sblum pose.... sdappnyee
eh baru perasan..header baru ni style la...ala2 witch gitu...ailoike :)
biqque, apsal lemau je muka hb u? lapo waiter serve lambat ek? ai pun tak brp suka nandos...mmg erghhh sbb rasa cuka teramat kot..always end up sakit perut pastu. i lg prefer kenny rogers...sedap :)
fatt, contemplated sebenarnya...ada satu lagi header, ala2 pegang globe, akan ditukar jua satu hari nanti :D kasi muak tgk header ni dulu kahkahkah! ha tu la, i tak suka nandos sbb rasa dia cam ada cuka tu laaa! tah pape!
neena, i rasa yg tak brapa pedas tu, still pedas jugak! gile lah...
skin, dib kata postpone, camne? aku minggu ni ada hal rumah lagi la...
suxx, apa yg untung nyer? hahaha!
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