It's all about chicken :D
I bought homemade paste and the person who sold it to me, told me not to add water, instead, add tomato ketchup. I improvised her request by adding tomato puree and peas, and it ended up to be more delicious! But, it was quite thick la.
Whilst, I was having a bad experience with another course, where I put "sup bunjut" with "serbuk sup" at once. Yeah, I know, another fail experiment...for it should be either one. So, it still taste soup, but it didn't taste good. Dang!
I bought homemade paste and the person who sold it to me, told me not to add water, instead, add tomato ketchup. I improvised her request by adding tomato puree and peas, and it ended up to be more delicious! But, it was quite thick la.

Whilst, I was having a bad experience with another course, where I put "sup bunjut" with "serbuk sup" at once. Yeah, I know, another fail experiment...for it should be either one. So, it still taste soup, but it didn't taste good. Dang!

nak sikittttt ;)
hamboii sedapnye.. bila tuh nk jemput makan? smlm potluck gambo jgn lupe upload!!
potluck nyer gambo sok baru kuar. ciken adib sedap nak mampos!
kemang, nanti raya dtg la umah :D tapi kuih raya je la hahaha!
haihhh baru ingat nk merasa pas raya nih!!!! tak dulikkk masak jugak utk Aqilahhhhh..
aqilah punya pasal, blehhhhh!
**hbi la xyah la sebut ciken debi sedap..
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