The first section that I would head to whenever I go to ToysRus, is Barbie. Yup, it's a girl thing...(and my husband still fail to understand it. Hehehe!)
I was away from my family since standard 6 till Uni life, and it's quite hard for me to get other things than something that were educative.
Though I can afford to have hundreds of these dolls nowadays, I still don't buy it...I would just keep the feeling 'there'...right at the corner of my childhood memory. Vintage.

biqque. ape perasaan bile tengok barbie doll?
rasa cam kanak2 ribena :D
haha..owhhh back to childhood yek :)
I tak penah ada binatang ni. So one day, kawan i (masa tu darjah 1-2 cam tu la), datang umah, bawak barbie doll baru dia. I tak de la excited sgt, dia ajak main mekap2 make over cam tu la. Pastu, i ckp kat dia, jom kite try keringkan rambut dia ngn hair dryer, pastu budak tu kata ok. I pun amik hair dryer mak i, zuppppppp....terus rambut barbie doll dia dari straight, jadi kerinting2, dan bau kinting..hahahah.. Confirmed budak tu nyesal main ngn i hahahahaha..
kezen i ada, baju dia glow in the dark...so kitorang perosokkan diri bawah katil, and main doll tu hahaha!
Oh koleksi Hot Wheels and Robot Cawan tak pernah susut.. bertambah lg ade laaaaa.. monthly abis duit poket.. hu huuu..
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