Kiki has one small hole next to it's anus and it drains creamy bloody liquid!
Arghhhh! Why Kiki? Whyyyyy? Where did you get this from? I just cleaned your ass two days ago, and today you've got a hole next to it?!
I googled this symptom and it is called Anal Gland (Sac) Disease. A small glands either side of dog/cat/possum/skunk's anus roughly at 4 o'clock or 8 o'clock positions. But it's commonly happen to dogs. They will show scooting behavior (seret bontot atas lantai) due to irritation at the rear end. When the glands full, it burst, and cause an abscess! It just need to be emptied completely (by squeezing it macam picit bisul), and it is best to get the vet to do it, under anesthetic.
I googled this symptom and it is called Anal Gland (Sac) Disease. A small glands either side of dog/cat/possum/skunk's anus roughly at 4 o'clock or 8 o'clock positions. But it's commonly happen to dogs. They will show scooting behavior (seret bontot atas lantai) due to irritation at the rear end. When the glands full, it burst, and cause an abscess! It just need to be emptied completely (by squeezing it macam picit bisul), and it is best to get the vet to do it, under anesthetic.
Scooting? Ah! No wonder la dia seret bontot sejauh semeter last week! And I thought, it was outrageously funny!
And so I called the vet nearby. (Guess what? Puncak Jalil has it's own e-directory services!)
"Hi, my cat has an issue. Do I need to make an appointment of just walk in?"
"For surgery? What's wrong with it?"
"It seems like my cat has a bloody hole next to it's anus." A very laymen term.
"It seems like my cat has a bloody hole next to it's anus." A very laymen term.
"Oooo...Anal Gland...nevermind, just bring it in tomorrow..." I thought so.
"I did some research on Internet, may I know what caused it?" Testing the vet.
"I did some research on Internet, may I know what caused it?" Testing the vet.
"Another cat must have bit it..." Tetttt!
"...but it's an indoor cat..."
"...but it's an indoor cat..."
"How many cat do you have?"
"One." *cricket sound*
"One." *cricket sound*
"Ok, that's new. Bring it in tomorrow."
I didn't stop there. I quickly did some research and found that cat needs to eat fibre, to avoid this from reoccurring. Fibre? (ie: brown rice, melampau tak?) ONLY Royal Canin offers this. Sumpah mahal! But if it is left untreated, it could die! What?! One minute they said it's common and the next minute they threaten me with kill kill die die?
I love Kiki VERY much coz Kiki is a good cat. Never once, it poops or sprays around. Kiki has been an indoor cat for 4 years, eats ONLY cat biscuits, has no contact with other cats, castrated, and I bathe it, regularly! (Ok, except for deworm la...just once.) And Kiki just a freaky-not-to-obese-lucky domestic cat!

poor cat...
err... i am afraid of cat actually..
sob sob...
don't be afraid of them...they ARE super fun and cute! :D
..hope kiki getting better!!
Cat lover myself...
kesiannyaaaaaa...hope kiki's getting better soon. take care!
totally dig it, i have 3 cats at home. kesian if your cat sakit kan. but mine actually belongs to my sis :p
Oooo ada eh penyakit cenggitu. Semoga kiki cepat semboh! :)
Sit kiki sit!!!
semoga sihat...
even a domestic cat, he/she too can be fun as companionship....
ada kucing 2 ekor akan tunggu depan pintu dgn sabar setiapkali masuk rumah...kena mesra2 pegang bulu kucing itu sebelum masuk bilik...
that's not my cat...that's my housemate's cats...hahahah...
vet tu bising tak dia overweight? si june tu dh obese dah.. asik curik food polka, dh la food dorg hsrl timbang hahaa..
sian kiki okeh, kurus dia nnti.. tp mana tau ketiadaan korg ade kucing lain masuk umah.. huh mustahill
Hope ur cat will get better soon!
* I just found out about ur blog from backpackerbusuk, kaki berangan and etc. Oh my! U guys are super awesome!
Vet masih tak bleh figure out camne leh kena. Slalunya stray cat je kena sbb mkn sampah. Bleh plak tadi pegi, hole tu dah tutup! Penangan dettol smlm kot. Doc ckp pandai aku cuci, tapiiiii dia still heran cmne Kiki leh kasi aku buatkn. Ate...udah aku yg membelanya...
Kiki gile garang. Dah dua vet ckp. Kedai grooming pun tak sanggup amik! Haha! Walhal kt umah manja nak mampos! Tadi kena kasi sedative, tu pun dia gigih nak lawan gak.
Doc kasi ubat je suh telan. Dah satu keja nk paksa dia, bknnya manusia. Haha! Patu doc kata Kiki obese, 6.5kg ko! Aku salahkan laki aku sbb dia tak leh tgk kalo Kiki mintak makanan. Skang kena catu la nmpk gayanya. Kang diabetes, aku gak yg nangis..
Tx y'allll.
Zara, selamat berkenalan :D
huh? really? *lari g cek bontot Oren*
eeeeeee Kiki....... tak mo kawan!!
Obese? Hahaah kena buat pilates gak dia tu..harus!!
kiki garang ke? aku baru ingt dia jenis manja dgn sume org. so skrg ni peyakit dia dah selesai le kot..mcm tau2 je ko nak bwk jumpa doc..terus hilang. hehehe
umor dia dah brp tahun eh?
ala siannye kiki ;((((
last week, bawak juju i pegi vet..dia asyik demam then rupanya ada bisul kat pangkal peha kasi injection and after 2 days, bisul tue pecah..skang nie tengah jage dia extra sket...x tau dapat dari mana...
sedih kan bile kucing sakit..
dia tak garanggggg, mmg orang dtg sume dia ok jer terkangkang. dia mmg tak suka gi vet/grooming, titik. dia benci gile so mmg dia cakar abih doc tu. hahaha!
skang on medication, so dia cepat tido. aku dah catu makanan dia, patu kasi dia exercise skit :D
dia dah 4 tahun skang...
Hope kiki cepat sembuh.. aja aja fighting kiki..
Alaaaaaaaaaaaaahai. Kesiannye la hai. Tgk rupe pon muke sedih je..
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