It was still RAINING!
I told you…
We had to skip few plans that morning. We need to switch outdoors with indoors. While watching live updates on Egypt, we decided to go to
Trans Studio. It’s been said that this mall has
the largest indoor theme park in the world!
Click on image for more info.
Tips : Always have plan B in your trip.
Well, Hosni Mubarak ain’t stepping down till September. Who gonna replace him as the new America’s puppet? Well, his son has resigned.
Protestants still get nothing even after Friday prayer. Egyptians are requesting for democracy LIKE WHAT MALAYSIA HAVE. Indonesian parents are requesting for government to bring back their kids, LIKE WHAT MALAYSIA DID.
So be grateful, MALAYSIAN.
We got ourselves ready and requested for a cycle-rickshaw to bring us to Pantai Losari for breakfast. We stopped at one Muslim resto, 999 Rumah Makan & Café. Hubby paid 10,000rupiah=RM3 to the cycle-rickshaw since he didn’t understand how much was the cycle-rickshaw asking for. What I know, the cycle-rickshaw had a big smile on his face.

I ordered ‘bakso mee’ while hubby ordered ‘soto sup’. While waiting, we finally noticed that this resto located right in front of the
Pantai Losari trademark. You know, the big letters of
P, A, N, T, A, I, L, O, S, A, R, I ?
Hmm…I wish I can snap pictures in front of it.
The food came with additional four packs of ‘buras’ (like nasi impit). We didn’t order it but looking at the picture on the wall menu, it came with the soup. So hubby tried one, but it didn’t taste good. (Yet, we had to pay for all four additional 'buras'. Dang.
Tips : Always re-confirm on whatever you ordered.

I then asked the old uncle at the counter where can we get umbrella around that area and he told us, we can only get it at market, which was actually quite far from his resto. I looked across the street and there was one small street vendor selling things. I ran under the rain and asked the boy whether he sells any umbrella and he seemed speechless. So I assumed he didn’t.
Tips : Always spare a poncho to Asian countries.
We took another cycle-rickshaw back to the hotel and this time, we paid 5,000rupiah instead of 10,000rupiah. Hehe! That was the actual fee you know. Hubby and I then asked the receptionist, how far the Tranx, as that’s what they called it. With a big smile on her face, she told us that there’s a shuttle from Tranx to this hotel at 11.00am. She asked us to wait in our room and will call us later. Great!
Tips : Always ask how much the fee before you hop on any cycle-rickshaw.
We waited in the room and watched more news on Egypt. At 10.00am, the receptionist rang our room and told that the shuttle was full and will not come to this hotel. Duhhhh! When I asked for hair dryer this morning, she said all blowers were out. Now shuttle bus also out?
We didn’t want to waste more time, so we decided to take cab since it was still RAINING and we had no other choice. It wasn’t far actually but it was not a walking distance. 5km maybe. We paid 15,000rupiah=RM5 for that distance, and this answered to why the cycle-rickshaw had a big smile on his face when he received 10,000rupiah for 100meters distance. Hahaha! By the way, passengers need to pay extra 2,000rupiah for taxi entrance fee.
Tips : Always rent a cab with meter.

Once we entered the main entrance, we had to scan our bags and ourselves. Wah, like China! Who wants to bomb the largest theme park…in the world? Some countries maybe, hahaha!
There were big butterflies on the ceiling. Nice and beautiful. Luxury outlets and expensive brands like Chanel, Guess, Tods, Coach, occupying the mall. But…the mall was…emptied with people…no locals coming here? Just look at the shops, I guess, only rich people come here.

We walked around from Ground Floor to Third Floor and the mall wasn’t that big. Mid Valley has more to explore. Since it's Chinese New Year, they had dragons came out from the wall. Hahaha! (What's with 2562?)

We finally reached the main entrance of the biggest theme park and there we saw Julia Perez on the jumbo screen! Hahaha! Guess how much is the entrance fee? 150,000rupiah=RM49! We passed.

Anyway, I managed to get 4 pieces of fridge magnets for travelholic clans.

Since I saw one hotelier brought back Carrefour’s plastic bag yesterday, I asked hubby to look for Carrefour to get something to eat. We asked around and one of the cleaner told us it was located at the basement. We finally found the way to the basement area and there was Carrefour, in front of us.

I bought potato bun and a drinking water while hubby bought a pack of Toraja coffee for his mama. (Either coffee or tea, it always for his mama. Hehe!) We stopped at one cigarette counter and saw all local cigarettes were only ‘kretek’. I asked for non-clove cigarettes for Adib but the girl said no other kind of cigarettes other than ‘kretek’. Hmmm…
While walking, we ate potato bun and walked back to the main entrance. It was still RAINING and it was even HEAVILY pouring. We can see the open sea from this mall and the waves were so huge and wild. Coconut trees and palms were waving left and right. Scary!

So we texted Anis, asking where we can look for Makassar souvenirs but unfortunately, Jalan Somba Opu was an opea walking area, so we went back to hotel.