What do we do when we don't travel???
We finally decided to install wallpaper at Palmiera Cacatoos, basically to cover up the hideous crack, indirectly giving a new look after few years we moved in. Earlier, we went to Korean Wallpaper Gallery at Puchong where they had an irresistible offer. Any signed membership of RM49 will get one free roll! Having an 80s concept in our mind, we wanted to get a brick-look wall with some sort of fire place on it. Without any doubt, hubby and I registered and brought back two rolls of Duplex series wallpaper that usually cost RM160 per roll.
We finally decided to install wallpaper at Palmiera Cacatoos, basically to cover up the hideous crack, indirectly giving a new look after few years we moved in. Earlier, we went to Korean Wallpaper Gallery at Puchong where they had an irresistible offer. Any signed membership of RM49 will get one free roll! Having an 80s concept in our mind, we wanted to get a brick-look wall with some sort of fire place on it. Without any doubt, hubby and I registered and brought back two rolls of Duplex series wallpaper that usually cost RM160 per roll.
Since the installation charges cost us RM200 per roll, we thought of installing it on our own, for their website has the steps on how to prepare the wall and how to do it yourself. But due to my condition, hubby and I decided to get someone else to do it for us. Hubby then google-d and found a blog, Satria Kelabu, who used to hire one independent installer, Mr. Choi. And so I called and negotiated with his wife (as Mr. Choi's manager) and sealed the deal with RM100 per roll. We just need to tell them the brand of the wallpaper, and they will take care of the rest. Yes, including the adhesive and what not.
Mr. Choi came with his wife and an assistant on one fine Saturday morning at 9.00am and quickly started they work. I love the commitment! Good point there. They didn't waste any time where each and everyone did they own task. Mr. Choi handled one wall, his assistant took another wall, while Mr. Choi's wife rolled on the glue on the wallpaper. Another good point was they did it cleanly.
1) Move all cabinets to give space for the installer. Clean the wall from any unwanted bumps. A scrapper is used with then help of human important sense, touch and feel.
2) Measure the wall and cut the wallpaper accordingly. A measuring device with laser is used to get a correct measurement. Roll off the wallpaper and cut it. Allocate extra 2 inches at the top and bottom portion for final trimming. Note that a vertical repetitive design is easier to match compared to horizontal design.
3) Mix glue powder with water. A roller is used to roll the liquid at the back of the wallpaper. Note that glued wallpaper should be fold in the shape of W to avoid it sticking together.
4) Roll some glue on the wall and start install the wallpaper from the top. Unfold part by part and ensure it is installed according to the laser-ed line. A moist sponge is used to smooth the wallpaper and a scrapper is used to smooth out wrinkles. Note that it should be apply gently!
5) Trim the excess with sharp knife and smooth the edges. Repeat the steps until you satisfy. CHECK THEIR WORK and point out any obvious wrinkles, tears, or bumps. And voila, it is complete!
P/S: Malas nak re-arrange. Tak sabor nak tukar sofa! To the left you go! Hahaha!
Note : All pics are taken using Lenovo Ideaphone S890.

agaknya bila boleh dtg ni. seumur hidup baru jejak kaki skali je.
john, skit lagi...skitttttttttt lagi hahaha!
What a lovely job well done! Your house looked class with the new look. I will keep their contact.
Tak sabar nk bakar mashmellow nanti dpn api.. sambil berselimut muahahaha..pastu amik gambar, ckp *i kat obersi*..macam citer kawan i tu hahahahaha
Mana gambar kusi..jgn ckp ada entry kusi dua ketul!! nyampassss
twilight, try to make cheap thing looks stylish, i must say hahaha...
na, omg, mana tau ada lagi entry??? hahahaha sah2 la ada entry lain sbb tajuk entry ni jer wallpaper kannnnnn hahaha! jaga2...nanti kusi tu bleh buat pengumuman raya, bleh buat tempat sanding, bleh buat tempat ceramah, bleh buat tempat interview hokayyyyy...multipurpose!
Hebak mung mak esoh.. !!!!
mana chimney????
nak gantung stokin nih...
pastu post gambo
"selamat hari raya kami dari perantauan"
btw: kije paste wallpaper adalah rumit lebih2 lagi tang corner tuh...
terre aaa mr choiii
Rumah lawa! Oh ya, i couldn't spot the fireplace? Mana2? :D
Waaaaaa lawanyeeee u, i aritu nak amik design brick ni gak tapi husben xmo plak... Kene tuggu groupon bukak offer lg kot hihi... Tq promo blog i skali hihi :)
meng, terpaksa mengebat sok2 amik gambar diperantauan blh guna umah mak esah hahaha!
anash, belum lagiiiiiii...dlm perancangan :D sila letak hadiah dlm stokin ok!
zaraab, umah tak cantik mana pun, kena mekap2 skit :) fireplace not yet, coming! (i hope...)
ieza, brick mmg cun kan? hahaha. takpe, tunggu promo lagi, buat kat dinding lain plak :)
marbeles..cantek..for a change!
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