I always do butter prawn, not butter crab. But I have no regret trying it! Super delicious!
Butter Crab
1) 2 pieces of Crab (get female crab for eggs)
2) Cooking oil (enough to sink the crab)
3) Lots of Butter
4) 4 spoons of Milk
5) 2 eggs
6) 4 pieces of Garlic (chopped)
*Note : Curry leaf is optional. Put in for aroma.
A) Cut crab into half. Heat cooking oil and deep fry the crab. (Make sure oil is super hot.)
B) Remove cooking oil. Leave about three spoons of oil. Put in chopped garlic.
C) Put in butter and milk. Keep on stirring.
D) Put in eggs. Keep on stirring until it becomes clumpy.
E) Put in the crabs and cover them with clumping butter. The crispier the better!
Serve with rice best to be eaten on its own.

aaaa...sedap nyer!!
mrs. eady, terpaksa mengaku mmg sedap hehehe!
byknya supply ketam dlm peti ais ko ni. ada lagi x? kekekek.. mohon next week udang lak.
untong la skupang !
la cam tu je, senan benau dibuatnya... ok nanti nak cuba
john, abis sudahhhhh...lega aku, takut gout! hahahaha...
meng, untong apenyer, dia bkn makan ketam, pemalas kopek katanya...tapi dia mkn gak la, kalo tak, aku sepit2 dia dgn tangan ketam :)
cik lily, aah senang jer! ce buat!
sedapnya... terliur tengok.. leh try nanti.. :) thanks for resepi..
jassnani, sila2 :)
Bising dah gemuk, tapi makan bukan main lagi!! *mode marah Jillian micheal* hahahah
na, i cannot tahan...sob..sob...but, but this is super sedap...hahahaha!
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