's been soooooooo long and I still have not completed the Padang-Bukittinggi entries. I was still pregnant that time, my goodness! Even worst, I almost forgot where have I been to during our Japan trip with Ixora last year. I honestly have no idea how to start writing about it. And to top the loads, I just came back from France-Holland trip, last week. Tell me, how and when should I write about it? Err...laterrrrr (perhaps).
Well, I don't know where does my mojo go...I mean, blogging the whole thing like what I religiously been doing all this while. Sigh. BUT, but I do post in Instagram (at least), of the trip pictures with info/detail of the place. So, if you guys really wanna know what I was cooking or what I am cooking (live update) or what I'll be cooking, do follow my Instagram @biqquebikuchan via phone, or via desktop. Okies?