
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Me'nate Steak House

"I feel like eating steak today." I told hubby right after I watched Sandra Bullock ate one in Miss Congeniality. Hubby quickly googled and found this one steak house called Me'Nate, from Red Mummy's blog and decided to choose this restaurant.

So where's this restaurant located? Next to SPCA.

Menate Butcher Shop / Steak House
No, 16 Jalan Kolam Air Lama Satu,
68000 Ampang Jaya,
HP: 012 334 7107

And why we chose this restaurant?

For it's wagyu (originated from Kobe) and angus (originated from Scotland) beef. The arranged these beef in chillers, with price tag on it, to ease you to estimate how much you will have to pay. You may also choose how you want it to be cooked. But it will only come with brown sauce.

So, after looking at their prices, I opted for a normal striploin, while hubby settled for ribeye. And we made it both, medium.
The good thing of having steak at this restaurant is they don't put neither salt, m.s.g, nor any preservative cooking oil. (But we do, tasted the saltiness.) And the drinks are free flow! (But the most you can go were two glasses.)

So we cut...chewed...swallowed...and voila! The verdict? F to the a to the bulosity! DELICIOUS! So I will 100% agree and recommend you guys to try.

The only thing that made me uncomfy while eating was, looking at these cows. Man...they are cute...and I'm eating a part of them! (Please take these pics down...)

BTW, Me'nate also provides raw or marinated beef for those who wish to have BBQ at home. Just show them the moneyyyyy :D



  1. nampak cam best je. price camne, ok tak?

  2. total lost utk dua keping daging tu was RM80.40 ok la...if amik wagyu or angus, mmg cecah ratusan ringgi la...

  3. will come back for another rib-eye.....nx year hahaha......

  4. biq! i first u were cursing that restaurant coz Me'nate sounds like menate in kelantanese which means menate @ binatang! hahaha...

    but the steak looked delicious!!!

  5. memang, at first kitorang mmg sebut menate tu as in menatang hahaha! ye betul, mmg khabar nyer sungguh indah, seindah rasanya :D

  6. shah, bila teringat lemak2 tu, terus rasa macam, baiklah, next year je kita makan lagi :D

  7. hoi mkn kt ampang tak ajakk!!! cissss

    aku mmg teragak nk makan waqyu lagik dah.. mahal punye pasal hahaha tp part air free flow tuh besh arrr

  8. hahaha aku smpai ke sudah xtau sebut restoren nih.. menate slang kelate bak kata john hahahhaa

  9. skang aku sukak mkn kt davedelis punye lamb.. okek aku g memana pon opted for lamb.. ermm sedapnye kang nk mkn kt situ lah hehe

  10. kitorang gi secara mengejut jer :D laki aku nak dating plak tetiba...

    tah, aku pun main sebut je hahaha! lupa lak nak tanya budak kedai tu...

    lamb aku tak rajin makan dah sejak blk NZ...teringat muka2 comel tu terus tak jadi hahaha!

  11. menate kat area yg i slalu mkn dinner. studio5 kat depan tuh kan. satay zaini sedap giler ok! off topic sat.

    menate dah byk orang recommended, mmg so far comment nye sama cam urs. rm80++ for wagyu is reasonably cheap. normally per 100gm is about rm80-100++, and u tend to eat 200gm. i makan if ada co function jek, on my own tak kan i sentuh wagyu tuh... leh kopak minggu tuh.

    u suka medium gak yek... most ppl prefers well done, mat salleh medium. i medium or medium rare. ehehheh

  12. ciskek tui larrrr.... hahahahaha.... time-time lapo aku bukak blog ko tayang makanan yang lahzat yum yummmmmmmmm..... owhhhh tidakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.......

    akan kuterjah jua nanti!

  13. lily, juicy...makan darah...hahaha! mmg, if nak merasa, bleh la mahal2, tapi pastu tak makan setahun dah hahaha!

    masmz, sedapppppp hahaha!

  14. Harus ku cuba ini heheheh..

    (ingatkan ni tadi kedai org kelantan puak2 john tadik hahahah)

  15. Biqque,
    La...nape dulu2 tak nampak kedai nih, padahal dodok sewa bilik kat rumah kaw SPCA...(hari2 dengar kucing & anjing 'berkokok') ....
    Mungkin baru kot sebab zaman sewa bilik adalah pada masa kegemilangan bas mini kaler pink bermaharajalela di jalanan...
    Kena try aaa....

  16. aku sukak lambbb.. and tiap kali mkn sure aku tingat kt ko yg cam nangis2 tkenangkan biri2 hahahhaa..

    satu.. header cun tp aku xsukak gambo tuh.. aku nak gambo mulut muncung pipi tinggi! seksi jgn ckp la.. tutup2 aku xsukak.. hahaha

    welldone.. aku suka welldone hehe

  17. na, harus cuba :D amik yang mahal2, lagi sedap la kot hahaha!

    anash, itu namanya bas babi ye :D penah kejar bas nak gi kuliah tuuuuu...kadang2 naik bas kunyit (bas skola yg warna kuning tu)

    skin, header tu try2 jer...nanti tunggu gambar baru baru aku buat lain hahaha!

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