
Sunday, January 22, 2012

World's Most Extreme Airport

I watched Most Extreme Airport in History Channel few days ago and it called me to blog about it. As a travelholic, I always concern on how flight took off and landed. Assuming that all runaways are safe, I still pray to The Almighty to forbid me from any crashes. Amin.

Looking at these extreme airports, I tell myself, what on earth are these people think/thought of. Building a runway near the mountain, cliff, sea, snow?! Though they have thousands of reasons to approve the making, didn't they themselves, freak out? Or they themselves didn't fly...hahaha!

Almost all listed below had crash incidents. Some are already closed but some still operating. 

Do you dare to try? If you do, which one would you try?

Matekane Air Strip, Africa

Lukla Airport, Nepal

Toncontin Airport, Honduras

Gibraltar Airport, Gibraltar

Princess Juliana Airport, St. Martin (Caribbean)

Gustaf III Airport, St. Jean (Caribbean)

Kai Tak Airport, Hong Kong

Courchevel Airport, France

Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport, Saba (Caribbean)

Madeira Funchal Airport, Portugal

I would personally want try the Princess Juliana Airport. Coz the jet blast during departing and arriving, sounds fun! Wear shade and hold on to the fence guys, or you'll be sucked in!

Credits to Google, National Geographic, and Examiner for images.


  1. ok...yang kat africa tu sumpah skeri. sebbnya kalo terbabas dan tak sempat brek mmg terlanjak masuk gaung~ adooooiiiii...mati kering je camtu.

  2. aku pun teringin nak try Princess Juliana punye airport. wahhh..tgh bervogeh kat pantai tetibe kapal terbang datang mendarat. kekekek... ko nak kak ro? lol

    okla, dah cukup 3 kali. see ya next time!

  3. Hahahaha..aku pilih yang Africa tu..Icam ada tengok kat youtube pasal epot extreme nih hahaaha..

    Tapi rasanya yg Africa dan kat Nepal tu mesti kecik comei nye aircraft je kot..kalau boeing 777 landing, memang confirm arwah..

  4. gigih gile komen sampai 3 kali..nak melawan ngan ely le tu hahahahahahaa.... Ok semuanya mmg skeri. Takut pulak nak naik flight hehehe

  5. giler la yg Princess Juliana Airport tu, lalu betol2 atas kepala orang. Buatnya tersangkut mau meninggal hehehe.

  6. Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport, Saba (Caribbean) yang ni pon lagi skeri, betol2 kecik je epot dia celah tebing hahah

  7. apesal sume org komen 3 kali?

    actly aku mcm baru baca post ni kat blog sape tah 2 minggu lepas. tapi dlm blog tu dia letak link youtube psl epot juliana tu...and seriously, mmg friggin scary...aku rasa kalau rendah skit confirm ada kepala yg putus...

  8. dan nampaknya 3 epot yg ada runway gile sume dibolot oleh Carribean. jom cuba sume epot tu...hehehe

  9. hahahahaha sume dah kena sindrom comment 1st dgn comment 3 kali. bengong siuttttt!

    haah, if rajin, korang tgk la youtube utk setiap satu, mmg skeri. tak hengat nyer rasa cam terbabas terus masuk gaung/laut! gile arh!

    jom try ramai2 patu jerit dlm flight, though mendarat dengan betul hahahaha!

  10. similar to bali... but bali nye over the main road... mmg takut giler..

  11. aku kalu tgk extreme epot nih berulang kali tayang pon berulang kali tgk haha.. seram sadis tapi yg part pegang pagar tu cam beh giler hahha

  12. hoii johnnn hahahaha ingtkan aku sorg aje nk meroyan komen 3 kali ahhahaha dh la 3kali dikomennye siap dpt yg first plak tuuu

  13. skin, ce tengok email, gambar sami :D

    john mmg juara seantero komentator hahaha!

  14. ekceli series nih dh lama dh tahun lps lagik lps dh tayang to ade mmg epot yg cam nepal tu aku rs xdek choice cuma bg aku bandar lain patutnye carik la alternative lain sbb mmg bahye sungguh.. kan ade satu runway guna public road, kalu kapal nk land aje dia tutup ar jln tu ala2 cm ketapi nk melintas.. kt mana ntah lupe dah.. kalu ade cmtu kt sini puas ati sami tgk kapal terbang hehe

  15. wah terus aku terjah bila ko cakap dah tukar header. alaaa..aku ingtkan gambar baru..yenedey!! tapi aku suka font2 tu sbb lawa :)

    beb ko pakai photoshop ke ape? aku tgh cari font yg cantik skit ni..font aku suka bosan, basic je..

  16. Gambar baru ada, tak terpikir lak nak edit haha! Ko nak font cantek, donlod je. Tapi kena test la sbb tak sume bleh pakai kat sume apps. Ko copy paste je dlm folder font. Aku guna apps rojak. Photoshop berat sgt, so aku guna Gimp, Picasa, Picture Manager, tak lupa juga Paint bodo tu. Hahaha!

  17. wah wah,so good location of this airport i wish to see this area now.thanks blogger i hope that you are very happy from this location of airport.Gatwick Meet and Greet
