Cik Beba, I am SOOOOOO interested to join your contest! Thanks to Laney who triggered it. Here are my efforts and I really HOPE that I'll be the ONE! :D
1. Follow blog and add in blogroll.
Check your "Kawan-kawan" and check out my blogroll. (To the bottom right ya!) Here are the print screens.

2. Add Sabah Accessories banner at side bar.
"To the right, to the right. Everything I add in the bar to the right."
- Beyonce song. Terasa ingin menyanyi sebentar...
Bukti seperti dibawah ye :)

3. Create post with title Love Is You And Me Contest.
Here you go! This! This! The one that u r reading now! :D
4. Add banner and link on image.
Click to confirm :D

5. Mention bout Sabah Accessories and link it.
Let me brag bout it!
Did you guys know that Sabah Accessories 

have varieties of dazzling jewels from Borneo? There are lovely and superb! Wait no more, let's shop! Equip yourself with their masterpiece and feel pretty! (Gosh! Look at those saltwater pearls...If I win, I WANT THAT ONE! Hint...hint...Ok, too much? That Jewelry set, sapphire,a-ha, really suits me...macam Titanic!)
Awww...I remember this...hubby and I @ Halong Bay, Vietnam.

7. Leave permalink.
Check your comment box! Ini buktinyer :D

8. Bonus!
Saya siap jadi fan Sabah Accessories nih! Hehe!

hamboi beshnye.. aku suka gambo tu! cik beba pilih biq! pilih biq! hahaha kroni
eh ada ke no 7 tu? asal aku tak pasan pun..
ada laney...cubak ko refresh and tgk balik :D ni sume kerana ko la ni! hahaha!
rajin rajin... tapi cam best mmg the most complete entry yg pernah saya jumpe.. :D
semua dah cukup..tak payah susah2 nak carik..hehee..
tapi the bad news is..yg jewelry set sapphire tu dah sold out..hehe..
so good luck kay..
haaaaa saya mmg suka buat complete2 nih! :D
takpe, set sapphire takde, set lain2 pun saya terima :) yg penting, menang!
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