
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MCKK Premier 7s 2012

Who would expect that I can fall in love with this sport? I mean, I don’t play rugby, obviously, but I found it enjoyable to watch this game than watching English premier. Hahaha!

It’s all started when I religiously watched All Blacks, before, during, and after I visited New Zealand. The Haka spirit has possessed and persuaded me to watch those huge triceps, biceps, and what not (don’t ever mention that big Upin Ipin head-sized buttocks! Hahaha!)

Clearly hubby has nothing to do and out of the blue, he asked me to pack our bag and said “We are going to KK.” I was like…”Huh?” “KK as in Kuale Kangsor…got inter-rugby school competition…” katanya.

  1. Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Arau (PERLIS)
  2. Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid (KEDAH)
  3. Sekolah Menengah Sains Pokok Sena (KEDAH)
  4. Bukit Mertajam High School (PENANG)
  5. The Malay College Kuala Kangsar (PERAK)
  6. Sekolah Menengah King Edward V11  (PERAK)
  7. Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman  (PERAK)
  8. Sekolah Menengah Sains Hulu Selangor (SELANGOR)
  9. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Kosas (SELANGOR)
  10. Victoria Institution (KUALA LUMPUR)
  11. Sekolah Menengah Sains Selangor (KUALA LUMPUR)
  12. Royal Military College (KUALA LUMPUR)
  13. Sekolah Menengah Sultan Alam Shah (PUTRAJAYA)
  14. Sekolah Datuk Abd Razak (NEGERI SEMBILAN)
  15. Kolej Yayasan Saad (MELAKA)
  16. English College (JOHOR)
  17. Sekolah Sukan Tengku Mahkota Ismail  (JOHOR)
  18. Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Kuantan (PAHANG)
  19. Sekolah Menengah Sains Sultan Mahmud (TERENGGANU)
  20. Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Kuala Terengganu (TERENGGANU)
  21. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Yahya Petra 1 (KELANTAN)
  22. Sabah College (SABAH)
  23. Sekolah Menengah Agama Sheikh Othman Abdul Wahab (SARAWAK)
  24. Vajiravudh College (THAILAND)
STAR, his former school, joining and defending the Plate. But his top priority is, he wants to grab this chance to access the Malay College, also know as MCKK, or Koleq. Ala you know la, this “all boys boarding school type of spirit” ni, lain macam skit.
So we went back to Taiping, and went out early, on the next morning. (Cerita sate Pak Ein kat entry ni.) Since hubby has downloaded the schedule, we roughly know when STAR, MCKK, KE, and other top rugby school will play. Sekolah agama pun ada tau! Their motto is Pray, Study, Play Rugby. Amik gambar pakai jubah, songkok, kain pelikat! Bagus!

We killed time by visiting few places of interest in Kuala Kangsar. To name a few, Jambatan Raja Muda Nazrin, Tasek Raban, Masjid Ubudiah, Istana Kenangan, Istana Iskandariah, Old Mansion, Persisiran Sayong, and the town center.

Hubby made a super ridiculous joke when he said that this tree is the oldest rubber tree in Malaysia.

We happily took a picture, which later, while driving around town, we found that there is another signage directing to another place, where the actual rubber tree is located! Pfft!
“Let’s go to MCKK.”

Besides motocross event at the other side of the river, KK town was filled with MCKK PREMIER 7s 2012 buntings, banners, and billboards. Gile kaya…MACOBA (old boys) sponsor la ni. Dah la datang in Bentley, BMW, superbikes and such!

All Blacks Revival, so they are called…and guess what, everything was 90% similar to the original All Blacks. Bang…takde nama lain ker...?
We went to STAR tent and met the boys. Nice jersey! And nice bods! Sumpah besar budak-budak sekarang…paling tak bleh blah, body berkepak, perut flat, peha berketul! Bleh???
STAR won the first and second game, and currently waiting for the next round. Hubby sempat jugak la tanya pasal STAR kat bebudak tu. Sonok dia. Before we left for another tent, we congratulated them and wish the boys, best of luck.
There was one tent that projected those legends, and the most popular was Hj, Zainal Abidin Bin Mat Yen, a Perak born athlete, who used to be famous with his “side steps”, sampai omputeh pun kagum. While reading the facts on the display boards, there was one Malay uncle came to us and explained a bit on the games. We initially just smiled and continued reading, but hubby later said “Eh, tu bukan pakcik dalam gambar ni ke?”
I looked up to the uncle, and looked down to the board. I repeated the same gesture four times, until that uncle said “A ah, ye la tu, saya la yang dalam gambar tu.” And three of us laughed.

Watching STAR played with hundreds of Koleq around us was quite funny, coz we can’t cheer as loud as we wanted it to be, maklum la…musuh tradisi. But we was entertained with their cheering team, who lined up two games ahead, in their white pants and “let it be heard” school t-shirts. There was no pause at all, for the game was 7 a side and the game duration was only 7 minutes for both half. Unfortunately, STAR didn’t get to meet MCKK. Or else, they would have brought their cheering team as well. Lagi kelakar, both having slightly the same song! Hahaha!
STAR and MCKK, anyhow, through to the quarter final but only STAR through to the semi. By this time, I heard one of the Koleq boys said “Ala…referee saje je kasi STAROBEK menang.” Hahaha!
“IF MCKK lost, they got to meet STAR.” But MCKK lost to Yahya Petra, while STAR lost to SSTMI (also known as Sekolah Sukan Bandar Penawar). Gile ko! Sekolah sukan tu! Champion for last year in Cup category!
Since it was two days event, semi and final were actually on the second day. I clearly told the boys (STAR), “Dah tak masuk Cup, korang better menang Plate, kalo tak, akak tulis dalam blog!” Hahaha!

And they lost…BOLEH??? Dengan Semasyur.
See you next year, boys…

P/S : First time ni buat gambar collage :D Dulu benci sebab tak jumpa software yang senang, skarang, tidak lagiiiii :D Hahaha!


  1. walla blog rugbi pulak!!!!

    Laporan sukan kita kali ni....

    Mana aktiviti makan laksa kuale??? Takde ke Biqque?

  2. aku first sbb mas xsebut first hahahha

  3. aku jgn ckp la sbb hsrl layan sume games, jadik aku mmg bese sgt la tgk rugby cuma mana gambo bebudak sekolah agama tuh??!! ahhaha

    sodih tul tgk bus tuh ha

  4. OMG!! serius bus buruk tu milik meraka?? OMG lagiiii hahahahah..

  5. masmz, laksa KK tak sedap! cair!

    skin, ada dalam majalah tu...lupa lak nak amik gambar :D

    na, bebudak tu kata ada bus baru, tapi cikgu tak kasi bawak...takut kena baling batu kot hahaha!

  6. ko guna sosftware ape utk collate gmbr sume ni? gigih...patutlah senyap jah weekend itu hari. pegi stok anak ikan baru rupanya. kekeke

  7. page creator dalam photoscape jer...hahaha! ha'ah, gi cari stock anak ikan baru, termimpi2 mak kat body diorang nokkkkk!

  8. hahahah tak bleh blah ely sebut first sebb mas tak sebut first!!!

  9. janggel, biarkan, kat sini takde hadiah hahahaha!

  10. biq rembes la tu.

    ko baru tau guna photoscape? DARATTTT!!!!! HAHAHA

  11. English College is my school!!! Proud jugak la tapi takde review dari biqque, sedih! hahaha

  12. best weh jadi repoter utk edisi sukan...
    memacam la editor majelah mempelam nih leh buat...
    tang gambar bas...
    aduiii...memang betul la...
    senak perut..

  13. soalan bodoh.. STAR stands for what?

  14. john, before this aku tak suka buat collage, aku ada banyak software collage maker, tapi aku prefer gambar satu2 :D

    shahrule, u EC ke??? hoi! ko tau tak EC bagus jugak ok! kitorang mengharapkan dia buat upset, kalahkan mckk, tapi haih...

    kak anash, tak bleh blah kan bas tu? tu zaman shahrul nyer bas tau...gile lama!

    lily, STAR stands for Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman. boarding school kat ipoh yg sungguh popular dikalangan SBP :D (don't ask me what is SBP plak...hahaha!)

  15. Lama tak jenguk skola tuh, tapi zaman aku skola dulu pernah kot kalahkan mckk, kgv sume tuh~ mase tuh power lagi, skang ni tak tau la..
    rajin jugakla dulu aku cabut g padang rugby tgk match dok sorak2 sampai takde suara.. swonok2!!!!!

  16. aku nak sorak pun kalah ngan cheering team mckk hahaha!

  17. SBP is Sekolah Berasrama Penuh
    My hub was from MCKK
    Tp xdpt pg tgk..kmi jauh d srwk

  18. (1) Yeayyy, bumi kelahiran saya ni !
    Suka gambar no. 4, yang rumah lama berlatarbelakangkan Masjid Ubudiah tu

    (2) Bertuah korang dapat jumpa Pakcik legend, Hj. Zainal Abidin Mat Yen. Walaupun dalam cara yang kelakar hehehe ...

    (3) Udah lama saya mengidam nak masuk bergambar ke MCKK. Selepas baca artikel kamu ni. Yesss ! udah dapat strategi nak masuk bergambar dengan cara yang HALAL ( :

    Dan paling akhir, suka dengan shot2 serta gambar disusun mengikut kronologi berserta penceritaan. keep up the great effort !

  19. nice entry..gambor cantek..hehe..:)

  20. azwa, jauh tu sarawak :D

    azizan, tx! :D next year kita jumpa disana ok? kita layan masuk dorm diorang hahaha :D

    bombay, tx!

  21. betul la... bas star paling buruk... hihihi...

  22. Semashur was my school..hehe...mmg hebat in sayur dh skrg.haha
