
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How Your Blog Is Performing Using GTMetrix

Some info tech that you guys should know, how your blog is performing and what's behind it, for Pakcik Google said, web should be fast. Especially when your blog holds thousands of images (para travelholics la ni...)

This is what you can do.

1. Go to GTmetrix : and key in your blog url.

2. Wait for GTmetrix to fetch your site and analyze it.

3. Your blog header will then appear, and GTmetrix will generate a report.

4. Your blog rate is showed. See my blog performance? 85 seconds to load ONLY for the size of 1.2MB??? Failed to the max. Hahaha!
5. The report will show you the page speed and YSlow, that gives you loads of recommendation. See down there. These are the culprit behind my blog, particularly image dimensions and CSS. (Hate scripting.)


Time to revamp, AGAIN, my blog template, pages, sidebars, and what not. Having bad habit of keeping unused scripts (kot-kot nak guna balik), is a No-No now. I should, by now, choose a simpler template, colored background instead of image background, put less request, combine the pages, and strip off certain sidebars. (Padah suka test sana-sini. Dah la suka gothic style.)

Here are some blog samples that I have tried. You can see the difference between blogs that have simpler template vs interactive/image background. Basic knowledge. Pfftt!

P/S: I know that some description on the recommendations are bit IT-jargons, I could not somehow understand all of them, so, google it ya?


  1. peh...rajin ko buat analisis sume2 ni...aku baru cuba nak digest info ni...tapi betul eh nak load blog aku laju? aku mmg suka template clean..aku pening byk sgt benda kat sidebar sbnrnya...ko tukar la template ko...pastu buang benda2 serabut kat sidebar tu...chaiyok!!

  2. aku baru nk clean kan sume. tgh bosan2 nih.. cer ubah imej gothic tu. cer ubah.. aku nih bese la kan.. imej pelangi hahahha

  3. hmm i x reti sangat la bab2 neh..byk yg kena godek lagi!

  4. Ok dah cube dah...hahahaha

    Ha cepat la test template apa yang ada..leh kasi pendapat nih..

  5. lerrr, baru tau ke blog ni lambat load =.='

  6. ekceli, to be honest. aku tak reti menatang2 ni sume. mmg buta html btol harammm! hahaha....that's why aku biarkan camtu je. tp aku teringin nak ade header. tapi tak reti nk bwttt!!! fatt ade ajar, tp takleh gak. sedih.

  7. fatt, aku dulu simple jer template, lama2 suka dok menerai tu yg macam2 tu...

    skin, biasa la aku, suka itam :D

    maz, ala benda kecik2 jer ni...

    na, tgh riki :D

    muni, dah lama tau, saje sombong hahaha!

    john, takpe, aku yg IT ni pun masih malas nak amik tau...ko nak buat header tu senang, bebila aku ajor ko ok? step by step. yg penting, ko siapkan gambar ko yg cun2 :D

    kemang, ko nyer simple jer, tak berat kot...hehehe!

  8. nak test senang, nk fix yg tak senangnye.

  9. exactly, malas gile nak fix ok!
