
Monday, October 17, 2011

Casper, The Commuting Cat

Still pasal buku. Have you guys heard of this amazing story? I wanted to buy this book...tapi tak terbeli...

(Gambar guna henpon)

So I read the synopsis je la. This cat REALLY commutes tau. Lesen besar untuk travel naik bas sorang-sorang (ok...tetiba teringat Fatt. Kucing...bas...dua-dua dia suka.)

What fascinates me is, Casper, in fact, queuing with people, masa nak naik bas! Comel gile ok!!! If I were in the queue, I will definitely kiss him to death!

Btw, Casper is dead cat. Dia kena hit and run in 2010...(SCREW YOU TAXI DRIVER!) Sob...sob...if Kiki kena camtu, aku BUNUH manusia tu...

Here is the synopsis. 
Casper the Commuting Cat is the story of an adventurous cat, Casper, that the author, Susan Finden had adopted from a rescue centre in 2002. She describes how Casper liked to wander from her house and was not afraid of people or traffic. Casper used to walk into office blocks and doctors' consulting rooms and find a chair to sleep on. Then he started queuing with people at a bus stop across the road from his house and boarding buses that took his fancy. He would curl up on a seat and go to sleep, and when the bus had completed its 11 mile round-trip to the city centre and returned to his bus stop, the driver would let him off. Casper's commuting habits made him a celebrity and Finden describes the world-wide media attention that she and Casper received. In January 2010 Casper died after being struck by a speeding taxi while crossing the road outside his house. Finden tells how she coped with her loss and the renewed media attention that followed.
In addition to covering Casper's exploits, Finden includes in the book a brief story of her own life, and discusses the other cats she had adopted from rescue centres. Also present are several light-hearted chapters "written" by Casper from "the other side"[4] in which he gives advice to other cats on how to handle humans, catch a bus, and deal with the media.
Source : Wiki
Pendek kata, bukan manusia je yang travel...kucing pun ada. Hehehe! Bestnyer la if dapat travel ngan Kiki...macam Paris Hilton bawak chihuahua dia tuuuuuu...curlast you! (John ©)


  1. Yups, Casper is a true story. My friend yang belajar kat sana pernah jumpa Casper. Sgt cute ok! Tu katanya la. Sebab Casper ni mmg bersopan. Tunggu bas, beratur, naik dan duduk diam kat dalam bas.

  2. ha apa kata u try bawak si gemuk kiki tu pegi travel ke mana2..cer tgk sikit dia cam mana..kelassssss nyahhhh..hehehe

  3. i penah bawak kiki ronda2 naik keta, mmg sonok dia diri tepi tingkap, kadang2 duk atas dashboard. patu lama2 tido...zzzzzzz...tak sporting lgsg!

  4. kucing ni naik bas??

    bia betik..mesti comel jek..

  5. betik kemangggggg...dia naik basssss! siap beraturrrrr!

  6. uish.. hebat kucin ni. tp kalau kucin negara najib..dia tau berak merata jek. hahaha

  7. jangan bawak dia travel biqqueee... nnti dia hilanggg hahahha tp kalu travel dlm negara naik kete takpe. dh la berat kiki tu

    skang blk umah aje sami terus bukak pintu balkoni panggil polka & june. pasrah aje aku, siap sami sound polka 'polka jgn masuk bilik.. mami tak suka..' hahahhaa

  8. ohh sgt sgt comei kucin pun travelholic!

  9. hanie, kucing negara najib tak reti naik bas. hahaha!

    skin, nak dukung manjang mau berat ye dak...sekampit beras 5kilo tu!

    mas, kan? pandai dia!

  10. what a loss!! T___T

    drebar bodoh tu kena tangkap tak? aku nak carila buku rupa dia macam Moss...cuma si Moss tu rajin makan tido jek...hapak pun tabley!!

  11. tu la fatttttt muka dan bulu dia cam moss!!! tu yg aku teringat kat ko tuuuuu hahaha! ko cari kat kinokuniya ada. rm39 tak silap.

    sampai skang tak dpt drebar kuajjaq tu! geram aku!
