
Monday, March 15, 2010

Who Is The King of Sushi?

This is my kind of king...Sushi King.

And this is his kind of king...KING CUP!

Yea...I HEART JAPANESE FOOD...but he didn't (much more on he DIDN'T know how to eat sushi kot, precisely)...but anyhow, yesterday, I managed to get him to eat takoyaki :D (ya, I know its not purely sushi but at least he tried Japanese food).

How did this happen? We watched "Bizarre Food With Andrew Zimmern" and that episode brought him to Japan, and had those unusual local foods. He came across this takoyaki (it's not so bizarre actually but it sounded bizarre for him coz they had many pieces of octopus in the balls) at one night market. Believe me, the preparation was awesome! Yeah, the way the cook flip those takoyaki with two sticks in a glimpse of few seconds, Andrew Zimmern pun tak leh buattttt!

So I dragged him to Jusco Equine (ya, rasa loser kan weekend kat dalam Puncak Jalil je) and I ordered few of my favorites at Sushi King (tak masuk pun, take away jeeeeeeeeeeeee...zzzzz...), and there was takoyaki on the menu. He straight away agreed to get a pack of them. We had them at night and he suddenly said,

"Ok, I bleh pegi Jepun bleh makan takoyaki dah ni :D"


(Anyway, like FINALLY, I got green lite for least, masuk list la...tapi keep on dreaming la biqque...tah bila tah...)


  1. aku suka! magnet satu!!! aku kat ioi ahad lepas patu ujan lebat g situ 10menit patu balik.. zzzzz aku pong suka sushi tapi hsrl xpandai makan.. aku tau sapa lagik suka sushi :P

  2. hoi sakit2 pun jalan pakcik tu!

    sedap kannnnnnnnnn?!

  3. try pasta zanmai in mid valley/1U or sugimoto in hartamas (lunch set murah giler). else jogoya buffet in starhill yum yum...

  4. den xpernah toray pun.. not kind of it..

    sushi panggang ade x?

  5. lily, thanx...ONLY IF i can drag him there la eh...

    cawan, mau try? jom kita test ko bleh ke tak makan kat sushi king, nak? best cawannnnnn serioussss wa tak tipu luuuuuu...

  6. nk drag Cawan? Drag kita skali..(Biq banjer kan ahhahah!) i can eat sushi..but not the raw ones... td try. kunyah sikit2..then telan trus. pastu mkn ice cream to get rid of the taste. hahaha.

  7. badigol skin hahaha...

    my fav too! eat those sotongsssssss!! all the sotongssssss!!!

  8. sardin king cup - king of sardines...
