
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Beautiful Ones - Song That Makes Me Fly

This morning, out of the blue, I teringat satu lagu yang sangat best! Lagu lama. I asked hubby what song it was and after quite some time, he finally figured it out and it was an Oasis song - Don't Look Back In Anger. I was quite happy at that particular moment and decided to get it downloaded when I reach office.

And so I searched for that song and downloaded. Lepas downloaded dengan tak sabarnyer, I terus played the song. Tapi...tapi...macam tak kena je bunyinyer...I knew, at that single minute of time, THAT wasn't the song I am badly looking for.

On the other hand, I started to pick few lyrics from that song and googled it. Anyhow it ended to be a totally different "beautiful world" song. So I went to see few of my colleagues who can be considered as "karaoke people" and ol skool people la, buttttt diorang tak dapat agak apa lagu tu (apada...I tak rasa I nyanyi teruk sangat kan...I can still humming the la la la part tu).

I later emailed hubby and told him few lyrics from the song that sounded like this :
"here they come...a beautiful world...a beautiful la la la laaaaaa"

Eager to get the title of the song, I called Aisha, but she didn't answer me! Then I remember...Adib! Ratu karaoke! Without wasted any longer, I called her and sang few parts of the lyrics (exactly like what I've given hubby). She later sang along with me through the phone and said,

"Beautiful Ones! Suede! Hoi lagu tu best gile!"


(Jangan terkejut, kitorang memang camni...)

Tak sampai seminit, hubby replied my email and guess what, he answered the same thing! Cayalah!

Patu Adib ym me and said,

"...hang ni suka la beautiful world!!!! dulu ooohhh baby baby its a wide world. kitorang cam biqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. hahahahahah kelakar.. suka la main hantam aje."

Yup, I memang susah nak hafal lyric...and I memang suka bantai hentam je janji masuk tempo :D

So now, I present you, the long lost song that I cam orang gile cari pagi tadi, Beautiful Ones by Suede. (I bet am gonna hook on this song and play it for the whole week!)

Click Play to listen to this song.

Click this button to download the song.

"Beautiful Ones" - Suede

Oh, High on diesel and gasoline,
psycho for drum machine,

shaking their bits to the hits,
Oh, Drag acts, drug acts, suicides,
in your dad's suits you hide,

staining his name again,
Oh, Cracked up, stacked up, 22,
psycho for sex and glue,

lost it to Bostik, yeah,
Oh, Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill,
got too much time to kill,

get into bands and gangs,

Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful la la la
Here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful la la la laaa

La, la, loved up, Doved up, hung around,
stoned in a lonely town,

shaking their meat to the beat,
Oh, High on diesel and gasoline,
psycho for drum machine,

shaking their bits to the hits,

Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful la la la
Here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones...oh oh

You don't think about it,
You don't do without it,
because you're beautiful, yeah, yeah,
And if your baby's going crazy,
that's how you made me, la la
And if your baby's going crazy,
that's how you made me, wo wo
And if your baby's going crazy,
that's how you made me, la la la la laaa

la, la
la la la la la la la...
(repeat la la la sampai abis)


  1. hahahaha siap calling2 semua org nk tau lagu tuh!! hebat! hebat!! syabas inspector sahab!! :p..

    I baru berjaya baca blog u untuk entry nih, sebab agak pendek. Tapi bos i cam haram, sibuk plak lalu lalang belakang i berkali2 nk tgk trafic kat luar tingkap. So ini je la i sempat baca huhuhuhuh..

  2. mak aih sampai skang tak baca2 lagi cite vietnam i??? cis!!! kubunuh jua bos ko itu!

    haah na, if tak dpt, mmg akan ku tepon ke sana sini...hahaha...

  3. ini adalah salah satu lagu feberet.

    kalau orang baru nak nyanyi "la.." i akan cepat2 terus potong sambung nyanyi sampai habis. beware of your microphone people, kalau bukan i yang rampas mic anda, maka biq akan merampasnya (lirik adalah atas tanggungan telinga masing2).
