Almost a year! Gosh! Basically this trip can be considered as a small family trip, where I brought along my sister's family, my dad, and my stepmom. I was forced to make this trip, not a budget trip, instead, a "very cheap trip", so that my sister can bring her husband and all her four kids. Hahaha! Told her I can do that, but she will need to follow "my way" of traveling then, and she agreed.
Will tell you guys how did the trip goes! Stay tune for the entries! (Haven't I said all my trip got drama? Adding to it, I was still pregnant back then!)
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oi kenapa x letak gambar malificent kat cook book tu?
Banyak entry menunggu ni? Padang Kota Tinggi ni yang korang sewa kereta drive sendiri tue ke? Ke I salah? I tak sabar tgk entry Japan sebenarnya! Tak cukup la kat Insta.
meng, hahahaha marah org minang kang aku bwk buku tu kihkih!
zaraab, haaaaa yg konon nak sewa drive sendri tuuuuu...nantikannnn apa yg terjadiiiii hahaha! tu la i tak sabar jugak nak cite pasal japan, tapi kena abiskan padang bkt tinggi ni dulu, adeh!
tak sabar nak baca...cepat cepat :P
satu post dah kluar :)
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