
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Meet Our Precious Flower and Turquoise Gem, Ixora Feyrouza

Presenting, our precious princess, Ixora Feyrouza, born on 31 Mac 2014 at 8.45am via C-Sect, 2.65kg weight and 50cm height. The name is picked by both of us. I chose Ixora for the uniqueness and strength of the flower (heat resistant with sweet nectar inside), while hubby chose Feyrouza, a gem (turquoise color) in Persian.

We are a proud Ayahanda and Bonda. Yup, that's what we are to her :)

Other related posts :
The Day I Found That I Am Pregnant, Again. Click HERE.
First Trimester : Vomit Chronicle. Click HERE.
Second Trimester : Blood Anatomy. Click HERE.  
Third Trimester : Shopping Galore. Click HERE
Labor Preparation Class. Click HERE.
Self-Made Maternity Photoshoot : Tummy. Click HERE.
Self-Made Maternity Photoshoot : Indoor.
Click HERE.
Self-Made Maternity Photoshoot : Outdoor. Click HERE.
Series of Pregnancy Monthly Progress Shoot. Click HERE.
The Day I Delivered At Prince Court Medical Center. Click HERE.



  1. Hello Baby! You are so cute! Welcome to this world and you have very funny & good parents! They will shower you with the best of everything!!

  2. berkaca mata ni tgk n3 ni.. i feel u. alhamdulillah. lega kan? syukur alhamdulillah. syukur syukur dan syukur. tahniah sis.

  3. tahniah biqque dan husband..indahnya nama, Ixora...

  4. so cute...!!!! congratesss!! nama unik..dan sedap!

  5. alhamdulillah

    tahniah kak biqque n husband!

  6. aloooo comeynya ixora...

    cepat besar nanti boleh bonda dgn ayahanda bawak round the world.

  7. twilight, u always make my day with ur kindhearted words :) tx!

    beb, syukurrrrrr sgt2 pada Allah :)

    zilla, nuriel, tx hehehe kalo tak i nk buh sakura je hahaha...

    ajlaa, tx :)

    meng, kena ajar tahan lasak niiiii senang sok nk berjalan. so far mandi pool dia suka sgt seb baik hehehe...

  8. Si Kecil ni memang super adorable. Xpuas tengok gambar dia duk fill up IG Bonda dia kan. I have always love the name Ixora, Biqque. Memang sedap. Congrats to u both.

  9. bibie, abis la penuh IG macam dia punya IG plak kan hahaha...that name, ramai yg repeat twice like EXORA? bukannnnnnn IXORA namanya...

  10. tahniah Biqque n husband..semuga bertambah ceria dengan kehadiran anaknda tercenta.....jgn ajar cerewet nnti susah nak buat travel buddy..he..he

  11. Salam, tak jauh date kita..our baby boy 3 mac 2014..been ttc for 3yrs baru dpt rezeki ni..guess what journey kita pon almost the same..b4 dpt bby ni pernah lalui d&c then lps 2 bln preggy blk..apa yg u cerita dlm blog ni betul2 dpt rasa perasaan u n hubby..tahniah yea..

  12. nekcik, ha kena ajar lasak skit sok senang nak jln hahaha...

    anon, sekapal la kita :) congrats to you too ya hehe

  13. So cute.. this baby is so precious that it have lift away the burden and tension on its parents shoulders.. Congrates..

  14. hello baby... cepet nya mata dia..
    doakan auntie. auntie pun teringin baby jugak...

  15. congrats to the both you. i can assure you its a roller-coaster of a ride!!

  16. syima, tu la sepet matanya hehehe...i doakan u juga dikurniakan baby secepat yg mungkin, insyaAllah...

    lovepodd, tx :) indeed!

  17. Biq ,

    Date ixora same with my son 31/3/98

  18. heidi, blh remind each other on our kid's bday hehehe
