Yup! Back to back trip. In less than a month, we'll be going to Sydney. I know, almost all of you have visited this place. So, I have no choice but to think of something that is slightly different for my trip. And we end up adding a scenic road trip to Wollongong and Katoomba, before we come back to Sydney, for cosmopolitan experience. Well, what else we can do for a 4-day trip huh?
I have limited amount of time to spend on the Tour Cookbook. Green and yellow are the two colors that I can think of, similar to Gold Coast cookbook back in 2009. Since Wollongong, Katoomba and Sydney are in New South Wales, hence, that will be the "edition" for this round. So here is the result. Simple. Period.

awesomeeee!!!! dup dap dup dappp!
err...bibik jual ke buku tu? :D
john, dup dap mende, ko dah pi kannnnn hahaha!
hulubalang, jual? nak beli ke? hahaha!
Selamat bergembira demi keriangan berganda2..(hmm sesuai utk jd tagline nih heheheh)
brp hb nak pegi, aku nak bagi tugasan nih
na, mekaseyyyyyy :D
meng, oct ni aku gi, ko nak kasi tugasan ape? ha cepat hahaha!
thank you in advance for the souvenirs.
bila nak gi sydney nie? malampau tau...back to back!!
lily, hahahaha! got a vietnamese girl for all of u from danang. sydney? i'll try to get tempat yg sume tak dpt lagi, IF JUMPA ye hahaha!
mas, dekat dah ni! skittttt lagi :D ala tak melampau la...pasni abih dahhhhhh :(
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