
Saturday, January 7, 2012



I went back and tried to access my blog. And it said,

"We've detected unusual activity on your account. 
To immediately restore access to your account, 
choose how to verify your account." 

It also told me that I have no admin rights to modify my blog! And I saw nothing on my dashboard!




I forced hubby to view my blog on his lappy. The answer still the same.

"Luckily you have your blog being archived." Said hubby.

"WHAT? I HAVE 2 BLOGS WITH 700+ POSTS WITH LINKS, FOLLOWERS, YOU CAN'T EXPECT ME TO RE-DO ALL OVER AGAIN!" I shouted. At this moment, I had LOTS of things in my mind! Friends would think that I gone crazy, readers would think that I left the blogging world, this and that! Shiat! THIS IS MY LIFE ANYWAY!

I quickly tried to access my GMail and it asked me to get a verification code via handphone.

I searched few forums and since Google Admin stated that the method is legit, I followed the step by resetting the password to my other account, that is Yahoo. Once I received the link, it still request to key in the verification code, that was supposed to be sent via handphone!

Dang! Something that phisher can do! Why would Google ask for handphone no.? I had no choice but to proceed with the suggestion. I entered my handphone number and waited. No text message! I re-do twice, but still no text message!

"Owh...stupid...I have to put 6 at the front!" And this time I chose voice message instead of text message.

In 2 seconds, Google voicemail called me and gave the verification code. I entered the code and VOILA!!! I managed to get back my account! Followed by the same code via text message, that was done earlier.

I then started to discuss with hubby...remember when GMail keep on asking our handhphone for easy validation? And we skipped it! This is how Google Team "enforced" the policy. So whoever hasn't done it, it's your choice.

I did...when I almost died. How bout you guys?


  1. huish skerinya!!!! Umpama mendengar sami menjerit menunjuk ke arah tangga yang kosog takde apa2!

    Janganla jadi pada aku....nanges.

  2. fa pernah jadi macam ni gak..kalut tak boleh blah kot...hehe..

    tapi nasib baik kan..

  3. aku penah gak jadi camni bkn kat blog, kat gmail. nasib baik aku ada save no phone dlm tu so dia anta temporary password.

    aku cdgkan ko buat lagi 1 akaun gmail, pastu invite as 2nd author, pastu approve as admin. so in general kiranya blog ko ada 2 admin (walhal both adalah ko). just in case takleh masuk dari akaun gmail A, ko try masuk kot akaun gmail B. try & error jela..who knows akan jadi lagi 2nd time so u got nothing to lose, still ada total control from both account. aku ada buat kat 1 blog lagi cuma benda blum jadi so aku takleh nak sahkan. just an idea, cubalah

  4. ok. that's EVEN scarier, janggel!

    fara, ha nasib baik kat forum ada cite ramai penah kena, tu yg tau tu.

    fatt, sebab gmail aku la blog aku sangkut, sbb aku login guna gmail. ok, good advise. for the time being aku hanya validate guna yahoo, so better aku create another gmail la ye...tx babe!

  5. jap aku selalu di tanya no tepon tp aku xpasti adekah gmail sbb aku access thru yahoo.. err errr kalu ko pong kelam kabut apetah lagik kalu jadik kat aku??

    sami kalu nmpak antu dia xjerit.. dia lari patu bisik kuat2 aje kihkihkih

    err word verify nih kan : semprit kahkahkahkahkah

  6. omg!!! sumpah scary nak mampos weyyyy!!!! omg omg omg!!!

    camne nih??? tolonggg!!!!

  7. dulu dah ilang satu blog, tamao ilang lagi!!!!! tamaooooo.... bertahun punya citer, fuhhhhhhhh nanges kalao jadik!!!!!

  8. sila guna yahoo mail tuk be-kap akaun gmail tu n vice versa.. cmtu la aku slalu buat. seb baik lum terima msg2 cmtu lg.. mintak dijauhkan sebab aku tak penah archieve blog aku.. malas.. hahaha..

  9. free platform, can't expect much...

  10. biq,
    lagi 1 aku cadangkan ko donwload blog ni guna xml file. make a copy pastu simpan dlm email. so kalau jadi lagi at least ko ada simpan sume which includes template, comments & content. aku pun baru je buat tadi...takut jadi nanges tu beb!

  11. boleh kena serangan jantung untuk blogger2 tegar nih hehhe.. U pilih la option yang setiap kali Publish Post, dia akan send satu copy kat email u, semua gambar dia akan send skali, so ada la copy satu utk kite jugak, yg macam fatt buat dlm bentuk xml tu pun ok.

  12. aku mmg ada backup sume post and template, the thing is, it would be troublesome if kena benda2 camni. remeh gile...haih...pucat gile muka aku masa tu korang tau tak! nasib baik la dah ok...

  13. Oh, i pon slalu ignore msg bile dia mintak phone number tu.

    Since my external HD yg ade semua gambar2 travel dah crash, I xnak bende yg sama jadi kat blog jugak. Jom backup!

  14. Biqque
    tak tepikir akan boleh jadi gitu
    ....dah le tak pandai dgn blog

    (dan mula nak wat back up tapi tatau camneh..aduii..)

  15. erkk...
    fuh!!! gelabah bila baca entry ni..
    erkk dolu2 mmg rajin gak buat backup pastu cam maleh dah..

    aisshh nmpk gaya mmg kena sambung balik arr buat back up..

  16. anash, takpe, kita buat cara paling bodo...baca kat sini :

    ako, silalah start :D
