I've been mentioning about my very own signature tour cookbook a.k.a "buku hikmat" many times.
(Well, I don't go for popular published travel book like others...)
(Ok, fine, I'm just looking for other alternative...)
(Ok, I admit, I'm a cheapo. Haha!)
I know you know how the covers look like but have you ever wonder, how they REALLY look like?
I present you, our collection of "buku hikmat"!
(Well, I don't go for popular published travel book like others...)
(Ok, fine, I'm just looking for other alternative...)
(Ok, I admit, I'm a cheapo. Haha!)
I know you know how the covers look like but have you ever wonder, how they REALLY look like?
I present you, our collection of "buku hikmat"!
Front Cover
Back Cover
(There! There! Shaun The Sheep :D Latest in collection!)

There are all well-organized in our cute SOHO, on the book shelves, under the travel section, in half-A4-sized, back and front colored cover, manually stapled and bind with colored binding tape, loaded with travel itinerary, booking details, maps, info, cheat sheet, and what not.
13 books in total, 13 spectacular places (out of country) we have traveled. 13 sweet and sour travel experiences/memories.
(I'm a proud...book...publisher...?)
(I'm a proud...book...publisher...?)
Does anyone share the same passion? Come, show me yours bebeh! Brag about it :D
part ni i memg suspek la u hahaha... u ols mmg rajin giler cari maklumat ek...
n congrats to u n hubby coz dah berjaya gi 13 tempat within bape thn ye.. rs nya x de la lama sgt kan..
keep the gud holiday forever ;-)
kita org pinjam buku hikmat korang jelah kalau nak 'melencong' nanti...
Hahahaah..memang telepati.standard la kite nih!!
Ishhh..i teringat time kt GC tu, macam nk lebam dah buku tu kene lenjan sekor2. Kat Phuket-Krabi cam nipis sikit hahaha sebab kite main redah jek..best! best!
ako, dari terpaksa jadi kewajipan jadi keseronokan plak :D
kitorang start jalan pas kawin la, nov 2007...so nak masuk 4 tahun dah dok jalan2...
muz, pinjam? undi anda adalah rahsia kahkahkah! orang tengok mesti gelak lak!
na, tu laaaaaaaa! tak sangka ok! haah, yg i tgk, plg buruk ialah buku bali-jogja-jakarta. macam pekasam! yg lain2 cam bleh tahan lagi la, ada rupa penah dibaca hahaha! yang nipis tu tatau nape ek? lupa plak apsal nipis...slalu tebal gak la...
selamat hari jadi!!
wah g NZ nnt kira hadiah harijadi palingg best la ye :p
haah, dapat hadiah cruise kat lake tekapo :D hahaha!
husband i hadiah cruise kat lake wakatipu :D
kagumlah. byk duit korang nak jln2. aku manjang tak lepas. ada je benda nak guna duit.
ke korang ni kaya? hehehhehe.
tp aku suka baca entry korang. dpt baca pun jadilah
aku terus terang ckp mmg aku tak rajin mcm ko biq...tp aku salurkan ke blog rajin aku tu...haha..klu travel aku slalu beli LP, pastu buat research sendiri & tulis terus dlm itin apa aku nak buat. but info slalunya dah ada dlm kepala..so takde aku refer sgt buku kecuali aku nak detour tmpt lain.
aku rasa ko bleh jadi independent writer klu ko nak. ko publish sendiri & ko jual sendiri..tu lagi bagus. takde org akan amik komisyen ko, untung ko 100%. ko jual je thru blog..klu kat indo, ramai traveller dorg buat. but 1st ko claim copyright, in case org republish & plagiat w/o ur concern ko leh claim. but of cos klu ko dpt org yg nak beli skrip tu ko bleh jual paling2 few thousands..then duduk umah tunggu royalti...hehehe
up tp u...
and btw, since aku trperasan org wish birthday so i guess it's ur birthday today & HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D
keep the energy coming & hopefully all your wishes come true :D
liz, bleh je jalan dgn duit yg limited...ada caranya...thats y i ckp i travel cheap :D
fatt, teruja aku baca suntikan ko terhadap produce buku tu...dulu ada member suh aku produce buku melayu pasal cerita rekaan hahaha! patu dia suh aku compile sume post jalan2 aku, produce...menarik tu mmg la menarik, tapiiiiii...adeh...impian :D
haah, bday aku :D tx babe!
perghhh!!! i tabik kat u biqque!
boleh pinjam @ sewa @ bwt copy kalo i nak pegi mana2? ^_^
dh susun kt opis umah? aku bese bila pg mana2 mmg print kt kertas patu smpai lunyai patu buang sbb aktiviti kitorg sama aje. bangun tido lmbt, mkn, lepak2, jenjalan hahahha..
ha mmg bleh buat jual nih biqque.. ape lagik..
rajin nye cari maklumat...
mmg superb! Nnt bley share ngan i.. esp trip Vietnam. haha..
hahaha bdk, i tgk u nyer buku pun cam complete kan? hebak gak tu!
skin, ko memang, trip ala2 orang kayas...
kemang, terpaksa la buat...kalo tak, takut terlepas banyak benda :D
mrs weck, bolehhhh...nak tau apa, sila tanya :)
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