No, it is not today.

See these tickets? I should be happy, shouldn't I?
Well, hubby and I, both born on September, and for the past few years, we usually get free movie ticket from GSC, each. So we have no issue, arguing, who should pay for the tickets la kan. At least, once a year...hahaha!
But this year, on top of getting the GSC birthday treat, both of us were selected to receive four free movie pass from Nuffnang and TGV! Ok, I know that almost every bloggers will receive this but looking at the their statement, assuming we were amongst the randomly chosen 250 Glitterati Nuffnangers, kira ok la kan?
And so I get helped from one of my team members, to collect the pass on behalf of me. He came back, with a big smile, and said "Huiyo...gadis-gadis kat Nuffnang semua seksiiiiiiii :D"
"There you go..." I handed him 2 pass. Upah amik tiket.
Now comes the problem...with 6 complimentary tickets, valid for any movie unless otherwise specified, what movies should we go for??? Contagion? The Smurfs? Cars? Hantu Bonceng? Karipap-karipap Cinta? (What the f***?)

smurf! smurf!
comei2 pe konpom x rugi tengok hehehe
pastu g redeem plak kt gsc heheh bez2
kannnnnnnnnn! amik ko setahun berkali2 tgk wayang...nak pegi guna duit sendri, harammmmmmmmmm hahaha!
Cars 2 best! aku suka! kalau dah kaki wayang, tiket free mmg ada tiap2 tahun la kan. hehehe
Cerita biru ada kak???
i pun dapat arituuu!!! lupa nak redeem! shittts!
liz, i pun rasa cam nak tgk cars 2.
na, if ada, i sapuuuuuu!
bdk2, ala rugiiiiiiii! bkn senang orang nak kasi tgk woyang pree :D kita amik jerrrr!
karipap satu
Johnny English Reborn coming up.. sabo le sket weyh..
byk cite baru nti lepas ko blik NZ.. ms tu leh tgk wyg smpai lebam.. xnk kasi lebam bak pass tiket kt aku.. leh aku wayangkan tiket tuh.. hahaha...
cars la kot. aku kali nih mmg xinto movie apehal ntah! sami dh bising2 dh lama xtgk wayang. kat umah pon malas tgk tv. ape kes la aku pegnen cengini haha..
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