I bumped into these 4 new travelholics via Chawana's blog. And I started to tag them in my blogroll. I slowly hooked on them when all 4 of them were blogging bout NZ, which will be my next coming trip adventure.
Go read their blog :)
Fatt, an unrecognized-face-solo-traveler who does her travel abnormally. I admire for her passion, enthusiasm and courage, for her daring way of doing things. Awesome!
Bdk2, who gang-up with his friends to travel around. I admire for his super nice photos, detailed plan and adventurous trip.
Zilla, another one happy-go-lucky travel addict who always please us with her stories. I don't know whether she travels with Fatt or not since I can't relate her to Fatt (well, she is face-less kan? Hehehe!)
kemang, a student who is bless with ‘easy money’ to travel around while he still studying. Hahaha! (Just kidding ye kemang :D) Though that he still a newbie, I know that he’s becoming another travel junkie! I got to know him simultaneously with Bdk2, which later led me to Fatt.
See how this chain works? I started with Ako and Byya while looking for Korea trip details. Then M-knight via Innit while I was looking for Beijing details. And the most shocking finding was these two travel DIVAs, Lily and Wanderlust. No word can describe them...oh yeah, got...CRAZY! (Hate them for traveling around the world macam petik duit dari langit jer!)

wah biqque, seronok la baca blog2 dorang sumer...
thanks to u too...
i dah jadi kemaruk baca travel life derang :p
Biqque!!! thanks for putting my blog in your post! really2 appreciate it.
btw, i pun dh kemaruk travel...kan best kalo dapat petik duit dari langit je...sooo bless! hahaha
tapi aku paling xsuka bile ko travel sbb bila balik aje blog ko sungguh lambbbbaaaat nk update haha!
biqque haha ! patot la sy blaja arini serba x kena je..rupe nye ade org sbut name sy ! haha.. btw thanx 4 putting my blog in your post too ( ayat bdk2) ! hihi :)
For me,baca blog2 travel ni semua...buat hidup rasa bersemangat....
Thanks Biqque for sharing!
wahh biqque, terharu dehh & tqvm.. really2 appreciate it (ayat bdk2 juga ne :D)
Wahhh..saya pun terharu jugak, sebab Travelholic pertama yang listed dlm blog u nih.. Huhuh jangan jeles ye semua org!! (hahah acah je semua..jgn marah).. Hmm ramai2 lagi best..boleh share macam-macam..
Happy travelling y'all..
hi biqque,
nmpnya mcm i yg last sekali response, baru nak blogwalking. patutla i dpt trafik dr blog u, now i know. thanks a lot for this entry :)
i tergelak bila u ckp i'm faceless...actually i prefer to be an anonymous writer sbb i just nak readers suka my blog not bcoz of me, but my stories. but im not saying im good looking or what sbb i ni muka fotostat (wajah2 biasa yg boleh dijumpa di tepi jalan, di bus stop dsb. haha).
well, i will blog about nz again once balik dr trip. but if u hv anything to ask, just ask. i akan tolong mana yg termampu. for me to blog about my nz experience since 2009, i rasa mmg tak mampu sbb i pegi lama jgk, dunno where to start kalau nak menaip pglmn i. so thats why u cant find travelog about nz in my blog.
anyway, just some brief idea about me..i kenal bdk2 & zilla dr forum. dulu i aktif tp skrg dah tak. i penah travel dgn zilla 2 times. she's a cool travel-buddy, good photographer, a very dear friend and hopefully we can travel more in future. dats all :)
ish ish nak ikot travel sesame gakkkkk fatt :p
jom buat trip sesama sama....ehhehehh.... btw, i will list my latest plan yang dah sgt differ from original... ahhha... now that moving back to country, senang ambek cuti for travel MUAHHAHAH
kan best if sume dpt jumpa? mesti tak henti2 ckp hahaha!
semua duk ckp pasal travel kan kalo jumpe.. haha!
Thanks Biqque... ^^
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