
Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday Is A Meat-Day

Breakfast :
We had our regular dish from hawker nearby, nasi lemak sotong.

Lunch : We had hubby’s matchless dish in our own kitchen, sauté beef with Kampot pepper.

Dinner : We had chicken chop and beef steak at Chop & Steak, Kampung Baru.

There goes my diet for a week! Dang!

Routinely, we hardly ever skip breakfast during the weekends. We indisputably will have non other than nasi lemak sotong, regardless we alone, or during family visit. I don’t know why but both family loves Paul’s family (…ok please…not “Paul” ya).

Likewise, we rarely skip lunch, regardless we ourselves cook Malay dishes in our own little kitchen, or get some food that deliciously full of MSG at our favorite restaurant, Chara Kampung.

A moment or two (unless I’m not on diet), we will skip dinner. With surplus lunch, we reheat and eat, otherwise, we go out and have dinner, anywhere and anything that we crave for.

Speaking of dinner, on the way to visit Nur Aqilah, Na and Chawan's newborn daughter, we stopped at Chop & Steak restaurant at Kampung Baru. I was quite surprise when hubby said that the restaurant has a life-size boat-shape counter. Yes, indeed, the cashier is sitting INSIDE the boat, before the steering. And this two-tier boat that I-thought-made-of-wood-but-later-after-I-knocked-on-it-then-I-know-it-is-a-concrete-made, is surrounded by water. All waiters were wearing Crew printed dark blue t-shirts, and they served customers in Phua Chu Kang rubber boots. Foods are varieties and prices are economical. But the taste? Hmm…am not coming back kot. Spacious, a suitable meeting place for family and friends, but poor parking space and too-dim-lighting.


  1. gambo aqilah tak amik :D tapi dlm blog chawana ada :D ya ampunnnnnn...sungguh comel anaknyer itu!

  2. steak murah...must go there again...

  3. murah but biasa2 je rasanya...

  4. aku slalu gak g makan kat situh ngan parents in law.. fav spot derang la kirenyer.. ehheheh

  5. haah ramai family makan kat situ lenny...tempat ok, murah lak tu...
