
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

House Cat Does Watch Football

10 minutes after the match started.
First class seat (on the coffee table) right in front of the LCD,
proud wearing ITALIA choker.

50 minutes after the game played. Third class seat (on the bamboo mat).
Forcing himself to keep awake.
Almost 99% dozed out...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

10 minutes before the game ended,
sit back on the first class seat coffee table,
but seems nervous and not looking at the screen.
Well, ITALIA tried so hard to win the game.

Right after ITALIA lost (playing dead, avoid to get boo-ed by us).


  1. ya Allah...bole tak si kiki nih..tah hape hape..biq, cubak u train dia ganti si paul tu plak...hehehe..mana tau dpt byk duit ke ape ke...kitorang tumpang senang je la...hehehehe...

  2. nnt ada plak death threat kt kiki...

  3. hahaha kitorang penah gak plan nak cuba buat kat dia, tapi memandangkan dia ni tak berperasaan dan pemalas, mesti tak jadi hahaha!

    bukan death threat, kita bukak kedai tilik nasib ar ganti mani tu tu hahaha!

  4. comei comei comei.... my sis ada 3 cat last week ebiko nangis sbb cat food dia tak sedap so dia merajuk tak nak makan.... i hv to go buy iams.... ngada...

  5. nangis? hahaha...kiki kalo demam, ngada gak...asik nak tido ngan i je...
