Well, this is the most fundamental, easiest and fastest way of traveling. We’ve been traveling so much via this flying jumbo, from the low cost airlines like Air Asia, Firefly, Lion Air, to the full service flight like Qatar Airways (but mostly, we chose Air Asia-lah due to the low cost fares). Previously, Air Asia gives free seating and no charges below 15kg luggage. But now, no more free seating and no more free luggage. Addition to this, I kind off starting to like to “pick and purchase” my own seat, too bad. Anyhow, I love in flight food more than I love the seating. I easily amused with anything that being offered on board. I found everything is delicious and tasty. On the other hand, services might also vary. Different airlines have different types of crew. Some with happy face, some with sour + annoying face. Some in slim fit, some in plus size. Haha! But being in big jumbo is comfy and trustworthy, rather than being in a smaller flight. Except for Houston trip, I almost cried when the flight trembled in a terrifying turbulence!
I vote for : Qatar Airways from Houston (USA) to KLIA, coz we got 3-seater seats, (free 1 seat in the middle), entertainment-ready, sleeping kit, and awesome food!
Bus/Mini Bus
When it comes to public transport, it’s all about the numbers. Schedule, time, bus number. Some reliable, some not, depends on the 'name'. We’ve taken regardless city bus, or tour bus, and all have the same typical way of driving skills…and habitual honking. Don’t ask me why, but I believe, they try to give us an efficient service by taking us to the designated place, on time. Nevertheless, it just the matter of how long to get you from point A to point B, in total (including stop over for toilet and lunch). We did encounter a super slow tour bus at Hanoi (Vietnam) where all buses had to overtake our super slow driver. Vice versa, a super experience driver in Beijing (China), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), and Singapore City bus, did change the reflection, when they drove fast and not too furious to and from the Great Wall, as well as the federal road in Cambodia. Besides the speedy Gonzales and sluggish Sloth, there’s another point to look upon. The service. Some bus do offer drinks, lunch and entrance fee. Not to mention, A/C, DVD and WC (toilet). The more the service they offer, the better for you to enjoy.
I vote for : Tour Mini Bus from Hanoi to Halong Bay (Vietnam), coz the tour guide and the group members were hyper fun (except the slow driver la!)
Owh god! The slowest but yet the most expensive transport on the road! We tried twice, once in Yogyakarta (Indonesia) and another one in Saigon (Vietnam). Both gave us different experience. We got it cheaper in Yogyakarta for the whole day tour, while got ripped off in Saigon for only 4 hours tour. But both were exciting, as you can view the scenic places in your own sweet time (but I can’t lie that we do empathized the old man who had to cycle both of us…lucky we were both under 100kgs in total).
I vote for : Becak at Yogyakarta (Indonesia) coz it was crazy cheap for the whole day! AN ADVICE, NEVER RIDE A TRICYCLE IN VIETNAM! N.E.V.E.R!
This is another mode of transfer that we’ve tried during the island tour in Koh Samui (Thailand), Langkawi (Malaysia), Phuket-Phi Phi-Krabi (Thailand), Sabah (Malaysia), and last but not least, the most amazing experience, Halong Bay (Vietnam). Such a wonderful and extraordinary experience that everyone should try. Fast boat, slow boat, you choose. We’ve tried both and I did cry when the fast boat hit the waves, repeatedly. I love beach as much as I love the ocean. Lucky me, who never have sea-sickness. Overnight on the big old boat at Halong Bay was super enjoyable. The food, the group, the scenery, no words can described.
I vote for : Of course, the big old boat at Halong Bay (Vietnam) where we had so much fun with Germans and French.
The most “localize” experience that full with traffic and rempit-skidding. Most of the experience, we got it at Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali (Indonesia) and Siem Reap, Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Fast and cheap, provided you have the idea where you want to go and which way they take you (at least, bring a map to refer to). Even they have window on both sides, still not a good ‘place’ to snap photo on a moving tuk-tuk/bajai. Space is important for a long ride. Try to get a good condition tuk-tuk.
I vote for : Comfy-spongy-seat-tuk-tuk drove by Mr. Saly from Siem Reap (Cambodia), for the great 2 days tour and muslim food!
We do rented and drove on our own in some of our trip, like what we had in Yogyakarta, Bali (Indonesia), Gold Coast (Australia), Houston (USA), Phuket (Thailand), and Medan (Indonesia). All these places gave us many different experiences. The most adventurous was Bali (Indonesia), we drove Avanza, with map on hand, towards hills and mountains, got blocked by one old lady in “kebaya”, scary! (Not to forget, we bribed the police officer!) Unlike Bali, we did charter a GPS, to be used on Houston Highway, for better reference. Rented an Estima at Gold Coast was fun since we went there with another 6 groupies. Same goes to Medan, where we had 7 people inside the Suzuki APV, need to exchange drivers, coz the road was too hard to endure. The good thing about having a car during your trip is you can stop whenever and wherever you want.
I vote for : Estima at Gold Coast (Australia), coz the car super spacey and I was the co-pilot who read map! Hehe!
You need to really know which is officially permitted, and which is not. We’ve done this in Hanoi (Vietnam) and Saigon (Vietnam). Not to forget, Doha (Qatar), Beijing (China) and Singapore. We did get ripped off in Vietnam when we hired one cab that has about the same logo as the permitted one. So be careful and do your study of types of cab of the country that you are going to. Most of the country nowadays are using meter. It’s the matter of which way they bring you to the place you want to go. Again, at least you have the idea where you take the cab and where you about to go. Even worst, when the driver don’t know where you want to go and take you to the wrong place! Not to add, the language barrier, where you need to use sign language for airport, by showing how flight take off. Haha!
I vote for : Singapore cab, coz they are big, spacey, metered, destination is close to each other, and definitely genuine. (Fine, that's not the taxi, I couldn't find one in my album...)
Super fun but butt-pain experience. Extremely easy to go anywhere you want, fast, cheap, and less traffic. We rode once at Krabi (Thailand) as well as in Koh Samui (Thailand). I managed to snap many photos on the bike, and it was hell of fun when both of us don’t have any license, and not properly educate with bike handling. But we did it! Always wear helmet and shade to avoid sand and wind. Of course, safety first. Get gasoline by the road side and do not refuel until full tank! Such an uneconomical and wasteful! Always refuel one bottle at a time. And don’t forget to run from the authorities before you get into trouble!
I vote for : Auto-gear Yamaha Nouvo at Krabi (Thailand), coz it is fast and new! (I wish for Vespa, actually. Cute, but slow.)
The most rapid, reliable, efficient and satisfactory. We’ve tried both in Chinese-land, Beijing (China) and Singapore, and both never failed us. So reliable and always according to the stated schedule. Easy ticket buying, both from the counter and the auto-ticketing-machine. The lines are well diagramed, that you can easily read and plan the next stop and location. (Hope for more seats and less crowd.) Not to mention, the CRH bullet train from Beijing to Tianjin (vice-versa), and ERL that we have in Malaysia. It just that, we don’t have beautiful train-crews and free drinks in it.
I vote for : To the new experience, bullet train in Beijing (China) of course! It reached 333kmph!
Cable Car
Fun and exciting! We've tried them at Langkawi (Malaysia) and Beijing (China), and obviously, Beijing had the best. Open-air (same to ski-cable car), two-seater, jump-on and jump-off! And the most fun part was, you can slide down using Tobogan!
I vote for : Open-air cable car at Beijing (China), coz the car was only for two of us!
Foot (yes, my foot, your foot, everyone's foot)
The "never dies" transport of all time. You want to walk, you walk. I DO NOT want to. I HAD ENOUGH!!! I promise, I WILL DEFINITELY DIE, if I have to repeat what we had in Beijing!!! SO WAIT FOR THE FULL JOURNEY, YOU, KENT AND BARBIE!
I DON'T WANT TO vote for : Walking around Beijing?
So, what mode of traveling transports have you used and vote for?
Well, this is the most fundamental, easiest and fastest way of traveling. We’ve been traveling so much via this flying jumbo, from the low cost airlines like Air Asia, Firefly, Lion Air, to the full service flight like Qatar Airways (but mostly, we chose Air Asia-lah due to the low cost fares). Previously, Air Asia gives free seating and no charges below 15kg luggage. But now, no more free seating and no more free luggage. Addition to this, I kind off starting to like to “pick and purchase” my own seat, too bad. Anyhow, I love in flight food more than I love the seating. I easily amused with anything that being offered on board. I found everything is delicious and tasty. On the other hand, services might also vary. Different airlines have different types of crew. Some with happy face, some with sour + annoying face. Some in slim fit, some in plus size. Haha! But being in big jumbo is comfy and trustworthy, rather than being in a smaller flight. Except for Houston trip, I almost cried when the flight trembled in a terrifying turbulence!

Bus/Mini Bus
When it comes to public transport, it’s all about the numbers. Schedule, time, bus number. Some reliable, some not, depends on the 'name'. We’ve taken regardless city bus, or tour bus, and all have the same typical way of driving skills…and habitual honking. Don’t ask me why, but I believe, they try to give us an efficient service by taking us to the designated place, on time. Nevertheless, it just the matter of how long to get you from point A to point B, in total (including stop over for toilet and lunch). We did encounter a super slow tour bus at Hanoi (Vietnam) where all buses had to overtake our super slow driver. Vice versa, a super experience driver in Beijing (China), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), and Singapore City bus, did change the reflection, when they drove fast and not too furious to and from the Great Wall, as well as the federal road in Cambodia. Besides the speedy Gonzales and sluggish Sloth, there’s another point to look upon. The service. Some bus do offer drinks, lunch and entrance fee. Not to mention, A/C, DVD and WC (toilet). The more the service they offer, the better for you to enjoy.

Owh god! The slowest but yet the most expensive transport on the road! We tried twice, once in Yogyakarta (Indonesia) and another one in Saigon (Vietnam). Both gave us different experience. We got it cheaper in Yogyakarta for the whole day tour, while got ripped off in Saigon for only 4 hours tour. But both were exciting, as you can view the scenic places in your own sweet time (but I can’t lie that we do empathized the old man who had to cycle both of us…lucky we were both under 100kgs in total).

This is another mode of transfer that we’ve tried during the island tour in Koh Samui (Thailand), Langkawi (Malaysia), Phuket-Phi Phi-Krabi (Thailand), Sabah (Malaysia), and last but not least, the most amazing experience, Halong Bay (Vietnam). Such a wonderful and extraordinary experience that everyone should try. Fast boat, slow boat, you choose. We’ve tried both and I did cry when the fast boat hit the waves, repeatedly. I love beach as much as I love the ocean. Lucky me, who never have sea-sickness. Overnight on the big old boat at Halong Bay was super enjoyable. The food, the group, the scenery, no words can described.

The most “localize” experience that full with traffic and rempit-skidding. Most of the experience, we got it at Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali (Indonesia) and Siem Reap, Phnom Penh (Cambodia). Fast and cheap, provided you have the idea where you want to go and which way they take you (at least, bring a map to refer to). Even they have window on both sides, still not a good ‘place’ to snap photo on a moving tuk-tuk/bajai. Space is important for a long ride. Try to get a good condition tuk-tuk.

We do rented and drove on our own in some of our trip, like what we had in Yogyakarta, Bali (Indonesia), Gold Coast (Australia), Houston (USA), Phuket (Thailand), and Medan (Indonesia). All these places gave us many different experiences. The most adventurous was Bali (Indonesia), we drove Avanza, with map on hand, towards hills and mountains, got blocked by one old lady in “kebaya”, scary! (Not to forget, we bribed the police officer!) Unlike Bali, we did charter a GPS, to be used on Houston Highway, for better reference. Rented an Estima at Gold Coast was fun since we went there with another 6 groupies. Same goes to Medan, where we had 7 people inside the Suzuki APV, need to exchange drivers, coz the road was too hard to endure. The good thing about having a car during your trip is you can stop whenever and wherever you want.

You need to really know which is officially permitted, and which is not. We’ve done this in Hanoi (Vietnam) and Saigon (Vietnam). Not to forget, Doha (Qatar), Beijing (China) and Singapore. We did get ripped off in Vietnam when we hired one cab that has about the same logo as the permitted one. So be careful and do your study of types of cab of the country that you are going to. Most of the country nowadays are using meter. It’s the matter of which way they bring you to the place you want to go. Again, at least you have the idea where you take the cab and where you about to go. Even worst, when the driver don’t know where you want to go and take you to the wrong place! Not to add, the language barrier, where you need to use sign language for airport, by showing how flight take off. Haha!
Super fun but butt-pain experience. Extremely easy to go anywhere you want, fast, cheap, and less traffic. We rode once at Krabi (Thailand) as well as in Koh Samui (Thailand). I managed to snap many photos on the bike, and it was hell of fun when both of us don’t have any license, and not properly educate with bike handling. But we did it! Always wear helmet and shade to avoid sand and wind. Of course, safety first. Get gasoline by the road side and do not refuel until full tank! Such an uneconomical and wasteful! Always refuel one bottle at a time. And don’t forget to run from the authorities before you get into trouble!

The most rapid, reliable, efficient and satisfactory. We’ve tried both in Chinese-land, Beijing (China) and Singapore, and both never failed us. So reliable and always according to the stated schedule. Easy ticket buying, both from the counter and the auto-ticketing-machine. The lines are well diagramed, that you can easily read and plan the next stop and location. (Hope for more seats and less crowd.) Not to mention, the CRH bullet train from Beijing to Tianjin (vice-versa), and ERL that we have in Malaysia. It just that, we don’t have beautiful train-crews and free drinks in it.

Cable Car
Fun and exciting! We've tried them at Langkawi (Malaysia) and Beijing (China), and obviously, Beijing had the best. Open-air (same to ski-cable car), two-seater, jump-on and jump-off! And the most fun part was, you can slide down using Tobogan!

Foot (yes, my foot, your foot, everyone's foot)
The "never dies" transport of all time. You want to walk, you walk. I DO NOT want to. I HAD ENOUGH!!! I promise, I WILL DEFINITELY DIE, if I have to repeat what we had in Beijing!!! SO WAIT FOR THE FULL JOURNEY, YOU, KENT AND BARBIE!

So, what mode of traveling transports have you used and vote for?