
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Colorful Night At I-City Shah Alam

If it's not because of my sister and her family came to KL, I wouldn't want to visit I-City, the "light wonderlands" a.k.a "color city", in Shah Alam! Hahaha! But I was wrong! I must go :)

We were all equipped with sweaters (I was with the most exaggerate) as we read, there was a "cool room" there. So we expect to see some kind of snow here and there lah. And we agreed to get in and play with "snow", regardless how much we have to spend.

It was quite late when we reached there. We parked our car at the basement and walked up to the open area...then we saw these.
I was astonished at first, coz the lights were colorful. The autumn trees added into our excitement since we just got back from Seoul, and watched the real maples and clovers.Then I started to get bored when I saw this! Huh? The same firecrackers light? This light has been on the road since 1990's la weh! Well ok, memory lane maybe?Satisfied with that area, we walked to the building where it is believed, to be the location of "cool room".
Then there was a huge and tall white Christmas tree. Yeay! We were on the right track to the "cool room"! Can't wait to see the snow! We hold it, still, and snapped few pictures with castles, deers, bridges and all.Then there was the "cool room"! (To the right.) And what was inside? A room with white interiors, decorated with colorful lights, IN AIR-CONDITIONED!

WHERE THE HELL IS THE SNOW??? (No wonder they called it "cool room" instead of "snow room"...) I want snowy :(
We didn't enter. We walked to other open area, with more maple trees, Christmas trees, and started to play-posing. That's the best that we can do there.
We ended the night by going back to the first open area, and had fun snapping photos with this giant cactus, where my nephew did something kinky with it. Hahaha! (And I took my Viet-sweater off! Crazy hot ok!)
To go again? (Yeah, it's free.) Kudos to M'sia for having this place for weekend night-out. At least, you can play in these beautiful cheerful lights with your love ones.

1 comment:

  1. Sekarang da kena bayar. Super banyak komplens due to that. Sebab service pun so-so. Sibaik aritu sempat singgah time free.
