
Saturday, September 29, 2012

September Babies In Adidas

"What do you want to give me?" I asked hubby.

"What do YOU want to give me?" He counter asked me back.

Trust me, that was our yearly question that we had. We both, born on September, and we both, having the same age. We had come into decision where, each of us SHOULD get each other, something/anything, more or less that cost the same price.

5 years of marriage means 5 years of birthday celebration. We had watches, pants, trips, boat cruises, so this year, we wanted something that we can wear. Since we need new shoes for Sydney trip, we both get ourselves a pair of Adidas. We chose Adidas over Nike, for we both already posses blue and red Nike Canvas.

I always love Adidas for their design and obviously, the noted three stripes. I used to have 5 pairs of sneakers; Campus, Original Gazelle, Original Samba, Original Superstar, and Original Aditrack.

Anyhow, this time, I chose non-stripe! It's a Forum Mid Casual W (dark purple with brown strap shoes). In this shoes, I feel like Yuna in her early days. Tah kenapa! Unlikely, hubby chose Superskate Vulc LV (white with red stripe shoes), coz I told him he looks younger in skate shoes. Hahaha!


  1. cantekkknyeer... jelez i..hihi

  2. amboiii mak esah, hasil tuaian dari hasil ubatkan orang nih..ehem ehemmmm kelassss uolssss

  3. haa, mane update kek smlm?! kate dpt birthday party bagai, siap ade joget2 mengiurkan!!

  4. stokin beli tak? hahaha

    kasut cun boleh jalan kaki satu sydney mcm ni.

  5. anon, ala kasut murahhhh :)

    na, hasil tuaian bomohkan org hahaha!

    cawan, ha mane gambar??

    meng, stokin lupa! bleh? kena beli, nanti kaki busuk jalan satu sydney hahaha!

  6. Canteknya kasut!!!! Terus ngidam nak beli kasut jugak!

  7. jggl, aku dah lama tak beli kasut tauuu...hahaha!

  8. lama tak beli kasut?
    yang ke USS
    tuh? bukan kasut baru jugak ker???

  9. anash, yg tu nike hahaha! ye baru gak, tapi cam asik tersadung jer...

  10. hi-cut tuh... teringat jaman olskool ler tuh kan, thats why you bought. tuk tak (pepandai jek i)

  11. lily, not really, the main reason why i bought it sebab MURAH! hahaha! i'm not really into sporty2 stail ni (dulu ye), buat no choice, beli jer la :D

  12. biq, kasut biru merah korang mana? hahaha habes madu sepah dibuangkah? kekekk

  13. john, err...err... *cari alasan* ada...tapi... *buat2 pengsan*
