
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cat Island, Japan

Some of you guys might have bumped into Tofugu.Com, where four young men, who love to write about things in Japan, share their own way of tofugu style. They also provide TextFugu, a Japanese textbook for self-learners, both, free lesson and payable version.

Ok, enough about them. I was actually googl-ing about Cat Island a.k.a Tashirojima in Japan. It started when hubby posted an entry about it before, but I keep on telling myself, never once, to peep on this island images. I wanted to be surprise when I am there.

“Aku insan yang lemah.
Hanya mampu berserah.”

Like how Rohana Jalil said in her famed song.

The curiosity to know how many cats are there in the island, “keterujaan” nak tau size dan warna bulu kucing-kucing tu, I’m pretty sure I can’t handle it anymore. So I came into this and this post where it tells you the whole story, photographically.

Here are some facts about this island.
-          The only way to get here is via ferry ride.
-          This island inhabited by more cats than people.
-          Approximately 100 residents live in this island, between 60-70 years of age.
-          Some buildings are built in shape of cat.
-          This island survived from quake and Tsunami.
-        Dogs are totally prohibited in this island.

Big, fat, and healthy. For cat lovers, it’s heaven. For Na? I’m pretty sure she’ll run for her life if she sees more than 10 cats approaching and encircling her. Hahaha!

For me, I can’t wait to cuddle them, hug them, gesel muka kat perut diorang! Eii little cutie cutie cutie cutie cutie cutie kitty! Geramnyer!

Credit to Amusingplanet.Com, Animalzone.Com, and Tofugu.Com for pictures.


  1. NEKO CHAN!!!

    ko mmg antu kucing la biq. nti ko gesel muka kat perut depa, kiki majok dgn ko...abislah...

    eh Na takut kucing ke? aku baru tau...hehehe. rugila dia pi Nz aritu tak pegang kucing sbb kucing sana lagi la demok2

  2. OH cutenya!!!!! kalo kat mesia ada camni kan best

  3. comelll..(tetiba teringat kucing housemate...)
    pegang / usap kucing merupakan salah satu terapi menyah kan stress buat ku...
    melainkan kena cakar...hahah...(not blaming the cat either..)

  4. fatt, aku hidup dengan kucing dari kecik fatt...aku SUKA sangat2...if aku gesel ngan kucing kat jepun, aku tak bgtau kiki :D haah, na kalo dtg umah aku, mau dia lari bila kiki dtg dekat dia :D aritu kat nz aku jumpa sekor, masyaAllahhhhh bulu utk tahan salji tuh!

    janggel, if kat mesia, kurap2 jer sume kan...sian...

    anash, comel to the max!


    siappe yg kasi makan kat diorang nie, the 100 residents tue ke or government funded?

    siyes..untung naseb badan kucing2 kat situ...

    mode: GERAM SANGAT!!!

  6. aku mengaku aku takut kucing, esp kalau diorg datang dekat2 main gesel2 dgn aku, memang aku seram, sebab masa kecik ritu penah kene cakar, so fobia sampai skrg..

    tapi deme ni memang spesis comel..Aqilah ngn Cawan mesti suka kalau dapat pegi sini nih..hehehe

  7. maszuber, diorang ni diberi makan oleh penduduk setempat dan juga pelancong2 yg dtg, katanya dpt berkat gitu hahaha! tu yg badan bam2 tuuuu!

    seb beik aqilah n cawan tak phobia :D mesti aqilah jerit2 tengok kan! comel nyer if dia duduk sebelah kucing tuuuuu...

  8. tuit blum baca tp nk komen,

    yg ade tunggu anjing dlm hachiko story tuh kt mana ek?

  9. Elly,

    Shibuya -


    Giler comeiiiiii.... adek tak balik ler... my fren pegi dah island ni. ehhehe.... are you visiting here too? ENVY!!!! pics plenty pleaseee

  10. wow so comel but i think ni island yg lain....anyway, can we take home a couple?

  11. omaiiiiiiii...... "Dogs are totally prohibited in this island." Aku akan sangat suka untuk berjenjalan kat pulau nih.... Lagi pulak diekori, dikeliling dengan kucin2 momok eh gemokkkkkk montel..... hihihi..... alo tomei-tomei.....

  12. Lily, I HOPE so...nakkkkkkk sgt!

    3plepl8, lain? Kita amik skit bwk blk k?

    Masmz, sumpah tak tahan ni..kena gak gi tgk sendri!

  13. woi! aku tgk gambo tu kan.. aku tpikir 'wow kiki merata2!!' gemok2 tuuuuu aku sukaaaa hahahha.. kompom kalu lah terpg ke situ.. mau papi sami spend lama gile dok ulit kucing2 tuhhhh hahaha.. aku suka ape saja kucing asalkan bukan dirumah ku.. lalalalallaa..

    oo dog statue tuh kt shibuya.. sigh bila la dpt pg negara matahari terbit nih...

  14. wahh....melopong jap tgk kucing2 nei..serious...tombam tombam.. tapi..kalau jie yg datang kesini..kompem x gerak2..hahaha.nak2 bile tengok kucing sekeliling..T_T nanges lagk adalah..:D

  15. skin, nanti aku cari dog statue tu ok?

    langkah kaki, mau tak tahan, gemuk ok! tapi tu la, tak sure lagi nak gi cat island yg mana...banyak gak kat japan tu!

  16. woww!! so many of them!!!
    juz wondering.. busuk tak pulau tu? eheheh
