
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another Travelholic That I Knew, Travelista

I am fond of putting someone in the spotlight…regardless for a reason or not.

Some sort of fun things to do, don’t you think so?

Those who previously or recently being featured or mentioned in my blog (directly or indirectly), in some way or manner, shall experience, not to say a blast, but at least a tiny rapid flash flooding in their blog. Ask them.

This is how we should go about, when expanding the network chain, virtually. I believe in this and I am practicing it.

Whilst other blogger promoting/introducing other bloggers, I am called to put this guy, in the limelight. Despite the fact that he rarely write (damn, he missed few posts here and there), I believe that he writes well, in his own way of composing. Moreover, the simplicity of the blog arrangement is a plus point, not too slow, not too heavy, furnish with some worth-click links, amongst them is (for in/out country hotel booking.)

He divides the blog into three categories:

Ok, let’s close one eye, pretend to ignore the technical posts and other general matters. Just jump into one interesting category that is, Travelista.
*Travelista : A homo sapiens that I sleep with.

Personally, I like the way he magnetizes the blog readers with his personal experiences that march along with historical facts, pictures, maps, and what not.

I do hope that some day, he would unfold all the pending posts, and get them posted. (I am demanding for India posts!) Meanwhile, let's enjoy his New Zealand posts, in the simplest way of writing, that reader could never skip.


  1. biqque!!! kembali bersiaran nampaknya! hahaha. mana ko hilang ah?haha

    laki ko kah?

  2. hahahaha aku berhibernasi tapi tak makan nasi :D

    haah, laki mak nokkkkk kihkihkih! tapi bukan pasal dia laki mak, pasal mak mmg suka cara penulisan dia :D

  3. curlast ko maria! hahaha. dah brape kilo turun nih? keke. aku ade baca jugak blog ni. gaya penulisan kalian berdua berbeza. good2 completing each other. LOL

  4. exactly! sangat berbeza kan?

    (aku tatau la brapa turun...aku dah malas plak nak bersenam...hahaha...tapi aku tetap tak makan nasik la malam :D)

  5. oohh kalu mamat nih yg tulis mmg dlm top list aku sbb bila baca tu kenkadang cam nk tarik2 rambut sdr esp yg menggunakan bahasa melayu hahhahaa

  6. berbeza weh gaya hasben ko menulih...aku agak terkesima di situ sbb ko tulis tunggang-langgang tp dia steady jek. hehe

    will dig his blog..thanks for sharing :)

    ps : beb, aku ada buat questionnaire brkaitan blum post lagi..aku ingt nak buat cam tagging sesama kita sbb nak pecahkan boredom...ok tak?

  7. eh macam ku kenal je..hmmmm best gak ni, takde la kite2 je duk balas2 komen dlm tu..ayuhhhhhhhhhhh terjahhhhh

    p/s: Cop, aku tetap akan jadi warga South Africa dlm travelista tu lain jgn kaco!!

  8. Fatt: Post la, aku tak sabor nak jawab dah ni hahahaha..elok sgt la nk kurangkan bosan2 nih hahhahah..

  9. Fatt,molek benor le tu...Patu setiap org kena buat post yg sama and jawab!

    Haah,dia dan aku sgt berbeza. Kalo baca love letter dia dolu2, harus rasa nk bunuh diri! Mmg mcm bkn dia ok!

  10. thank you cik biqque kerna mem'fitur'kan blog saya di post anda. patutla hari ni ada komen dr blogawan dr negara brazil. yg south africa tu cik ewoke igtkan encik Nǃxau.

    cik fatt, apakah soalannya? tak sabar jgk nk jwab. ibu negara uganda ialah Kampala. haa kan dh terjawab.

    cik ely, sy xleh tulis BM nnt kena ban.

    p/s: nape cik biqque nk bunuh diri baca luv letter tu? mesti dia berpantun 18 kerat kan.
