
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Take 5!

Two more posts to go...but I'm drowning in the pool of...LAZINESS!

Ya, I know. Such an addictive disease, huh?

Go watch Rugby World Cup this weekend y'll. It's gonna be hell of adrenaline rush. Make sure y'll raise the Fern leaf and Springbok flags!

- Live update via free iPod Touch (a gift from Lily Globetrotter, who is now meeting Zeus at Greece. Demyuh!) -


  1. ape kes lily boleh post kat ko punye post nih? hahahaha....

    cpt update biqque. we want more pls!!!

  2. hahahaha tak laaaaaaaaaaa...ipod ni aku dpt free dari dia :D

    ok, arini aku usahakan lagi! aku benci la bos aku duk kat blkg aku nihhhhhhh...

  3. oit ko jgn nk buat alasan penyakit berjangkit plak. elok aku blk ko nk hold entry pulak ye. penat aku baca laju2.. cis cis cis

  4. aku dah nak balik....!!!! dok baca entry you alls but kali nih seksa nak reply.

  5. skin, ko cite la dulu cite ko hahahaha! tak sabar ni!
