
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Compact MPV for NZ Trip

We FINALLY booked one!
It's a 1st gen 7-seater Mazda Premacy. The reason why we chose this minivan, coz it is on auto transmission (easy to take photo while driving kan kan kan), plus, the second and third row seats can be folded (super cheap-mobile-bedroom). Well…adhoc/changes of plan sometimes can’t be predicted huh?

We got it for NZD42 a day and pick-up point and return-point shall be at the airport car park. No meeting, no chatting, we give money, they give the car. That’s it. As easy as that.

I have yet to know what are the things that come together with the car like GPRS or wheel-chain, coz I have a very limited info on it (hubby was the one who did the booking). But I guess, those are excluded.

We are now in the stage of reviewing the campsite/holiday park. The cheaper the better. Or else, back to basic :)


  1. biqque, u amek company apa for car? murah dah tu...

    plus, utk holiday park, i suggest u go for top 10. i really like every holiday park that i went. plus it's cheap!

  2. Akhirnye booking jugak..ingatkan nk buat dek je.. Hmm nanti kite park sebelah2 yek.. I punya mungkin Nissan Avenir/Mazda Capella... Suspen betui..

  3. bdk2, chawana got it cheaper for a apa, nanti kena tanya mr.shahrul :D

    yup, i showed to my hubby sume top 10 u tu...mmg i berkenan sungguh...tapi kitorang opted for the cheaper one la...

    na, park sebelah2 tu WAJIB! weh, i googled mazda capella, gile ol skool keta tu!
    i rasa u nyer wagon type kan?

  4. hahah...make sure u pilih holiday park yg ada qualmark tau yg silver fern tu. hihihi. mostly murah je holiday park ni.

    i pn amek mazda capella! haha...agak old skool jgk la. i tot dpt mazda supremacy. baru skit. tak dapatla nmpknya.

    u guys, not stay together? i mean stay in 1 cabin ke. haha...kalo nk jimat la.

  5. An awesome MVP! I'd recommend it to anyone in need of one, since a friendly family lets me use theirs from time to time. It's awesome!

    Cheap international calls

  6. bdk2, ok, will take note on that.

    tu la, if share, murah skit kan...macam dah lari skit plan we all dgn chawana...

    jimmy, hope ours serves us well :)

  7. oh ya, i remembered. u guys punya route lain2 kan nnt? aiseh...kalo x, blh gather-gather sama2 kat sana.

    biqque, nape u nk amek compact mpv instead of sedan car? i think much cheaper if just u and ur hubby.

  8. Tu la..i tak tau la yg mana satu yg kena..Nissan Avenir or Mazda Capella tu, both tahun 2003 dan ke atas.. huhuhu..

    Nanti kite park sebelah2 leh main intai2.or main suluh2..hahaha

  9. bdk2, sedan susah nak tido dlm keta...sbb kitorang amik sume power site, tak amik apa2 bentuk rumah pun utk tido...sbb tu amik mpv tu sbb kusi bleh lipat ke depan and ketepi, so tido atas lantai keta :D gile hippies dah ni!

    na, u campsite, kitorang power site, even dlm satu compound, tatau la dekat2 ke tak...weh u dah check ke campsite tu bleh park tido dlm keta? kot2 kena jalan kaki, bukak kemah ke haaaaaaaaaaa...

  10. dah cek dah..boleh tidor lam keta/kemah. tido atas tanah saja pun bole.. ehehehe

  11. owhhh...i dah faham maksud u tu. hahah...cambest je.....

  12. ha na, kalo kosong kotak parking kat power site tu, blasah je drive ubah tempat tak leh ke? hahahaha! i tak rasa ada orang jaga malam2 :D

  13. uiyo, cun sgt pic #2 tu...tu 2nd gen dh. hehe...

  14. hahah..that one i dont knw how to say. depends kat mana holiday park yg u pegi. kat CHC holiday park memang penuh campervan even winter season. kat franz josef xde sgt...

  15. Nice sharing! Can apply when planning for trip to New Zealand.

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  17. hi biqque
    bole tau amik kete dr company mana? far too cheap la..bekenan!! me going on nov..tq for sharing

  18. kuntum, company tu nama omega :)

  19. biqque cane bole dpt $42/day ni..kt website quote $52
    aiseyyyyy byk jimat tu

  20. kuntum, harga ikut date and season...maybe sbb u nak gi nov and oct to tengah peak time utk world cup masih terasa2 la kot kegumbiraannyer, tu yg mahal skit kot :D

    u tau, kalo june-july, $36 jerrrrrrrr!
