
Thursday, December 2, 2010

World Famous Architecture

The minute I saw these 3D puzzles in one cheap-local shop, I didn't think twice. I grabbed both World Famous Mini Architecture Series 1 and 2 and paid at the counter. I was too happy and didn't look at other things on the rack. Then I had a glimpse on one box, that has Colosseum on it...but that wasn't the series!!! Dang!!! Where to get one??? I went to the counter and asked the girl but she just smiled...I guess she had no idea what I was asking for orrrrr she just couldn't spill the sentence "hey, it came straight from China, what you see is what you want more, go to China..." hehehe!

Well, it took me half day to complete these puzzles. I took almost one hour to assemble the first miniature, as I had overlooked the sequence. Pfftt!!! The rest, kind off easy...with my nephew's help who is currently at my home having chicken pox! Hahaha!

The Collections

Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia)

Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

Burj Al Arab (Dubai, UAE)

Petronas Twin Towers (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Great Wall of China (Badaling/Mutianyu, China)

Yokohama Landmark Tower (Yokohama, Japan)

Gyeongbokgung Palace (Seoul, South Korea)

Sears Tower (Chicago, United States)

Leaning Tower of Pisa (Tuscany, Italy)

Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco, United States)

Mini Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

Tower Bridge (London, England)

Taj Mahal (Agra, India)

Why did I choose Taj Mahal as the final miniature? :D As what people always say, "save the best for last" coz I'M GONNA VISIT THIS BEAUTIFUL MAUSOLEUM next February!!!

Ya, maybe others had gone to these places before me, but I am striving my best to find a way to go there before I die :) Wish me luck!

P/S: What? The land of Maori? Nova Zeelandia? Kihkihkihkih!


  1. not that good la but in picture i try to make it looks good...hahahaha! kind of easy oso la to do :D

  2. the 'lighting' came from a torchlight :D

  3. giler, nice!!!
    hahhaha me x terpk nak buat puzzle ni but nampak interesting arrr ;)

  4. i tak penah pun nak cuba2 benda camni...dah lama gak dulu dok tgk bebudak buat keta la ape la...tapi sebab benda ni world famous architecture, terusssssss sambar! hahaaha!

  5. ngeee :D
    backdrop hitam tuh wat miniatures tu alive.. wah2 biq!!!..

  6. manade backdrop itam, tu langsir tingkap aku kaler coklat tuh! hahaha! patu aku gelapkan, guna torchlite! :D

  7. mabeles! mana beli ni?huhu akak suka!

  8. sori kalau out of topic...ade nak jual spectra3 kan??dah jual ke??

  9. kalamhati, ala kedai apetah yg jual barang2 biasa ni...

    celeste, not that nice la hahaha...

    she-G, spectra3? apetu? salah orang kot :D

  10. They are so cute and some are funny like the Great Wall and Golden Gate bridge! I also dream of going to Taj Mahal someday. Wait for Air Asia pergi sana okei...!

  11. twilight, can go la...u take AA to delhi, then take train tu agra la like what we r going to do :D its a kampung trip u know hahaha!

  12. Nak jugak!!! Nak jugak!! Boleh main ngn si kura-kura nanti...

  13. na, tu la, i think u should have one...nak tak? if nak i belikan dulu kat kedai tu bebila i gi :D

  14. ok la ok la .. next year aku g holiday gak arrr (kes dh lama xbagi magnet hahaha)..

    tapi next year bagi aku reno umah dulu patu hujung tahun kite tour europe nak? tu pon kalu ko xpegnen arr aminnnnn
