
Monday, August 2, 2010

Never Be Late For Felda Wedding

For the first time, I’ve attended a felda wedding reception at Felda Lakum, Pahang. A friend of mine, Suzana, who happened to be my ex-colleague and soon to be my insurance agent, tied a knot with her younger boyfriend, who is the grandson of “taukeh ayam” at Manjoi Ipoh.

Ok, it’s not their relationship that I’m interested to, it’s the LOCATION that caught my intention. I never had attended any reception at any felda, and having a new experience on this wedding really impact the way of my perception towards “timing”. She told us that Kampung Cinta Manis exit is just before the toll house, approaching Karak’s highway. But she didn’t mention which toll house! Hahaha! It was the third toll house, passing the Gombak and Bentong’s. She must have got used to the “distance” going back and forth to her hometown, that we found it was actually not as “close” as what she told us.

Luckily, her house wasn’t too far to locate, and it was exactly like what she had on map. BUT, (there’s another but here) when we arrived, chairs, tables and tent, have been dissembled! Haha! It was 3.30pm and the lunch normally should end at 4.30pm (as per invitation card). Considering what hubby told me, it is true that felda wedding always finish early, as early as 2.00pm, and 2.00pm we were still at Jalan Kuching. Sheesh!

With 3-inch wedges and 3-inch “face”, we met the bride. The groom wasn’t there, went out, and DROVE HIMSELF to check-out his family at the nearby homestay. Hahaha! That’s not the KING of the day’s job! Anyway, we were invited to have lunch and the good thing of coming late, we got personal treatment from the bride and groom, PLUSSSS, the high table food! Yummy! The special dish, “sambal hitam” (a mixture of chilies and anchovies) was awesome! So, it wasn't that bad to be late for felda wedding huh?

We stayed up, gossiped till 5.30pm. We later stopped by at one durian stall and had “musang king” a.k.a “kunyit” for RM17.00 per kg. Crazy! Thanks to Din, Siti’s husband who paid out, with Beijing magnet as return. Hehe!

To Sue, all the best...

...and we’ll talk bout my insurance later, aite? :)


  1. wahh beshnye mkn durian..

    psst.. sapa la vote ko xfun traveller tuh? xpaham sungguh..

    beijing entry pehleeaseeee!!! sila tekan kan kat '1min per train hahaha'

  2. hahaha aku pun tak paham, aku rasa saje la tu nak pekena aku :)

    dah siap satu! nak post besok...camne nih? orang dah mintak nih...owh noooo...

  3. aik camne leh tau teman cucu tokey ayam @ manjoi...

  4. keme yg ceghite, lupe le tu...kehkeh!

  5. afkapenk - gugusan manjoi tu bukannye besor benor yop.
