
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Visa For China

"Owh god, we haven't applied for visa (China)? The trip is in 15days!”

“How do we apply? Do we have to go there or get someone to do it for us?”

Don’t panic! You can get an agent from any Travel Company to apply it for you. The reason being? Simple. As for us, we have no time to do so.

I’ll tell you why.

There are two ways of acquiring Chinese visa, either you, yourself, walk in and apply for it, or get an agent from Travel Company to apply on behalf of you. (Well, if you have someone close to you who has plenty of time to skip work on one busy day, just close one eye and kiss his/her hand ya.) Plus, IT IS NOT EASY to apply on your own. Trust me, you know not Mandarin and there are many counters that only God knows what are they for, and you would never know which is which! That doesn't include different floors and buildings. So why bother? Just get someone to do it for you la kan :)

This Visa-L (issued for alien who travel to China for tourism purpose, so that makes me an alien) can be acquired as fast as one working day, and as slow as four working days. It’s your call. Because acquiring a Chinese Visa is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. Don’t believe it?

Well, there are two main categories of fee, Visa fee and Application Service fee.

Visa fee (collected for China Embassy)
Single Entry = RM30
Double Entry = RM50
Multiple Entries (within 6 months) = RM80
Multiple Entries (within 1-2 years) = RM120
Extra Visa fee for Third working-day collection = RM100
Extra Visa fee for the same day collection (pick up at3.30PM-4.00PM) = RM140

Application Service Fee (collected for I don't know what Center)
Regular Service for Fourth working-day collection = RM28
Express Service for Third working-day collection = RM100
Rush Service for the same day collection (pick up at 3.30PM-4.00PM) = RM140
*Need to be submitted before 10.30AM and collected at 3.30PM)

"WOW! So money oriented! So Chinese hor? Can you see the difference between regular and rush?"

And how it is calculated? Choose each one of the categories, and add it up.

As for us, since we are going for a Single Entry and Regular Service, we paid RM30+RM28=RM58. On top of that, since we use an agent to do it for us, additional RM12 for a “rempit” runner. In total, we spent RM70 for a legal paper to China. Not bad huh?

Do remember, BEFORE you apply for this Visa, make sure you have prepared the below three things :
1) A valid Malaysian passport (at least 6 months before application date) and of course, sufficient empty page-lah coz they going to glue that legal paper onto it.

2) A complete-accurate-genuine Visa application form with one passport size of yours truly photo, hehe! Owh, don’t worry, you can download it from here.

3) Money. Pay in cash during collection (if you go on your own-lah…if you use agent, you have to pay upfront la ye).

Kow tim! The next thing you see, a China Visa with Great Wall background glued on one of the pages in your passport! Woo hoo!


  1. i ambek multiple entry 1 yr... mana tau kot2 nak gi tgk terracota...ehehhe

  2. kalu bleh ckp mandarin pon... takkk kott... suh runner rempit aje.. hihihi

  3. u slalu pegi on biz purpose lily, takpe la...kitorang ni sabit nak gi jalan je...ingat nak skalikan je terracota tu, tapi xian jauh la plakkkkkkk! next time maybe? hehehe :D

    skin, harus lah guna rempit kan...tak kuasa aku...

  4. thank biqque for such an informative entry. this sure be helpful for me nanti :-)

    P/S: ur new layout cantik!!!

  5. ha byya, nak senang suh je travel agency buat tau...kalo tak, i rasa mmg bleh, cuma payah skit la...

    new layout ni jenuh i duk main html coding dalam template dia...ada yg jadi, ada yg tak...hahaha...

  6. Have you tried dumplings and roast ducks? They are the famous and traditional Beijing dieshes. And also bird's nest soup? Its a delicacy in China.

    Enjoy your days~~~


  7. May I know which travel agency that help you to apply china visa?

    urgent...thank you
