
Friday, July 23, 2010

Itinerary For China Trip

Preparing to hit China in few more hours...I leave you guys with these two crazy plans, and let you guys imagine how crazy we will be, once we landed :D

For the first time ever, I reveal our trip itinerary. Enjoys!

Plan A

Day 1 (24 Jul 2010 Sat)
0600 – Depart home
0830 – Depart KL
1435 – Arrive Tianjin
1520/1555 – Ride train to Beijing South from Tianjin Stn
1550/1625 – Arrive Beijing South
1630/1700 – Arrive @ hotel
1900 – Beijing @ night (Bird’s nest / Water Cube) (1.5 hrs)

Day 2 (25 Jul 2010 Sun)
0530 – Breakfast
0630 – Mutianyu by tourist bus (ex. Tiananmen or Xuanwumen)
0800 – Depart Beijing
1030 – Reach Mutianyu
1300 – Depart Mutianyu
1330 – Reach Honglou Temple
1430 – Depart for Beijing
1700 – Reach Beijing
1900 – Beijing @ night (Grand Theatre/Great Hall of People/Forbidden/Tiananmen)

Day 3 (26 Jul 2010 Mon)
0530 – Breakfast
0630 – Temple of Heaven
0930 – Forbidden City
1230 – Tiananmen Square
1400 – Beijing Zoo (2 hrs)
1600 – Hailong Market (Zhongguancun) (2 hrs)
1800 – Drum & Bell Towers (outside only) (1 hr)
1900 – Beijing @ night (Wangfujing/CCTV tower/CWTC/Xidan St)

Day 4 (27 Jul 2010 Tue)
0530 – Breakfast
0600 – Summer Palace
0900 – Beihai Park (1.5 hrs)
1030 – Ming Tombs (2.5 hrs + 3.5 hrs)
1630 – Rest @ hotel
1700 – Shopping @ Xidan St

Day 5 (28 Jul 2010 Wed)
0600 – Breakfast
0700 – Lama Temple (0.5 hrs)
0800 – Niujie St Mosque (1 hr)
0930 – Back @ hotel ready to check out hotel
1130 – Checkout to Beijing South station
1230 – Arrive Tianjin
1400 – To Binhai airport by cab
1550 – Depart Tianjin
2215 – Arrive KL
2345 – Home sweet home!!!

Plan B

[Sunrise @ 0450 & Sunset @ 1945; suggested bedtime @ 2200]

Day 1 (24 Jul 2010 Sat)
0600 – Depart home
0830 – Depart KL
1435 – Arrive Tianjin
1520/1555 – Ride train to Beijing South from Tianjin Station
1550/1625 – Arrive Beijing South
1630/1700 – Arrive @ hotel
1900 – Beijing @ night (Bird’s nest / Water Cube) (1.5 hrs)

Day 2 (25 Jul 2010 Sun)
0530 – Breakfast
0630 – Temple of Heaven (2 hrs)
0930 – Forbidden City (3 hrs)
1300 – Tiananmen Square (Monument of People’s Heroes / Mao Zedong Mausoleum) (2 hrs)
1400 - Hailong Electronics (Zhongguancun)
1700 – Rest @ hotel
1900 – Beijing @ night (Grand Theater/Great Hall of the People/Forbidden City/Tiananmen Sq)(2 hrs)

Day 3 (26 Jul 2010 Mon)
0500 – Breakfast
0600 – To Great Wall (Mutianyu) (2 hrs)
0900 – Arrive Mutianyu (3 hrs)
1200 – Depart Mutianyu (2 hrs)
1430 – Ming Tombs (2.5 hrs)
1700 – Depart for Beijing (1.5 hrs)
1930 – Beijing @ night (Wangfujing Street/CCTV Tower/CWTC/Shopping)

Day 4 (27 Jul 2010 Tue)
0530 – Breakfast
0600 – Summer Palace (3 hrs)
0930 – Beijing Zoo (2 hrs)
1130 – Drum & Bell Towers (outside only) (1 hr)
1230 – Beihai Park (2 hrs)
1430 – Lama Temple (outside only) (0.5 hr)
1500 – Relax @ hotel
1600 – Ox Street Mosque (optional)
1700 – Shop @ Silk Market/ Xidan St (4 hrs)

Day 5 (28 Jul 2010 Wed)
0530 – Breakfast
0830 – Checkout to train station
1000 – Arrive Tianjin
1100 – Tianjin City walk (or other POI) (2 hrs)
1400 – To Binhai airport by cab
1550 – Depart Tianjin
2215 – Arrive KL
2345 – Home sweet home!!

Chai cien! I'M OFF TO BEIJING!


  1. kalu aku kan.. hari kedua tu tido lepak hotel dulu hahahaha.. patut ko buat live blogging dr sana!! magnets jgn lupa xoxo

  2. silk market kena pegi.... shopping situ murah. fake bersepah and murah... kasut & bags lower ground floor. silk and decor atas2 (lupa tingkat). i dok kat china world hotel about 500mtr from silk market, office i across the street, cctv across the other side. i didnt get to jalan much, ur trip sounded nice n pack... upload blog tau...i wanna to see what i've missed...ehheheh... ENJOY.

    PS : surat sampai dak?

  3. wah best nye tgk itinerary Beijing nih...leh tiru nanti nih..hohohoho

  4. owh god! u guys HAVE to read my blog later! WHAT A TIRING TRIP!!!

    skin, adaaaaa, tidak kulupa...
    lily, itu harus! surat? takdak pun?
    root, need to change some items once u get there :D
    na, best ek...if u BUAT sume tu mmg i tabik!!! hahahaha!

  5. silk market - just another tourists trap. really a good place to practice your bargaining skill.
