
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Houston, TX USA He Went...Day 4

I was working today. I need to help the guys to do some reinstallation of Avantgard Quantum which I have no idea what it was. Waited and waited…from 10am till 5pm…owh god! They encountered a problem for the hotfix update! To kill time, luckily hubby was online on YM. He was given a chevy to drive around and I’m pretty sure, hubby able to adapt with any car, including this left hand drive type.

Hubby is a meat person, and I believe he’ll going to have a difficult time there finding for halal food (read what he has to say bout food at sekupang). Since we always fight about rabbit food back here (hubby luvs carrot so much! He puts it in almost every food that we had!), he now becomes a salad man…cute! (Ha, makan sayur banyak2! Sihat dan kuat!). Seafood? I think its quite hard to get it in States. Tah lah…

Then my team went out for lunch at Kak Leha Kelfood, Taman Melati, and I was so excited seeing those malay foods. Teringat kat hubby, apa la yg dia makan. And so the lunch was on me and it cost me around RM80 for 7 people! The most expensive nasi campur I’ve ever had. Tapi takpe la, they helped me a lot before and I took it as balasan special untuk diorang. Plus, the food pun sedap. Hehe.

I didn’t continue to help the guys to install the application as I need to meet Sistas for Elly’s Birthday Bash. We met up at a middle east resto behind Yow Chuan Plaza (teringat hubby lagi sebab dia pun kena cari kedai middle east kat sana for daging halal…). As usual, gelak tak hengat la kan…sampai tersembur-sembur air liur aku...seb baik semua dah kawin. Till Skin came with Sammy boy and Hasrul, with the cute little cake and gift. After a birthday song for Elly, she suddenly took out another little cake and gift, requesting others to sing another song, FOR ME! Hahaha…it was one month back, ni kira post-party la ni…luv ya! Both of us, me and Elly, got a book. Elly got an Anne Rice – Blood and Gold, while me, Curries – All types of curries in the world! Ha amik ko! Specially dedicated for hati and perut my hubby katanya. Mampos aku tak paham nama-nama rempah dlm English ni! I even pronounced it wrongly! Cum-in? Kahkahkah!

We lepak till 11.30pm-12.00amhuish dah lama tak lepak malam seh! Then we went back to Bukit Antarabangsa and I straight away dozed off.

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