Note : While waiting for me to draft new post on Sydney Trip, just enjoy the show :)
Who would expect snow in Spring huh? That's what happened during our trip to Sydney, Australia, on October 2012. It ruined half of our itinerary when roads were closed with strong wind, heavy rain, and thick snow. We thought that everything was a failure, but being us, we had the best out of it. Will blog about this trip soon. Till then, enjoy!
Here is the link :
The story behind the video-making.
Well, I had difficulties in deriving this video. Let me tell you this. I have approximately 134 clips that I shot in Sydney, and I have selected only 38 clips to be included in the final outcome. I am using Windows Movie Maker on XP that I believe, should be the outdated version. It crashed thousand times! I had to re-do the project, not once, not twice, but five times, due to my silly mistakes, where I dragged all clips directly from the memory card. Pfft! Though I cannot accept that this software don't keep cache and don't need original source files, I then transferred all clips into my laptop, and re-pointed all clips to correct path. Voila, it worked! But still, I was unable to save as movie file. Dang!
It took me two nights to figure out the issue before I switched to hubby's laptop, and finally managed to save a movie, with the help of Vista and latest version of Windows Movie Maker. Wooho! (Now I know why Raw said he has Publish button instead of Save as movie). I edited the existing project, but again, luck was not on my side coz I didn't perform Maghrib yet. Aih..I had an issue where half of the video was displayed as blank! I then got an idea and decided to separate the master file into two, save them as a movie each. Both had good display! So I re-joined them using the software, since Windows Movie Maker able to stitch them up. I swear, I prayed to Allah (non-stop) and said "Aku akan puasa kalo movie ni jadi". I then, published/saved the movie and closed my eyes with my both hands, while it was rendering.
I went for Maghrib and Isya' prayer and non-stop asking for Allah's help. I went back into our SoHo and saw the file was saved successfully. I took a deep breath and double clicked the saved movie...and on God's will, I realized that I had tears of joy...sob...sob...I'VE MADE IT! My first ever travel video! (I did Korea slideshow before, but not a fully-video presentation.)Alhamdulillah...ALLAH DOES HELP THOSE IN NEED. TRUST HIM. HE'LL SMOOTH YOUR THINGS. And so, I am fasting today :)

Awesomr!! Terbaekk wok!! Syiok tgk hehe
ReplyDeleteMuka Sharul paling tak leh blah, muka insan tak bersalah.. suka adegan dlm keta tu, muka dia alahaiiiiiiiii cam kesian kot!! u memang mak esah sangat!
ReplyDeleteako, hahahahaha first try :D
ReplyDeletena, mmg muka tak bersalah kena heret masuk ke kancah sawan video hahahaha!
Lovely! :)
ReplyDeletetgk video ni rasa nak tukar ticket!! !!!..... nak gi sydney gak,,,
and i tgk video ni dikelilingi my anak2 murid,,,, depa gelak giler tgk gambaq ni,,,,,
bes bes
wooowww...mabeles la bibik... enjoy tgk video bibik ni....suke sukeeee..
ReplyDeletepaling x boleh tahan shahrul kat bridge tu...apsal ddia sengih camtu ngan style jalan cam org mabuk wakakakaka.....jgn maraahh arr
ReplyDeleteneena, tx! we both having loving hubby kan? we say, they do :D
ReplyDeletesuhaz, ye ke? mesti diorang ckp kitorang gile hahaha! well, we just having fun when the weather was not on our side...beli la tiket! pi sana! :D kim salam anak2 murid :D
hulubalang, jgn muntah tgk tau hahaha! dia mmg buat2 jalan cam org mabuk todi, actually panjang lagi clip tu, kena potong sbb banyak gile 134 clips! yg dpt masuk 38 jer :D
* tembak firework ke udara lalu tepok pengakap 40 kali..
ReplyDeletehebak. hebak
*pandang langit*
ReplyDelete1st sebab memula ada terpampang nama aku.... *malu
Pastu part nyanyi lagu KAK NAM dalam keter tu kekekekek lawak sangat! lekekkekee
ok habis komen
kelakar la bedeo nih
ReplyDeleteterre mak esah dgn mende-mende sofware gala..
nganga lama jugak nak faham pembikinan bedeo tu (sampai sudah tak faham2)
well...teringin tapi..tak reti
demmm....masok ni dh 10x aku tgk bideo ko ni bibik....aishh sgt mengujakan....
ReplyDeleteperghhh!!! kudos to you bibik! hahaha air mata berjujuran tak time duk berdoa tuh? hahah sadis sungguh haiii kisah ko nih. penuh drama x abes2 papepun, i dah liked ur video kt utube. siap komen lagi. kekeke
ReplyDeletejggl, rain sgt kannnnn! hahaha! nyanyi kak nam tu tetiba muncul lagu tu kat dlm keta, radio sana, ape lagi! terus laaaaa hahaha!
ReplyDeletekak anash, prangai sekor2 cam tak betul hahahaha! seb baik sharul sporting, jenuh gak tu :D ala pasal the making tu mmg tak yah tanya la, rengsa tau nak siapkan!
hulubalang, biar betul? mesti ko gelakkan aku je kan? hahaha! mengong...
john, mekasih la like video yg tak seberapa nak betul ni hahaha! alhamdulillah doaku menjadi :D
kekekeke.... aku mmg x boleh blah tgk bideo si sharul cam org mabuk tu la... skali ngan bideo ko cam beruk mak yeh tu...opsss... kelako kelako kelakooo.. tp BESTTTT...
ReplyDeletehahahahaha hulubalang, mmg sengaja buat cam beruk pun hahahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteaku rasa aku antara org yg tengok dulu tapi paling lambat komen..keke..aku nak godek psl entry jepun ni...singgah sekejap drop by psl video...honestly aku suka..esp part laki ko. HAHAHAHA...perhaps more videos after this??
fatt, first time buat video, and rasa nak buat lagi dan lagi :D mmg best sgt bila nak compile, cuma obstacles bangang pasal software je yg buatkan aku merana kejap hahaha!
ReplyDeletewow!!! ulang tayang balik! kekekek