
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

USS - A History Of Alien Traveler 2012

Remember this post? The day that we called "Blackout Day!", where we posted the same entry at the same day and at the same time. This is our HISTORY.

This was what came out from the day after, where 14+3 of us (some were not in the picture) made another HISTORY.
Me - Thanks to myself for being so "unsangkarable" that I made this happen. Different country t-shirts theme was a bomb!
Hubby - Thanks for driving all the way back (but I drove the day before). I love you.
Na - Thanks for your sacrifice. I know Aqilah loves you like I do. (Kasut dia tak muat ada sebab tu.)
Chawan - Thanks for your sacrifice too. I can't say I love you, or Na will kick my ass.
Icam - Thanks my boy. This is for you. You've been there, you've done that. Now, go show off!
Lily - Thanks for your existence. I still cannot "kutip" my jaw with your fluent Mandarin. Chi sin!
John - Thanks for being super bubbly and whether you wear boxer or not, I don't care.
Janggel - Thanks for the touring info and now we know how FAR it is kan? Cam haram!
MasMZ - Thanks for your supernova photocapturing spirit. No one can't ever beat that!
MasZuber - Thanks for the hostel arrangement and now we know how FAR it is jugak kan?
Byya - Thanks for being "bidan terjun team leader" at the hostel. The uncle likes you la tu :)
Anash - Thanks for being so sweet and ready-to-chat with. I know now we both hate lady-boss.
Amy - Thanks for being the longest "maintain cun" girl. Envy your make-up regime.
Lin - Thanks for your aunt's service. And I know you can blend in very well with us.
Shahrule & The Gang - Thanks for "killing" me, Kak Anash, and Janggel with the rides. You CRAZY doctor!
Not to mention, thanks ALL for the flash mob at Far Far Away land. Hahaha!

We've made one HISTORY. To make another HISTORY, I had enough...NOTTTTTT!


  1. Seee..I'm first to comment!!!
    (Sambil sapu minyak hangin kat kaki)

    I am sweet?? too tau..
    Both of us sweet when jadi jaga to the begs at USS..hehe

  2. Biqque,
    ...tadi lupa nak letak nama..
    (From anash)..
    John, janggel, masmz, lily, maszuber, byya n amy..they are on the way back to kl..from alor gajah..
    Have save journey eh!!!
    A big compliment to cik ro!! No doubt about it..

  3. And i tot i was pirst...

    Biq, giler enjois... Rasa sabo next trip waima kat tugu neara pung... Hahahha....

    Kak anash, we had sooo much fun, asal kete stop jek, riuh kat restaurant.

    John n janggel tito kot. Hahahha...

  4. ok la ke-4 since tak tido lagi, aku rasa sume geng dah berdengkur tetonggeng kt katil kan.. haha

    Alhamdulillah dengan blog ni dan yg 1st person yg comment tuh maknenye aku dapat pasti kan yg biqque dan kak anash masih hidup, hehehe

    Janggel mane?

    Btw sorry ye rakan2, plan tetiba bertukar, sbb exam lagi xdpt nak join bersama2.. next trip hopefully~ korang mmg besh!!!!

  5. we survive roller coaster MERAH!!


  6. ye kami semua sungguh seronok!

    trip visiting tugu negara Lily? jommmmm..

  7. alaaa apesal aku tak firsttt???? alaaa beshnyeee tak sabo nk baca sume org punye updatee!! suka suka suka!! pasnih cik ro or sapa2 sila gogonise ape2 trip yeee... kakak cantek nk ikuttt.. seb beik kakak santek tak ikut arituu sebabbb kakak santek sakit pinggangg.. nk jalan g dapur pon xlarattt

    gambo lagikkkk..
    p/s- xsabo nk baca update icam hehehehe

  8. huaaaa bestnya!!!!

    Terima kasih semua sebab sudi layan kerenah aku.

  9. Aku di sini shah_rule, idop lagi hahaha dan BERJAYA SURVIVE BATLESTAR GALACTICA JUGAK!!!!!! hahahaha. Giler ko!

  10. Best gila lah you all. So sad I can't join. Makes me so envy that you guys can travel together.

  11. auw.. jalan masuk opis pun dah kengkang semacam jerk.. mana la masZuber nih.. nak video flashmob yg dirakam khas tuk kakak santek. hahaha.. thnx biq sbb tumpang kn aku.. dah naik pangkat jd pengembara tumpangan selepas Icam lah nih.. hahaha.. Janggel, ala mana John? nak ajak repeat lg. aku tak puas main semua ride yg ada.. ish.. kena kumpul duit tuk 2nd trip nih.. hahaha..

  12. wah kak anash tak tido lagi! hahaha! sume mmg best. tak sangka bleh layan kepala masing2.

    lily, tugu negara? confirm sume keras cam batu tu hahaha!

    janggel, yeahhhhh! we surviveddddd!

    shahrule, ko gigih dtg naik train tu pun dah cukup bertuah aku rasa :) kawan2 ko pun sporting gile and cute cam ko! suka cik ro :D

    skin, sembang tak benti sambil hentak2 kaki sbb kepenatan! hahaha!

    diana, if u ada, mesti u cakap mandarin dengan lily hahaha!

    lin, ko dah sekapal ngan icam, tapi icam tinggi skit pangkat dia hahaha!

  13. apasal aku tak first???? apasal? apasal? walhal aku bangun tido, sarapan, gosok gigi (eh terbalik! gosok gigi, sarapan), sikat-sikat rambut, sapu2 bedak terus tengok blog!

    Samat sempat sblom John! hahahahaha...

  14. tepen day trip or over the weekend, on!!!


    jom! nak gi super kinta, yik fong, gi jumpa icam... lalu kat tepi sungai seri vasagam (? betul spelling?) gua tempurung, kerepek cili dry, gunung rapat beli limau bali, ish.. cam panjang lak list... and i drive!

  15. flash mob.... ehehehehe.... alamak!!!!!

    *terus dapat jumpa Fiona ngan Shrek

  16. jom buat trip icam organize.. haha

    lily: perak plan, cam menarik.. haha jom2.. !

    janggel: bagusla ko pun dah melapor diri kat sini. ok semua sehat~ john je xnmpak lagik.. haha gamba roller coaster tuh tgk cam john pun struggle gak~ hahaha

  17. Kalo trip pegi Ipoh kite suruh ICAM organise!!! Dia kan I Love Ipoh! Hahahaha

  18. Hahahah sungguh best trip kali ni, walaupun penat macam haram jadah, skru kt kaki pun habis longar semua, sampai kene beli selipar baru lagi tak pasai2, memang berbaloi lalalala..

    Terima kasih jugak pada semua, nanti aku upload kat utube gambar flashmob yang tak berapa nak mob tu okayyyyyyyyyy...

    Next trip tepen? Ha cantikkkkkkkkk..ckp je bilaaaaa????

    Skin: Bukan nk buat ko jeles sgt, tapi SUMPAH memang BEST!!! Ko rugi 1000x sebab tak join first alien trip nih hahahahhaha...

  19. Mandi dalam almari yang paling ultimatum skali, akan ku ingat sampai bila2 hahahahah

  20. masmz, kitorang menantikan gambar dari camera ko sbb ko plg hebak! hahaha!

    ha, lily plak offer drive tu! cantek la tu korang :D

    janggel, suh icam plan nak bawak kita gi mana ok hahaha!

    na, flashmob dilupa jangan ok! bab mandi dlm lemari tu terbaekkk! hahaha!

    shahrule, mmg tak tipu, sume jerit cam setan kan! hahaha! jom terjah tepen plak! :D


  21. wah sakan kowang g USS ek coti-coti aritu ;-)

  22. aku org paling lambat sampai umah semalam!!! kepala still ting tong ni haaa...terpaksa keje half day je arini.

    overall best gileerrrr ok!!! terima kasih sume!

  23. ako, dengar2 u pun gi singapore kan?

    john, aku terus work from home, tapi dari pagi sampai skang, still tak benti2 keje...cis...

  24. Na,

    kalu gitu lepas nih jgn tinggalkan akuuuu.. aku tak jeles sgt psl masuk USS naik2 ride tuh.. tp aku jeles dgn rombongan nih.. aku nk ikuttt hahahahhaha

  25. takpe, ada gambar special 5 orang mengandung naik jurassic park! khas utk ko hahaha!

  26. kasut sport sape kaler merah weiii???? i like!! :p

  27. biqque,
    yup ... gi spore for window soping, bole? hahhaa... tak tau plak u all ada kat sana aritu,,, klu tak , bole je lepak sama

  28. ha nanti kena buat contest teka kasut sape :D

    ooo ye ke...kalo tak leh calling2! :D

  29. ha ha ha (masih penat)
    next trip jommmm

  30. penat2 u pun amy, menten cunnnnnnn! hahaha!
