
Monday, December 26, 2011

Old Entries Are Now With Pictures!

I spent my entire public holidays by uploading pictures in my old entries! I was long overdue request by some of the readers...not all...some...few...whatever!

And I just noticed that I used to blog like, SUPER LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG entry, coz I didn’t break it into places of interest. (Hmm...gile banyak idea! Semua nak cite!) Everything was dumped in ONE WHOLE DAY! (Gold Coast by days? How foolish I was!) But who cares…I’m not a smart-blogger those days…PEEBLE!

(Note : Click Older Post to continue reading the sub-entries)

Ok, all images are raw, set-to-small-view, but they are in sequel. I have grouped them separately, apart from the story, for I have no time to read-and-slot. OK WHATTTTT…I least you can “Oooooo” when you see the bottom portion kan…hahaha!



  1. barulaaaa sedapp skit aku nk baca entry GC ko. kalo tidakkk...satu gmbr pun tarakkkk!!! hampeh!~

  2. semangat ye nyahhh hang update balik..kalo aku, bior je ..hihi

  3. john, hahaha tu la, aku dulu kuat FB, so sume gambar letak sana...skang tidak lagi, sume gambar HARUS letak kat blog kannnnnn...ha sila2! aku letak mana yg perlu jer :) kat fb still ada sume...

    janggel, gigih ok! sakit dah wrist aku! aku duk baca balik trip jogja-balik-jakarta tu, cam best gile...aku penah sebut new zealand dlm trip tu, and tak sangka, sampai jugak aku ke NZ! hehehe!

    kemang, kena semangat ler jugak sbb orang duk mintak nak tgk gambor hahaha!

  4. ko nak reblog ke apa ni aku agak blur di situ. aku penah baca log ko psl phuket, phi2 & krabi...enjoy the stories tapi aku kena imagine gambar2nye sbb aku takde fesbuk nak terus ke link ko...

    memandangkan aku slow skit arini, so mknanya citer GC ko yg sblm ni ialah...? cer terangkan tak paham

  5. ha haruslah katam sekalik lagik..

    ok fatt sungguh blur haha

  6. hahahaha fatttttttt! aku tak reblog, aku gi tambah gambar dalam tu! sbb before this sume orang baca macam kena imagine sendri sbb gambar kat dlm fb (sebijik cam apa ko kata la), so aku dah letakkan gambar dari fb kat dalam SETIAP entry tersebut :D maka, if nak tengok imagination sebelum ni betul ke salah, sila layan gambar kat dalam tu balik hahaha!

    skin, aku baca balik, tergelak pun ade hahaha!

  7. okeh...

    wa ke sana sekarang...
    ellooo Biqque ...
