
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Am Now ITIL Certified!


ITIL® V3 Foundation Examination.
The purpose of the ITIL V3 Foundation certificate in IT Service Management is to certify that the candidate has gained knowledge of the ITIL terminology, structure and basic concepts and has comprehended the ITIL core volumes for Service Management.

It was 3-day foundation course, but you actually have 2 days to learn and study, before you sit for the exam, on the third day. 6 crazy topics with 2-INCH-THICK book! (Rasa cam nak rebus dan minum or kunyah-kunyah je macam chewing gum or buat ulam!)

I attended this course at InfoTrek Training Center inside the Amcorp Mall. (Sempat shopping hadiah for family day.) They provided breakfast, lunch and tea+kuih, so ok la. It's a paid-by-IBM course (nasib baik...) coz some company like i-Perintis, they do "bond" those who attended for 6-12 months. Tak bley larik!

Frankly speaking, I had 50-50 expectation on this course. But 32 out of 40 is bloody enough for me, coz the questions were super tricky and confusing, though few of the questions were spot-questions.

Alhamdulillah, Allah granted my wish :) Thank you Allah.

Pray even harder, Biqque. Pasni bleh la try market kat luar :D InsyaAllahhhhhh...

Latest news!

I dapat CASH AWARD from IBM for my excellent service! :D It's for my new roll yang I dok gaduh pening kepala buat cam orang gile tu. The best part, I was personally nominated by my big boss and it got approved! 300USD bebeh!
For her commitment, passion and diligence in working with the GDF core team in achieving a Satisfactory rating for Forum 4 with a turn around from the MIR results. She has proven to have innate skills in her QA role and understood the role well with good articulation of the concept. Excellent display for leadership in her role for the GDF QA.
Alhamdulillah, Allah is answering to almost all of my prayers. Thank you Allah, thank you! I promise to be a good hamba :)


  1. 300usd!!! Yeahhh pelancongan lagik!!! Tahniah Biqque :)

    *gambo lompat2 dapat hadiah ader tak??? Hehe

  2. tak sempat lompat sbb dpt call masa tu still dalam keta otw blk umah :D

    laki aku ajak gi naik kuda...bleh??? tak paham aku...

  3. wahh..biqque..itu baru betul..bukan display nama ajer..dapat award baru sebut nama hehehe...

    lagilah aku moood taknak kerja..

    akula - mak rahah

  4. mak rahah dah glamer abis kat townhallllllll hahaha!

  5. glamer buat hapa...hihihi...baik duk snyp2 dapat 300usd cam ko..kekekek..tahniah beb

  6. amboi biqque, inilah rezeki org kata. syukur & tahniah ;)

    nti bleh saving duit nak gi jepun!!

  7. aku masih sangkut kat ITIL 1 lagi.. ITIL 2 aku tak amik2 training lagi, dh bertahun2 aku delay.. menda free pun xmo, ha haa..

  8. aku gi pun sbb boss ckp baik utk kesihatan hahaha! nasib baik free and tak kena bond...

    if ko nak gi, gi infotrek ni cawan, dia nyer trainer nama eugene, mmg best! buku tebal tolak tepi, dia akan buat mind mapping, senang nak paham...

  9. Hahaha i duk berkali2 refresh blog u, sb u kata ada entry baru, tapi i asyik nampak harimau malaya jek, rupe2nye entry yg dimaksudkan sebelum entry Harimau Malaya.

    Hmm tahniah tanhniah! Iperintis tu memang cam tu (kedekut sikit ke byk? ewahhhh)..

    Cop nak tnya, sebab i tak penah tau pasal ITIL ni, ni sama taraf ngn CISCO, MCSE, SAP semua tu ke? Huhuhu teringin gak nak kene certified nih, tapi confirm kena bond jugak rasenye, sb SAP mahai sgt ler..

  10. SAP tu technical na...yang ni more on process/services/management side...dia cover system strategy, system design, system transition, system operation, dengan continual service improvement.

    kalo course utk technical, lagi mahal...makan riban jugak la, yg ni baru 1k jer...

    selagi u bleh kutip cert through company, baik u kutip...senang nanti bleh jaja merata :D tapi kalo kena bond, ha kena la stay dulu :D

  11. oh kami punye training internal jek, kalo xpas exam, bleh repeat.. cert dr ITIL certified..

  12. internal lagi sedap! senang nak pass, tak kesah nak repeat. ibm ada gak internal, tapi awal2 dulu la...skang antar luar, tu training center tu heran nape i attend aritu...

  13. congrates... mula ingat nak tanya u buat vmware ke sbb i nampak V3... but bila baca cert, bukan kot...ehheheh.... usd300, nak travel mana?

  14. simpan utk jepang le, pe lagi...negara tu mentekedarah duit tuuuu...

  15. kalu ikutkn dasar tak bersyukur ko patut dpt cash reward tu tiap tahun okeh!! tapi mmg Alhamdulillah sgt2.. akhirnye dpt recognition gak.. eh recognition tu xpenting.. yg penting duit sbb ko keje cam L<*(%&

    semoga rezeki ko bertambah pasnih.. amin.....

    p/s - aku dok nmpak ko propose panggilan pulau kt fatt... hoii aku jgn dilupeeee... lps may 2012 aku freeeee.......

  16. ha skin, invitation only, kita mesti termasuk siap2 dah hahaha!

  17. lepas may 2012 ye? klu gitu nti kita usha date yg sesuai. aku ingt nk buat pas raya...takmo aku beraya dlm keadaan gelap gulita. dahla aku ni pesen sunburn susah nak hilang

  18. huh sama la! aku ni kalo tanned, ewahhhhhh macam udang kena bako memula...lama2 dah macam negro kena bakooooo hahahaha!
