
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Biggest Loser : Biqque's Tummy Trim Project

After I watched Julia/Julie Project last weekend, I found it quite courageous to challenge yourself to do something that you really want to do. In that novel-based movie, Julia, an 8 to 5 government servant, who adores and obsesses Julie, an American lady who loves to do French cooking. Julia has challenged herself to complete a total of 524 Julie’s recipes in 365 days. And she blogged about it, everyday. Her posts, initially had no comment at all, and the first who commented was, her own mother. Slowly, her posts had attracted more readers and comments, and she was interviewed twice with food specialist and featured in articles.

Did she succeed? Yup! The biggest challenges that she had to overcome were to kill live lobsters and boned out a duck! And who was behind her all the time? Her supportive husband cum food tester.

As a consequence, adapting to the idea of challenging one-self, I’m thinking of doing that to myself. Cooking? Nah…that will make me even fat and fatter. Guess what, I’m fat and I’m over 30, I have no kids and I’m lazy, and the most evil, I have a husband who admires women-bod like Jessica Alba. AND WHO DOESN’T?
Well, I’m going to flatten my abs!
Don't expect me to get six packs, tolong la, at least, make it flat.

I’ve discussed with Na, who managed to lose weight in a blink, and she told me to do exercise. I was praying for her to mention ANYTHING but exercise, but she was cruel enough to me and said that sacred word…EXERCISE! Come on, I don’t even know how to spell it *chew nuts*, what makes you think that I can execute it? Pfft! She explained to me how important for me to burn the calorie first, before I do any Pilates. AND NOW PILATES? What the hell is that? Fine, I lie. I’ve seen it on TV, it’s a SLOW-MOVE BUT PAINFUL EXERCISE, but is that the only way?

And she answered, YES. Damn…

I then, googled and printed, on how to do Pilates, exclusively for abs.

With immediate effect (1st Nov 2011), I hereby announce that I dare my tummy to reduce in the size of 5cm (32cm to 27cm) in a month! *slap slap tummy, suck in, suck out*


Two months bleh? :D

I will not take rice for dinner, 
I will jog for 10 minutes, 
and do 8 types of Pilates for 30 minutes, 
every single night without fail. 

And it starts, TONIGHT! 

(Actually semalam dah test, Kiki terpinga-pinga tengok aku lari setempat kat landing tangga sambil pakai 2-piece tapi perut boroi, patu baring atas selimut, buat Pilates. Hahaha! Kes takde yoga mat!)

Support me ok?! *mata jegey sambil toreh2 pisau kat tapak tangan*


  1. gud luck bebeh!!
    aku admire gile movie julia & julie
    very inspired

  2. hahaha tx syana! jgn hangat2 taik ayam sudah!

  3. hahahah chayok!! chayok!!! I pun dah start smlm, hari ni betis sakit gile..bab*!!! hahaha..ok jom teruskan lagi kah kah kah!!

    Ajak kiki tu senam sekali, dia pun gemuk dah hahaha

  4. all d best fren...

    (apalah dosa Kiki kena tgk tuannya hari - hari 2 piece)...

  5. good luck! nk pinjam dvd workout aku dak? mlm smlm sami baru aje tnya 'mami bila nk exercise?' hahahha cinpeng btul.

    u can do it!

  6. haaahaha ako pun nak hekot sama arr!!!

    aduhaii leh tak ek dalam masa 2 minggu?? gurlpp..

  7. na, kita set ok? and tgk hasilnyer :D

    ciklily, muz, tx!

    skin, tv tadak hahaha!

    ako, ha pe lagi, jom!

  8. biqque,
    tips aku yg paling mudah ialah berenang...percayala beb, ko akan lose wight dlm sekelip mata kalau ko gigih berenang...

    ko kena paksa kiki join ko lari turun naik tangga gak pasni..perut dia berlipat2 sgt tu..hehe

  9. Good luck good luck..Saya pun nak diet.. Aim kurus 12 kg tapi cuma kurus 9 kg jer =_=..

  10. kan aku cakap guna julap jek.. kui kui..

  11. fatt, aku tau berenang tu mujarab, tapi mana aku nak cari swimming pool setiap ariiiii...sob sob!

    *kena beli condo la plak*

    kiki? huh, baru main tali skit dah rebah...

    tx diana :D

    cawan, tanakkkkkkkkkkkkk!

  12. woooi!!!! geng geng geng!!!! i start semalam guna max trimmer, bende yg ko diri dia goyang2 tuh. beli 2 tahun nioh baru kengkonon berkobar2 pakai, baru ingat nak jual 2nd hand and duit buat trip g mana2. nampak gaya excersixe jua akhirnye.

    i nak kurang 20kg leh??????? i GEMUK!!!! and tolong sket, you kurus!!!!!! na tuh, ish! i jeles tahap dewa gaban... member lost weight cam main batu srembat jek.

    why i nak kurus? sbb dec nak g spore ada conf 6000 orang.... mesti nampak lawa... ehehhe.... then xmas ingat nak gi taiwan or dubai.... nak gak cantek kan.

    cite nye... ada disiplin dak? start senang, maintain momentum tuh yg ARGJWBDEWFKBUJBDWUIOKNJ!!!!!!

  13. hahaha lily, awal2 je ni tatau camne nanti, harap2 buat betul2!

  14. not 5cm la, but 5inches.. it's always in inches these body or cloth measurements.. =)

  15. saya pun berhajat nak menurunkan berat badan lepas bersalin anak ketiga.. Tapi kena slow2 sbb skrg tgh BF baby.. xleh skip makan kalau x susu sikit jer...

    Nak tau apa lagi ku janji kalau aku berjaya kurus jadi berat 60kg? Aku leh dapat sebijik myvi tu...

    Doakan aku cepat2 kurus ek..

  16. 5inches is too fantasy :D i start with 5cm je hahaha!

    sama2 la kita kasi turun berat ye zu :D
