
Best Give-away Ever! And Ever Ever! I'AM THE WINNER!


(Read here for my contest entry.)

Lily the Globetrotter has chose me as the winner (coz I am the only IT spec who has not own any IT gadget :D) Hahaha! Yeayyyyyyyyyyy! Can't wait to use it! Will bring it wherever I go, whenever I want, sampai orang menyampah tengok I dok "touch-touch" menatang tu! Hahahaha!

**running around like crazy**

P/S: Cawan, pick up for me can ar? Wink! Wink!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Skywatch Friday : Bukit Tinggi

This week, in "Biqque, the Sky Watcher".

Fraser Hill, Malaysia

Another good place for short getaway. Our journey to Bukit Tinggi was full of fun in the presence of Meor and his friend, who happened to be a photographer. Hubby and I became his models, posing here and there like our special outdoor photoshoot. Though this place is secluded and almost have nothing to see, nothing to do, and no where to go, I still find it beautiful with a touch of French and Japanese on it.

Beach : Nil
Food : 3/5
Hotel : 4/5
Cleanliness : 4/5
Worth : 4/5

Credit : Skywatch Friday.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Makassar Trip Cookbook

I seriously got no mood to design the Makassar Trip Cookbook! We have not yet prepare ANYTHING...including the itinerary. And the trip is just 8days away! By having this hideous cover, I hope that it would kick our busy assess to get it done...hahaha!

Front Cover

Back Cover

P/S: And India trip is just 19days away! OMG!

Wake Up, Malays!

People say, melayu tak tolong melayu, mana melayu nak maju. Tapi macamana nak tolong melayu kalo cam gini gayanya?

Situasi : Tanya pasal loan.

Cina kata : “Pukul brapa you habis lunch? I pegi you punya office la.”
Melayu kata : “You datang branch la senang. Saya ada customer ni.”

Situasi : Mintak buat quotation.

Cina kata : “Ok, apa you mau? No problem.”
Melayu kata : “Hmm...banyak kerja ni…tak payah la cat dinding kot…”

Situasi : Datang tengok rumah. Janji jam 2 petang, nak buat quotation.
Cina kata : “Bila mau jumpa? Saya tunggu sana.”
Melayu kata : “Lagi 5 minit saya sampai. Kejapppp je lagi.” Tapi tak sampai pun.

Situasi : Tunggu quotation.
Cina kata : “Boleh, saya kasi fax itu quotation.”
Melayu kata : “Saya arini pun tak berapa sihat ni. Semalam busy. Nanti saya quote.”

Situasi : Dah dapat quotation.
Cina kata : “Bila mau start? Esok pun boleh. Ada 8 hari before raya maa…”
Melayu kata : “Raya cina? Bila raya cina?”

Situasi : Tengah proses nak confirm quotation.
Cina kata : “No problem, kita buleh kasi kurang lagi…”
Melayu kata : “Dah abih kurang dah ni…besi pun dengar kata nak naik…”

Situasi : Sembang petang lepas dapat quotation.
Cina kata : “You angkat barang sendri or cari supplier sendiri pun ok. Kita pasang saja.”
Melayu kata : “Nape amik cina? Bagi la kat orang kita. Tak campur orang la hangpa ni.”

Situasi : Dah confirm quotation. Try mintak lagi barang lain.
Cina kata : “Saya kasi free. Janji cantik. Orang tengok pun suka hati.”
Melayu kata : “Cantik memang cantik, tapi harga lain la…”

Situasi : Sembang petang lepas confirm quotation.
Cina kata : “Taiping banyak syok wor…”
Melayu kata : “Taiping? Serabaiiii! Teruk la hangpa ni.”

Situasi : Nak letak deposit.
Cina kata : “Total structure RM20,000 lebih. You suka la. RM200 pun boleh.”
Melayu kata : “Total RM6,000. Bagi la deposit RM2,000 terus, senang.”

Situasi : Baru nak mula pecah tanah.
Cina kata : “Jiran punya side, kita mesti buat elok-elok. Jiran mesti hati mau jaga.”
Melayu kata : “Lantak dia la masuk air ke tak, rumah dia, bukan rumah kita.”

Situasi : Dalam proses buat rumah.

Cina kata : “You ada tengok rumah ka? Dalam satu hari, kita sudah pecah dinding.”
Melayu kata : Tak kata apa. Senyap. Dah dapat duit la katakan!

I'm not trying to sound racist here, but tell me, who should I fall for? Mana la orang tak mudah amik cina untuk buat rumah? I admit, amik melayu, murah. Tapi quality? Unpredictable. Ok, don't question about quality concern is MENTALITY tu! Kenapa la masih ditakuk yang lama? BANGUN LA MELAYU OIIII!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Watery Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday : Batu Dam

This week, in "Biqque, Water, and Outdoor".

Batu Dam, Selangor, Malaysia

This dam only supply water, not the electric generation. It was built during British occupation in Malaya. The water supply serves Selangor and Kuala Lumpur people. It was a very fine day when hubby and I had nothing to do and need a very quick sightseeing. We drove for almost an hour plus to reach this dam and it was amazing to see this huge deep man-made lake.

Beach : Nil
Food : 2/5
Hotel : Nil
Cleanliness : 3/5
Worth : 2/5

Credit : Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Biqque's January Lucky Follower

It's time for Monthly Lucky Follower!

As promised, EVERY MONTH IN 2011, I will select one lucky follower.
And it starts THIS MONTH!


You don't have to do or say anything.
Just get lucky!

1. Create an entry "Biqque's January Lucky Follower" as your entry title.
2. Find your profile picture in my follower list and circle it. (As example, if you are the famous amous Ben, this is how it should be...pinjam jap muka ye cik Ben :D)

3. Leave your entry link in the comment section.

Lucky follower will get ONE mystery gift.
Stay tune on 1st Feb 2011 at 9.00am,
to know who got lucky!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Skywatch Friday : Sabah

This week, in "Biqque, the Sky Watcher".

Sabah, Malaysia

I had fun in Sabah with Chawana's family. In 3 days trip, we went to many places and I must tell that the food and the beach were awesome! One of the place that we visited was the tallest building in Borneo, Tun Mustapha Tower. Both views, from the land and the sea, were amazing with 30-storey circular glass sculpture, overlooking Likas Bay and Chief Minister's office in 360 degree.

Beach : 4/5
Food : 3/5
Hotel : 4/5
Cleanliness : 3/5
Worth : 4/5

Credit : Skywatch Friday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Watery Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday : Doha

This week, in "Biqque, Water, and Outdoor".

Doha, Qatar

This will be the TRANSIT place if you take Qatar Airways from KL, Malaysia to Houston, United States. I had 3 hours duration on through (alone) and 8 hours duration on flow (with hubby). We tried their local foods and drinks, went to the famous Souq Waqif, watched rich Qatarians in BMW, Hummer and Mercedes cruising around town, and met some good and friendly Malaysians. We had fun in this camel-land! Yalla! Yalla!

Beach : 4/5
Food : 4/5
Hotel : 4/5
Cleanliness : 4/5
Worth : 4/5

Credit : Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tony Romas

It's the day where I claimed my winning voucher for IBM Pool Tournament. We went to Tony Romas and had medium grilled steak, fish and chips, with super awesome drinks, Shirley Temple and Pina Colada. Yummy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Gifts : I Love Click - My Best Travel Picture Contest!


To all winners, I have posted your gifts on Saturday via PosLaju.
Cik Puan Hady
Ibu Ayah Damia
And Mama Zharfan
(I wrapped it before I snap it, silly me...)

To Zaff, please pass this to Baby Rizqy ya? Auntie Biq loves him. Muahs!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Military Jacket

I love MJ and FT, specifically when they wore military jacket.
Looks masculine.

And what I love about this jacket is, it has bow at the back.
That makes it more feminine.

So I get myself one.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anyone Want Red Stilettos Chandelier?

We've been visiting many lighting outlets lately. Trust me, Puchong is the heaven of lighting. Among all shops, there are two shops that offer selection of cheap lights. House of Lighting and Top Ten. Top Ten is already cheap but frankly speaking, House of Lighting is cheaper. It replicates a fish market that over-pack with tons of fish, and people are all over the places, ordering fish from sales persons in bulks! And guess what, they even have numbering system for you to queue, just to make payment! Hahaha! From ceiling type to hanging, and wall type to fencing, you can get as cheap as RM18. But of course, it doesn't come with energy saving bulb. You have to be smart enough to compute the total lost, before you blindly grab them. As for the design, you will have a choice to go for antique, or modern looks.

So, one of the items that we’ve been looking for is chandelier. Since we were in Ipoh last weekend, we went to this popular lighting shop in town. I've been admiring my MIL chandeliers (and FIL gardens too) and she suggested us to visit Wakong. It is popular with huge, expensive, modern and beautiful chandeliers. Some of them cost thousands! (OMG, Ipoh is so overrated lah, crazy pricey!) They have many types and designs in the showroom, but I was fancied with one chandelier across the room. Why? Because this one is one of a kind. I’ve been sneaking around the outlet just to avoid the sales person from seeing me snapping this picture. Did you guys ever imagine a chandelier of red stilettos hanging on your dining table, OVER your meals?
I might be old fashion but no offense, I do listen to old folks, not to "treat" shoes and prosperity or any good things, "equally". (One of the reason why I didn't get heels for my wedding, MIL didn't want it to be in line with food, telekung and sejadah.)

But, this chandelier is quite fashionable huh? Grab one at Wakong, Ipoh. Hehehe!

Anyone sees any other extraordinaire lighting than this? :D

Friday, January 14, 2011

Skywatch Friday : Phnom Penh

This week, in "Biqque, the Sky Watcher".

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

I went to Phnom Penh to Siem Reap via local bus. I've been tortured by listening and watching local Karaoke DVDs, one after another, ALL THE WAY! Can you imagine that? So I kill almost 80% of the time by looking outside and enjoyed the clear sky. It was dry season at that time. Cows and horses turned skinny, ponds were dried out, villagers had to outspread huge plastic and waited for rain to come. That's how they live their live and I'm glad that they are now, developing.

Beach : Nil
Food : 3/5
Hotel : 2/5
Cleanliness : 2/5
Worth : 4/5

Credit : Skywatch Friday.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Top 5 Most Populated Countries

I need to complete this!

Source from Mr.Wiki

This is one of our resolution for this year. We have landed on 3 of the most populated lands (red ticks), and will be completing the second highest in this coming February (green tick). I'm excited!

No. 1 - China (Beijing). Checked!
No. 2 - India (Delhi), (Agra), (Jaipur). This coming February.
No. 3 - United States (Houston). Checked!
No. 4 - Indonesia (Jogjakarta), (Bali), (Jakarta). Checked!
No. 5 - Brazil? World Cup 2014? Hahahaha! I don't mind if I have to watch the game from the big screen, outside of the stadium :) Espere Brasil!

So, who else been to any of these top 5 before?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

M.A.C Cosmetics

It's been a year I didn't visit M.A.C. But I lost control today and bought these!

Studio Perfect Foundation - NC40 (refill)
Being using this for quite sometime since it really suits my skin color. What else, tanned lah...zzz...

Mineralize SkinFinish Natural - Dark

This is actually for shading, but I'm gonna use it for blusher. That's the price I have to pay since I have tanned skin. Tested, workable. Not easy to get a good color on your tanned cheek you know...

Satin Lipstick Rouge A Levres - Cherish
Ok...lipstick is my most spendable item. Trust me, I NEVER satisfied with almost ALL of my lipstick. I bought, I tested, I didn't like, I put it away. I bought, I tested, I like, fine, I buy 3 more and stock it. The challenge is I like nude color, and nude means pale. If the color doesn't match, I will look like sea ghost. If the color match, I will look like Kim K. Haha! As for now, I choose this one.

Lipglass Brillant A Levres
This one completes the above lipstick. Since I chose nude lipstick, I have to counter it back with darker lipglass (not lipgloss ya).

Shading Brush - 217
I've been longing for this brush since the day I watched how to get smokey eyes in youtube! Tested with Carbon Eyeshadow, it makes a perfect smokey eyes.

With all these purchase, I'm gonna eat sand, rocks and grass for the whole year. Hahaha! Dang...