
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Genting Highland

Last year, we chose sun and splash for family holiday. We spent 2 nights at Pangkor Island, had satay and barbecue, banana boat riding, sight-seeing around the island, fishing, shopping and eating.

This year the whole family chose chill, freeze, and rip-off.
We parked our car at Genting Cable Car and queued for almost an hour. Bad decision. Going up via gondola during school holidays? (We had no choice as both of my sisters and in laws are teachers.) We used up 3 gondolas for the whole family. It was a windy day and the gondolas did stop for about 3 minutes, and I tell you, hanging and swinging on top of the hill wasn't fun at all!
We spent a night at Kayangan Apartment (4 rooms) with the price of RM700 instead of RM950. How did I do that? I slapped the reception's face! When I booked 2 apartments with 2 rooms each, she said the check-in time was 2pm. When I called a day before, she changed it to 3pm. And when we came to check-in, the apartments weren't ready yet and she told us the check-in time was 3-6pm! CRAZY! I have 10 adults and 12 kids with me who just walked 150meters in the rain with bags in hand, waiting outside the lift, and you expect us to wait there till 6pm?! So, I fought and fought, making fuss of everything, and voila, we got upgrade to a better apartment. (Not "that" better many issue as well...stupid management!)
We started our excitement with First World Indoor Theme Park where we rode two pay-per-ride Family Rides (RM8 each), that were Euro Express and Rio Float. It was hell of fun when adults rode with kids, screamed out loud, when it wasn't scared at all. Hahaha!
Even with packs of instant noodles, we still had lunch and dinner up there. AND WE GOT RIPPED-OFF! For a set of rice, 2 main dishes, and 1 vege, we had to pay RM17! For a set of chicken rice, we had to pay RM14! And for a small bottle of drinking water, we had to pay for RM5! Crazy huh? Total lost for lunch was nearly RM300!
Since all of my nephews and nieces eagerly wanted to play with snow, we finally burnt our money and went into the Snow World. Lucky I went in together with all of them, coz adults might have pushed them away to the corner, especially when they were asked to take coats and gloves. No one helped the kids, you know! And camera wasn't allowed (though I saw some did), so all the kids' parents including my hubby, took pictures and videos from outside the glass. We ended the night with snow throwing and shuffle dancing. Hahaha!
The next day, everyone was complaining that it was too cold till they can't breath and sleep. Where else, hubby and I slept in sweaters and we both got over-warmed in the morning and kicked down the quilt. Hahaha! We packed our things and some of us went out to have a sip of teh tarik, but couldn't find any spot to lepak. My dad went to ask one of the police officer and he told us the was one underground spot for staff that we can try. Haaaa...I cannot tell la where hehehe! It was wayyyyyyyyyyyyy cheaper than anything up there! We was overjoyed and became hip hopers! Hahaha!Since my step-sister drove to the apartment, we dumped all bags in her car. We walked to the Outdoor Theme Park and spent half day there. Since too many visitors queuing at ALL rides, we chose the nearest to the entrance, non other than Spinner. Fun for a starter. Then 6 of us rode the Signature Ride : Flying Coaster, and it was incomparable to the Superman Ride in Australia Movieworld! Hahaha! Fun but not too extreme. Superman is extremer! We then rode few Children Rides and Family Rides, like Matahari, Antique Car, Flying Dragon, Dinasourland, and Double Deck Carousel. We had to skip Pirate Ship, Rolling Thunder Mine Train, Cyclone, and Monorail due to rain and over-packed. But, we did try Corkscrew and only my step-sis's husband tried Space Shot. Hehe!

To go again?
Not for the next few years...I'd rather go to oversea since it is CHEAPER out there!


  1. sejuk gile la genting this time. lepas jmp that mamak shop, i think we can go there quite often heheh..

  2. weee.. suka sgt ngan genting
    pegi 100x pon xpe..heheh sejukk..bez...ngeh2x...

  3. LOL! Ha ha ha I love your garangness to slap the reception for pushing your check-in time. You will make a good tour leader!

  4. hhahhaa klu tak konpom kita terserempak kat atas genting aritu!!

    dah decide nak pegi then suddenly my sista malas coz anak dia kan baru operate so derang laki bini malas nak kendong anak hahaha sabo je la kan..

    *yeah tu pun nasib my sis preggy, klu tak mmg i paksa hangkut je sumer org last weekend....

    last2 i yg frust.. huwaaaa...

  5. haah sejuk gile macam kat korea aritu! bleh2, minum teh mamak yg sangat murah! :D

    nana, suka tu suka, tapi mahallllll!

  6. twilight, me, tour leader? ya, i WILL DEFINITELY force everyone to go here and there, do this n that, just to experience everything hahahaha!

    la ako, patut roger je join kitorang :D mesti meriah beb!

  7. haha. dapat jugak maen salji yek :p

  8. Quite an interesting family adventure. Merry Xmas!

  9. muni, tu la, like akhirnya kan...hahaha!

    reymos, happy holiday to u too :)

  10. huhuhu meriah percutian family tang cuaca sejuk tu memang unexpected langsung..huhuhu

  11. tak beshhh sbb tahun nih tak dpt join!! tak tahan tgk abahhhh!! hahahahaa.. next trip aku ikut!!

  12. meriah na, cuma tidak kesampaian je korang nak join...eiii geram i tau sbb lambat! cis!

    skin, tu la ko...kan ke dah rugi tgk abah hip hop! hahaha!

  13. kitornag pun mmg dah lama gile tak pegi ni...

  14. wow bstnye jengjalan... lama x gi sana lah.. sejuk macam dulu2 ker?

  15. best wei musim2 sejuk ni pg genting...but xmas xsesuai la too crowded. nx trip to genting la jom

  16. penah sekali naik cable car...serammm....

  17. ted, sejukkkkk :)

    eT, i tak takut tau, tapi ada gak la dok terpikir kalo cable tu putus eeeeeeeeeee...takut!

    byya, kota perabis duit namanya! hahaha!
