
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Status Profil FB Yang Kelakar

I dapat email pasal status FB yang super lawak. Ramai dah tau pasal benda ni, tapi lepas I google pembikin status-status FB lawak ni, si Giant Polar, banyak lagi yang dia buat sebenarnya. Tapi yang paling kelakar ialah :
1) Sultan Mahmud 2) Puteri Gunung Ledang3) Tunku Abdul Rahman Terbaru yang dia buat pasal Sin Chan. Hahaha! Lawak gile!
**Semua gambar diambil dari blog Credits to Giant Polar.

Piala Malaysia 2010 : Kelantan VS Negeri Sembilan

Tak sangka keeper Kelate ni comey jugak :) Macam muka jepun!
Gambar dari FB.

Tahniah pada pasukan Kelantan yang menang 2-1 semalam, menumpaskan pasukan N.Sembilan. Memang nampak Kelantan lebih banyak mengasak tapi N.Sembilan pun banyak jugak membuat percubaan.

Seperti yang dijangka, memang ada la letupan-letupan bom dan mercun di pihak penyokong Kelantan. Tu tak kira lagi balingan botol-botol air ke dalam padang. Sian tengok budak tukang kutip botol tu. Nasib baik menang, kalau tak, alamatnyer bakar kerusi lagi la tahun ni.

Tapi paling kelakar, bila Aidil selaku kapten pasukan Negeri Sembilan dikeluarkan sebab kecederaan, terus N.Sembilan dikatakan hilang arah hingga menyebabkan pasukan mereka kalah. Hai...takkan Aidil sorang je yang terer main? Lawak, lawak...nak salahkan Rita Rudaini kah? Hehe!

P/S: Bila la Perak nak masuk final ni...memang kompem la aku turun Stadium Bukit Jalil tu!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Need A Coat!

Never ending scroll...

How I wish I can get one of these coats...

Bencana Di Indonesia

Gempa bumi.
Gunung berapi.

Hmmm...tak cukup-cukup lagi ke? Tak tau la nak kesian ke apa...tak kesian, ni bencana alam...dah kesian, rakyatnya sendiri yang buat pasal...wallahualam.

Apa-apa pun, cerita yang paling menarik, adalah Mbah Marijan. Dulu kitorang ingat Mbah Marijan ni perempuan, rupa-rupanya lelaki. Mbah Marijan ni dikatakan "penjaga" atau "juru kunci" Gunung Merapi di Jogja. Sampaikan sepelusuk penduduk Jojga dibawah kuasa Sultan Hamengkubuwono (ye, Jogja adalah satu-satunya negeri yang ada Sultan kat Indonesia sebab banyak Islam kat sana), malah Tuan Presiden sendiri pun menganggap Mbah Marijan ni ada kuasa untuk mintak supaya Gunung Merapi ni tak meletus.

Islam atau tidak? Ye, kesemuanya Islam. Tapi ahli ulamak di Indonesia sebenarnya dah banyak kali dah nasihatkan orang ramai supaya tak taksub sangat ngan Mbah Marijan ni, ye la, dikhuatiri syirik plak kan. Kita sendiri pun boleh pikir mana yang betul mana yang tak. Selama ke ni bagi diorang, mungkin la Mbah Marijan ni punya pasal la, Gunung Merapi tu tak meletus setelah 400 tahun yang dulu (skit-skit tu biasa la). Tapi skarang, dah meletus, diorang kata plak Mbah Marijan ni "tewas" dek kuasa lava dan debu volkanik. Siap ada yang kata berlakunya kejadian-kejadian aneh sebelum Mbah Marijan ni meninggal dunia.

Seperti semua orang sedia maklum, dia ni memang tak nak pindah pun dari kaki Gunung Merapi tu selama ni, katanya biar la dia mati kat situ. Ada pengabdian spiritual baginya. Tapi dia tak paksa plak orang ikut dia, sape nak pindah, pindah la. Maka, tak tau la sape yang bodoh sape yang pandai kat sini. Kalau benar la ada orang sebegini di utuskan Allah, perlu ke diorang taksub mempercayainya? Mungkin la kot atas dasar popularitas dia selama ni. Kitorang pun bukan cerdik pandai agama nak menghukum haram dan halal.

Jogja ni setahu kitorang, memang suka percaya benda-benda camni. Dulu masa kitorang melawat Jogja, kitorang ada baca semua sejarah silam diorang yang sampai ke hari ni, masih dipraktikkan. Contoh, kisah Ratu Kidul kat Pantai Parangtritis. Katanya Ratu Kidul ni penjaga laut kat situ. Kalo tanak jadi pape seperti banjir ke, tsunami ke, orang mati lemas ke, tiap-tiap tahun kena buat penyembahan. Malah, Sultan kat Jogja ni pun turut turun padang. Siap ada tapak tempat Ratu Kidul ni nak singgah kat pantai tu, untuk jumpa dengan Sultan. Ni Islam nih! Itu tak masuk lagi kisah-kisah lain di Prambanan dan Borobudur. Ratu Jongrang dan sebagainya. Tapi tu takpe la, bukan Islam.

Apa-apa pun, kitorang bersyukur sangat-sangat sebab M'sia tak termasuk dalam bencana-bencana alam yang teruk camni (sebab tu jugak la M'sia tak secantik negara-negara yang ada bencana, takpe la kan.) Kalo tak, tatau la nak lari mana dah. Semoga Allah lindungi kita semua, Amin.

P/S: Kampung adik ipar aku kat tepi Gunung Merapi tu lah! Tah apa cerita orang sana...dengar-dengar habis segala tanaman.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vintage Shoes

Meet my new shoes!

My friend wasted her money too!
So vintage huh?

Godfather In The Making

S: Mana kedainyer ni...
A: Tuuuu...sana...kanan, kanan...

S: Ini kedai printer la Qilah...
A: Oppsss...mana Qilah tau...(nyum nyum)
S: Ha ni kut...
A: Tatau, tatau...Qilah tutup mulut, takut salah lagi...(nyum nyum)

S: (Speechless...terpegun melihat barang itu)

A: (Speechless...turut sama terpegun melihat barang yang sama)

S: Amacam, bleh?
A: Aaaaaaaaaqi (tak sempat abis cakap)

S: No, no...tak bleh beli ni, mahal...jom, jom!

A: (Gulp) Tak bleh ke? Yang tuuuu, satu tu jeeee...


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

FM Transmitter For Car

It's been a while since my car MP3 Player koyak. I sent it for repair but the car accessories shop told me it is beyond repaired. I thought of getting a new player, but it will only waste my money.

So, I have to live with it. For almost 2 years.

Untillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I saw one small rounded white color gadget in Adib's car! She told me it is a modulator, where it transmits signal to existing radio player via one designated frequency, and you can listen to any connectible USB pendrive, SDCard, MMC, and audio jack eg. iPod!

WOW! That answers to my request!

So I went to Berjaya Times Square and met Na, Cawan and little cutie kura-kura, Aqilah. The initial plan was to see Futuromic sales but too bad, it was out of expectation. (Lily, Pentex white and pink were there!) So we walked around and went into the IT Center.

There I saw this FM Transmitter! Tadaaaaaaaa!
I might be outdated, but please, let me be :) And I didn't buy it at BTS.
Instead, I got it at Lowyat. Cheaper by RM0.10 kahkahkah!
(HP USB pendrive sponsored by Lily.)

Ok, there are many brands in the market, but I chose RedFox coz it has Samsung Chipset in it's board, which makes the sound better than others (but I'm pretty sure, it's your speaker and boom box that play their roles).

This gadget supports up to 16GB and it is 32GB ready. It has 3 seconds reading speed and able to play over 1000+ songs and intelligently plays them by folder (tested live by one Chinese guy who complaint that his FM Transmitter unable to do that...hahaha!) It comes with remote control and it plays MP3 and WMA formats.

Interesting huh? And Cawan, even if other cars having the same frequency, it doesn't get interfered a.k.a other cars won't be listening to our played song. Thanks for making me wonder :)

Malaysia's Hop On Hop Off Bus

Is this how Hop On Hop Off bus should portray our country?
(Small HOHO icon but big babyGap advert.)

If I were a traveler who visit M'sia, I wouldn't know what bus is this...
I would have ignored this bus and waited for a tour bus, I think...till night? Hahaha!

I don't think other countries do this. Do they?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sedap Gilerrr Harga Pehhh!

For the past one month, I started to become a super cheap labor who worked more than 8 hours. In consequences, I have no time to cook for dinner.

Living in Puncak Jalil, if there is a new restaurant/stall open, we are the first to try (we did go to one restaurant that just launched, and got to know that it was the-first-day-opened for family and the mom cooked for us...can you imagine that?)

And so we saw a new stall opened next to Khay Segar, with interesting banner......masaKKan?
And I tell you guys, as per stated on the banner, "memang sedap gilerr and harga pehhhh"! The food is delicious and the price is cheap! From 1 cook, the expand to 2 cooks. From the side corridor, they expand to the parking lot. More and more Puncak Jalil-ers start to eat here.

PAC By Martha Tilaar From RedMummy

Remember this contest? RedMummy(dot)com, THE Blog!

I was one of the consolation prize winners.

So RM and I arranged one meeting at KLCC last Friday, to collect the prize. Initially, we set it to be at CIMB around 12.15pm, but I was having an adhoc meeting with my boss, so I had to postponed it to 1.00pm.

Dib picked me up and off we went to KLCC. We decided to eat at a place that has power point, since Adib wanted to copy some pictures, so out of 3 "in" places, we picked DOME. Later at 12.45pm, Fara joined us. She handed me our very first Runaway Project that we called, "Little Red Riding Hood", and the jacket was AWESOME! (Picture? Wait for Korea Trip ya?)

Fara then accompanied me to meet RM, plus, she offered to help me to take RM&I-first-time-meet picture. We reached CIMB and waited there. In order to spot RM, we had to screen almost every women's face who in the middle of rushing for their lunch. (Lucky we can skipped scanning all guys, who were going for their Friday prayer, hahaha!)

RM then texted me and asked me to go to Aseana. At this point, I really didn't know which Aseana that she was talking about. Lucky Fara knows KLCC! So she directed me to Aseana's location. Once reached,

"There..." from afar, I straight away spotted RM, who was in light baby blue shirt...........with her new hair!

I waved at her and introduced my name. She then took out one small wrapped box and handed it to me. She was sweet enough to apologize for not putting it in a paper bag. didn't matter to me pun :) Well, it was a pretty quick one, you know. We didn't talk much. Like what Russell Peters said, "take it and go" hahaha!

I then, excused myself and went out...and I stopped. My brain urged me to get a picture together with RM...and I thought, why not...I can blog about it! :) So I turned back and asked Fara to snap a picture of us.

"Nak tengok? Hehe...kena audit dulu..." RM smiled. (Hahaha...exactly like what I always do! If anyone took my picture, I will DEFINITELY want to see it first.)
(owh my...I'm fatter than RM...)

"Tak perasan ke rambut baru I..." RM said again. "Perasannnnnn..." I replied. Hahaha! Cute dowh! (How do I noticed? Coz when we waited for RM at CIMB, I told Fara to look for a petite lady with neck-length CURLY hair. And clearly she was not, when we met her at Aseana! Hik!)

The prize?

It was a 4-tier PAC eyeshadow powder by Martha Tilaar :)
Thank youuuuuuuuuu RM! Suka! Suka!
Jealousy strikes!
(We know what's behind it.)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rude Kids In Facebook, Continue...

He got chickened out, see what happened!

My niece cried while deleting his friend...(actually she cried coz her friend disrespected me and her mom, plus, I forced her to delete them, or else, I'll get her mommy to delete HER facebook...) but I know, she did it coz she really looked up on me and her mommy and this kid is not worth to have for as A friend. Come on, they just 12 y/o!!!

To parents, please...MONITOR your kids.

Kids In Facebook

My boiling point hits 110!

I don't know why kids nowadays being so rude! I don't know why parents nowadays allow their kids to have FB either! (Is there bring any good? I don't see it yet.) It is more frustrated when it involves my niece!

You see, my lovely niece trying to advise her cyber-friends-who-I-believed-her-schoolmates, not to curse in her page, coz her school teachers-who-happened-to-be-her-own-mom-and-mom's-friends will definitely read it. These two kids tried to test the water la...

There was one comment, Faiz put "What the F***",
but then he deleted it right after.Funny huh? But yet, irritating...and I guess, they don't know who I am to Athirah :)
Believe it or not, this kid has gone overboard!!!
Whose kid is this???


Friday, October 22, 2010

Gintell Massage Chair

Few weeks before, we went to Daiso IOI Mall to get some cheap stuff. On our way out, we saw these 4 massage chairs in front of us, which, one of the seat was occupied by a fat middle-aged guy, who seemed so relaxed with both his eyes closed. He must have enjoyed the massage, we guessed.

So we was fascinated to try lah. Since the other three chairs were vacant, we both sat side by side. Hubby was asking how this thing worked. Like old days, we used to put in coins into the slot, but this up-to-date-technology, didn't have any coin's slot. So we figured out, it had to be note's slot somewhere.

We pressed almost all the buttons that we saw but the thing still not functioning. Suddenly...

"Sis, this one need to be turn on first...let me do it for you..."

"Owh...I see..." shame, shame, looked left and right, and I stood up.

We waited for that tech guy to power on the massage chair, and hubby got it first. He inserted RM1 and the massage chair started to function.
Envy looking at hubby, I sat on the other chair and tried to insert RM1...but the light turned red. Huh?

"Hmmm...this one is not functioning la...let me repair it..."

And again, like an ugly dumb non-blonde girl who looked so stupid as if I didn't know how to use it, stood up and waited for the tech guy to fix it. Hubby was still enjoying his chair. Pfft!

Once fixed, I sat down and tried to re-insert the note. Again, the light turned red! I called the tech guy and showed him the red light. It wasn't me okay! This f**king note's slot not accepting my RM1! The tech guy was frustrated with the machine and started to open the whole circuit! Pity him.

I looked at hubby with sad face...waited for him to finish. (Yeah, I know there was another chair next to that big fat guy, but hell no, of course I want to feel the relaxation next to my hubby right?)

5 minutes later, hubby completed his relieving massage and I quickly forced him to get up. I then sat down and inserted the note, and enjoyed it. From head, neck, back, all the way down to my feet, I felt it. Should I get one?

(Dang...RM6k at least?)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Insuran Prudential

Sejak mula keja, tahun 2001, aku tak pernah terima idea untuk membeli insuran. Kenapa? Sebab aku sangat berpikiran negatif, tak percayakan orang, dan tak nampak apa kepentingan insuran tu pada aku. Lagipun, sebab tak penah jadi apa-apa kot kat aku (alhamdulillah syukur).

Sampai la skarang, 2010, barulah minda dan hati aku terbuka untuk terima perkataan insuran dalam hidup aku. Kenapa? Sebab aku dah berpikiran separa positif, dah mula percayakan orang, dan dah nampak apa kepentingan insuran tu pada aku. Lagipun, aku dah mula tua. Manalah tau...

Semalam, aku dengan rasminya dah beli insuran Prudential dari kawan aku, Suzana, kat Old Town Kopitiam yang pada asalnya aku tak support, tapi dah tempat tu je yang senang nak jumpa. Setelah bertikam lidah secara aman, al-maklumlah aku ni susah skit, dan demi nak memahami apa yang tersurat dan tersurat, barulah aku pilih untuk terima apa yang disyorkan.

Penyudahnya, aku lebihkan skit kat bayaran premium bulanan. Dapat la menyimpan sambil dapat kelebihan kalau aku permanent disabilities, yang mana dapat lebih banyak compared to bila aku mati. Sebab? Dah mati, bukannya aku dapat pun merasa duit tu. Paling untung, laki aku dengan Pak Ein, si bapak yang mata duitan itu. Hahaha! Pendek kata, yang lebih penting, kalo aku sakit dan tak mampu, ha yang tu aku nak banyak la kan.

Memang buat masa sekarang, company aku bayar semua. Memang aku pikir dua tiga kali, apa faedahnya aku amik lagi insuran sendiri. Jawapannya? Untuk allowance yang Prudential offer. Memang la kos rawatan, bedah, bilik, ubat, company tanggung. Tapi dengan adanya allowance dari Prudential ni, aku dapat la duit kocek buat bekalan tanggungan yang lain. Betul tak?

Pastu, Prudential plak kuarkan skim baru, yang mana aku bleh dapat auto upgrade pada tahun ke-5 dan ke-10. Senang-senang je bayar macam biasa, tapi total benefit tu bertambah-tambah. Patu kalau aku tak claim apa-apa pada setiap tahun, aku dapat lagi bonus dari Prudential. Tak ke bagus gitu? Sudahlah sihat, dapat duit pula. Doa-doakan la ye.

Aku harap, dengan adanya insuran ni, aku tak perlu la jatuh sakit dan gunakan semua ni. Tak nak la mintak kan. Tapiiiiiii kalo aku sakit, at least, aku dah terbela. Harap-harap, senang la proses nak claim nyer plak ye? Tak gitu? Hik!

(P/S: Terbela tu bukan bela ayam ye, terbela tu terjaga la...)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Train Your Cat To Behave

My cats really know how to behave. I wasn't sure whether it is me, who trained them well, but credits to them for having this good behavior since they were little. They ate and poop at the designated place, and didn't mess with things in my house (ok, except for vases and flowers...and plastic bags and ok, stop!)

When Cici still with Kiki, they slept side by side. Thank god they can get along with each other, even I didn't approve when Cici taught Kiki some street-cat-moves (Cici was a street cat while Kiki is a home cat).

When I was single, I used to bring them back to my hometown, afraid that pet shop couldn't take care of them like I how I did. First 20 minutes, they meow-ed from back to the front seat. Scared the hell out of me that they were going to jump out of the car and die. But that was only between cat owner-cat drama. After getting calmer, Kiki acted being a super cool cat by sitting on the dashboard, while Kiki sat on the car mat.

When night came and they can't see anything on the road, both started to feel sleepy and guess what, they sat side by side on the passenger's seat, watching me driving. ( nice.)

After a month without Cici, Kiki started to feel lonely and whenever he was in the car, he will find his own comfort zone, which was on our lap (and he didn't bother to get up at all).

But he travels no more. Whenever we aren't home, he now stay alone, 5 days at most, provided with enough food and water in his room. He gets full access to the whole house and the most that he couldn't be bothered to ignore is the one and only vase with flowers on dining table. That's it.

Nowadays, the most unbelievable thing that I am proud of Kiki is, he will NEVER sit on the couch WITHOUT his "kain batik". You know, he likes to sit in between of us, and hubby doesn't like that furry box-cat leaves his fur on the couch. So what Kiki will do, he stares at us, then looks on the couch, if there is none "kain batik" there, he will meows asking us to, please, put it on. If I have to take that "kain batik" from the other couch, I will ask him to stay and wait there till I come back, and believe me, he will do so. Unbelievable? Believe it. A cat with dog's attitude! (But I know he can't beat Mojo, Nanzo's cat, that can pick up a ball and wait for Nanzo to throw it again...huh???!!!)