
Friday, September 3, 2010

Hypothesis Balik Raya 2010

Do you guys know that,

Variable 1 : Someone who got married before us, will bring back his wife and daughter, balik raya with us.

Variable 2 : Someone who keep the secret from us, still thought that we don't know the truth, and still hasn't let us know about it.

Hypothesis: Someone who got married before us has told Someone who keep the secret from us that Someone who got married before us will bring back his wife and daughter balik raya with us but Someone who keep the secret from us still hasn't let us know that Someone who got married before us already got married!

Can you guys imagine,

Research 1 : How should we react when Someone who got married before us, with his wife and daughter, meet Someone who keep the secret from us, in front of us?

Research 2 : What should we say when Someone who keep the secret from us, ask us whether we already know that Someone who got married before us, already got married secretly and has a daughter?

O.M.G! O.M.G! O.M.G!

Help me with my Thesis! Any experimental framework to test or theories to make?


  1. sorry... i dun understand the whole post XD

  2. hahahaha simon...funny la...of course u dont understand coz u dont sambut raya :D

  3. ha?
    ni dah tahap pHD dah ni....

  4. tu la nyer...kalo tak, tak grad ni...

  5. kronixnye problem ni...lebih kronik dr masalah math egr 3 dulu.

  6. blue one and green one should discuss about you wan...

  7. all the best babeh! yg penting, berhati2 di jalan raya, semoga slamat tiba di kg halaman. hehehe

  8. lily, tu la, dunno whether they discuss or not...i will ask later...

    deb, tx :)
