Since we had 25usd free voucher for “saving the earth” campaign held by the hotel, we ordered breakfast. Eggs, tomato, and potato. Hubby was needed at the office that morning but he came back in the noon, to catch our flight at 4.00pm.

“Wah cantiknyer! Ape tu?”

“Ni la Souq Wagif tempat shopping tu…”
We went in and what we saw was just jubah, clothes, and households. HUH? Ape ni? We asked the locals, where we can get fridge magnets and one of the guy told us to go the the front side of Souq Wagif. Owh, bagus!

“Malaysian ke?” I suddenly asked.
“Haah…Tu kitorang dengar, you cakap melayu…” they replied.
Terus kitorang sembang kat luar. We talked and chat, while choosing the t-shirts to buy. Rizal worked at one of the oil and gas company, came to Doha 1 year back with his wife, Ina, and a son, Ikhtihad. Lots of stories being told and suddenly,
“Waalaikummussalam.” we replied.
Another Malaysian guy came and greeted us, who worked for Petronas. But he stayed in Doha, alone for 3 years, as he thought that Doha was not a good place for his kids.
I bought a t-shirst and 2 magnets before they invited us for dinner. They asked us to try a Qatarian food and tea. He chose I shop and ordered, while we sat on the high long chair. The tea was superb, as well as the “roti banjir with chicken curry”. There was another dish, like “roti tisu”, itu sedap gile!

We exchanged facebook and waved each other. We later went in front of the mousque and snapped few pictures, before we moved to the airport.

But 20,000km distance, 35,000 feet above ground on 500mph airspeed, for Houston, I will definitely do that again!